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UNA FR 202 Ch 8

UNA, FR 202, The Ultimate French, Chapter 8

se brosser les cheveux to brush one's hair
se brosser les dents to brush one's teeth
se coucher to go to bed
se couper les cheveux to cut one's hair
se déshabiller to get undressed
s'endormir to fall asleep
s'habiller to get dressed
se laver to wash up
se laver la tête to wash one's hair
se laver les mains, la figure to wash one's hands, one's face
se maquiller to put on makeup
se peigner to come one's hair
se raser to shave
se reposer to rest
se sécher les cheveux to dry one's hair
s'approcher de to approach
s'arrêter to stop
s'asseoir to sit down
se dépêcher to hurry up
se diriger vers to head towards
s'éloigner de to move away from
s'installer to move/settle in
se promener to take a walk
se réunir to get together
se trouver to be located
s'amuser to have a good time
s'animer to feel more lively
se calmer to calm down
s'embêter to be/get bored
s'énerver to get nervous/upset
s'ennuyer to be/get bored
s'enthousiasmer to get enthusiastic
se fâcher to get angry
s'impatienter to get impatient
s'inquiéter to worry
se mettre en colère to get angry
s'offenser to get insulted/offended
se passioner (pour) to get excited (about)
se préoccuper to worry
se sentir to feel
se charger de qqch to take charge of something
se détendre to relax
se fatiguer to get tired
s'intéresser à qqn/à qqch to be interested in someone/something
se mettre à faire qqch to begin to do something
se mettre en route to get going
s'occuper de qqch to take care of something
se soigner to take care of oneself
se cacher to hide
s'échapper de to run away/escape from
se mettre en panique to fly into a panic
se moquer de qqn/qqch to make fun of someone/something
se mouiller to get wet
se plaindre de qqn/qqch to complain about someone/something
se salir to get dirty
s'acheter des cadeaux to buy gifts for each other, ind. obj.
s'aider to help each other
s'entraider to help each other
s'aimer to love each other
se comprendre to understand each other
se connaître to know each other
se détester to hate each other
se donner rendez-vous to make an appointment to see each other, ind. obj.
s'écrire to write to each other, ind. obj.
se mentir to lie to each other, ind. obj.
se parler to speak to each other, ind. obj.
se poser des questions to ask each other questions, ind. obj.
se regarder to look at each other
se rencontrer to meet, run into each other
se ressembler to resemble each other, ind. obj.
se téléphoner to phone each other, ind. obj.
se voir to see each other
se disputer to argue
s'entendre bien/mal avex qqn to/to not get along with someone
se fiancer (avec qqn) to get engaged (to someone)
se marier (avec qqn) to get married (to someone)
rompre (avec qqn) to break off (with someone)
tomber amoureux (amoureuse) de qqn to fall in love with someone
s'adresser à qqn to address someone
s'en aller to go away
s'apercevoir de qqch to notice something
s'attendre à qqch to expect something
se débarrasser de qqn/qqch to get rid of someone/something
se demander to wonder
se donner la peine de faire qqch to take the trouble to do something
se fier à qqn/qqch to trust someone/something
s'habituer à qqch to get used to something
se méfier de qqn/qqch to distrust someone/something
se passer de qqch to do without something
se perdre to get lost
se priver de qqch to deprive oneself of something
se rappeler qqch to recall something
se servir de qqch to use something
se soucier de qqn/qqch to worry about someone/something
se souvenir de qqn/qqch to remember someone/something
se tromper de qqch to go to/select the wrong thing
Created by: Rinson Drei
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