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MP Pricing Terms

Price the value in money placed on a good or service. Also considered a major factor in the success or failure of a business
market share a firm's percentage of the total sales in a given market
break-even point the point at which sales revenue (earning) equals the costs and expenses of making and distributing the product
value the anticipated satisfaction consumers place on a product
demand elasticity when the demand for a product is affected by its price
price fixing occurs when competitor's agree on a certain price or range to sell their products
price discrimination occurs when a firm charges different prices to similar customers in similar situations
loss leader an item priced at or below cost to draw customers into the store
markup when resellers add a dollar amount or percentage to the cost of a product in order to arrive at a price
markdown the amount of a price reduction expressed in dollars or a percentage
price lining a special pricing technique that sets a limited number (low, medium, or high) of prices for groups or lines of products such as 10, 15, or 20.
penetration pricing when prices are set very low for a new product in order to encourage as many people as possible to buy the product and to keep unit costs low
price skimming sets a very high price for a new product to recover costs as quickly as possible
prestige pricing setting higher than average prices in order to suggest exclusiveness, status and quality
psychological pricing pricing techniques that help create an illusion for customers about the value of a product.
promotional pricing Offers lower prices for a limited period to generate sales. Most temporary pricing strategy
bundle pricing A pricing technique in which a company offers several products in a package that is sold at a single price.
odd/even pricing setting prices that all end in either all even or odd numbers. Ex $1.99 seems lower than $2.00
cost oriented pricing pricing an item by adding the cost of making the product to a profit amount desired by the company
multiple unit pricing offering multiple products (the same) for one price such as 3 for a dollar
inelastic demand means that the demand for a product will not change even if the price does - Examples might be: diapers, milk, bread, gasoline. etc.
everyday low pricing a type of psychological pricing strategy that signals to customers that the prices are always the lowest.
Special Event Pricing pricing items at a discount for a shot period of time usually related to a holiday or season
Created by: janice ritchey
Popular Marketing sets




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