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Caged birds vocab

Immaterial insignificant; not important
Liberated Freed from or opposed to traditional social and sexual attitudes or ways of behaving
Calamitous causing great harm or suffering
Affluent having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things
Inordinate going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper
Paranoia unreasonable feeling that people are trying to harm you, do not like you, etc
Fiscal of or relating to money and especially to the money a government, business, or organization earns, spends, and owes
Prophesied to state that something will happen in the future
Vittles food or drink
Miraculous very wonderful or amazing like a miracle
Bridle a device that fits on a horse’s head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse
Impudent failing to show proper respect and courtesy
Indignity an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another’s feelings
Anachronism something that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong in a story, movie, etc
Opulent Very comfortable and expensive
Created by: jasmine.herring1
Popular Literature sets




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