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Chapter 4 Review- VB

Decision Structure Allows a program's logic to have more than one path of execution.
If...Then Statement Causes other statements to execute only when an expression is true.
Boolean Expression Statement that can either be True or False
Relational Operator Determines whether a specific relationship exists between two values.
If...Then...Else Statement Executes one group of statements if the Boolean expression is true and another group of statements if the Boolean expression is false.
If...Then...ElseIf Statement Performs tests one after another until one condition is found to be true.
Logical Operators Combine 2 or more Boolean expressions into a single expression.
And All expressions must be true for the overall expression to be true.
AndAlso Short circuit evaluation. If the first is expression is found to be false, then the overall expression is also false.
Or One or all expressions must be true for the overall expression to be true.
OrElse Short circuit evaluation. If the first expression is true, then the overall expression is also true.
Xor One expression, but not both expressions, must be true for the overall expression to be true.
Not Takes a Boolean expression and reverses its logical value.
Unicode An international encoding system that is extensive enough to represent all characters of most of the world's alphabets. Used in string comparisons to determine if one string is equal to, greater than, or less than another string.
String.Empty Visual Basic constant used to clear string variables, TextBox control's text properties, and Label control's text properties. Can also be used to test if there is no input in a TextBox control.
ToUpper() String method that will convert all characters in a string to upper case.
ToLower() String method that will convert all characters in a string to lower case.
IsNumeric() Function that accepts a string argument and returns either True or False depending on if the string's contents contain a numeric value.
Length Property A member of the String class that returns the number of characters in a string.
TrimStart() Method that trims spaces from the beginning of a string.
TrimEnd() Method that trims spaces from the ending of a string.
Trim() Method that trims spaces from both the beginning and the ending of a string.
Substring() Method that returns a string within a string or a part of a string. Has 2 formats, one will accept the starting position, the other accepts both the starting position and the length.
IndexOf() Method that searches for a character or a string within a string and returns the index number where the character is found or the substring starts.
Select Case statement One of several possible actions is taken, depending on the value of an expression.
Input Validation The process of inspecting input values and determining whether they are valid.
TryParse() Method that lets you determine whether a string can be successfully converted to a specific data type. If the string can be converted to the data type, the method returns True. It may also assign the converted string to a variable.
Radio Button Controls that allow the user to select one choice from several possible choices.
Check Box Controls that allow the user to select one, multiple, or all values from several possible choices.
Created by: dellefson
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