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Mid term review

7th grade 50 terms and definitions

culture The shared characteristics of a group of people.
geography Means"earth description".geographic study encompasses the the enviorment of the surface of the earth and their relationshipof humans to this enviorment which includes physical and geographical features.
types of maps Their is a grid map and a large scale one and a small scale map and a physical features map and a political map.
hudson river The hudson river is begins in upstate new york at lake tear of the clouds in the adirandak mountains. it is named the hudson river because of the explorer henry hudson
themes of geography Place region human enviorment interaction location and movement.
place An area or location having boundries either definite or indefinite.
region An area of land with unique characteristics that distinguish it from other areas. '
human enviorment interaction All the ways that the enviorment affects the people and all the ways that people can affect the enviorment.
location The place site or position something such as landform,waterway,or city exits on earth.
movement The way peoples goods or themes move from place to place.
artifacts The refrence to archeology ,the scientific study of remains from the past.
incas aAgroup of native Americans originally from a village called south Curzo , Peru.
mayas The first to invent a advanced number system.
plains indians Native americans living on the great plains of canada and the united states.
columbian exchange The columbian exchange was an introduction to tomatoes, potatoes, cocao, tobacco, and corn into europe and asia.
iroquois confederacy To identify a specific tribe.
age of exploration The period of time that took place in the 1400's and1500's.
astrolabe Ancient scientific instruments used by astronomers and mariners.
compass A navigational tool for finding direction on earth's surface.
vikings The period has long been popular assocsiated with unbridled piracy.
gold,god,and glory They cared more about discoveries and they wanted gold, they believed in god.
conquistador Spanish conquerors who marched into the Americas.
Christopher columbus Born in Spain He was an explorer.He was the first to go west of Europe .He found the Bahamas and left school at the age of 14.
Indentured Servents a worker who agrees to provide a service for a specified time in return for some form of payment.
middle passage to describe the middle part of an enslaved person's journey from Africa to the america's.
new england colonies they include Massachusets,Rode island, Conneticut, new Hampshire,and Maine(mass.)
charter A written grant by a countries legislative or sovereign power.
jamestown their captain john smith forged an alliance with the indians.
cash crops products such as vegetables,fruits, lifestock or tobaccothat farmers grow just to sell to others.
middle colonies included new jersey, new york, pennsylvania, and delaware.
southern colonies included virginia, maryland, north and south carolina,and georgia.
differences between the colonies the north is the colony that leads all of the other colonies in the ftench and indian war. the middle colonies are called the "breadbasket" colonies because they are between the northern and southern colonies. the southern colonies are the colonies that a
religious tolerance they were puritans . puritans didn't want to follow their religion they wanted their own.
roger williams he founded the colony of rode island.
merchantilism an economic theory that was practiced by European powers from the 1500's to 1700's .
house of burgesses legislative assembly created in the british colony of virginia.
town meeting an assembly of qualified voters in a town.
french and indian war an argument over the ohio river valley for the fertile land.
albany plan of union proposal for a union of the colonies that was drawn up by the albany congress in 1754.
treaty on paris 1763 the treaty wasbetween france and spain on one side great britain on the other.
proclimation of 1763 a law that british parliment passed in 1763 soon after the british beat the french in the french and indian war.
commitees of coresspondence groups set up all in the 13 colonies in the early 1770's.
stamp act in 1765 the british passeda law that stated that the colonists would have to pay taxes for news paper ,paper and anything else that needed a stamp
intolerable act the british were upset because the colonists dumped tea into the boston harbor they dumped 300 chests of tea into the boston harbor that they shut it down.
boston tea party the colonists were mad because they kept getting taxed for tea cookies so they dumped 300 chests of tea into thew3 boston harbor.
boston massacre british soldiers stayed on guard at the custom house where the taxed money was kept.
common sense paine wrote a panphlet in 1776 about common sense.
thomas paine a writer who inspired american colonists to break free from great britain.
patriot people who wanted to be independent with great britain.
loyalists people who remained loyal with great briatin.
greivences statement stated by colonial representitives.
colonial methods of protest governing something,having an argument.
declaration of independence it stated that the united states was a new nation.
Created by: 22Chelseafan
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