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PTA Abbrev / Term

Abbreviations / Terminology relating to PTA

A: Assessment; denotes Assessment portion of a SOAP note
A or a Assist (type of assistance required; example: MinA or Min+A)
AAROM Active Assisted Range of Motion (Assisting a patient’s extremity through ROM)
Abn Abnormal
ADLs Activities of Daily Living
APTA American Physical Therapy Association
AROM Active Range of Motion; Patient can independently move extremity through ROM
Assist Assistance; (also see A above) The amount of help a patient requires
B or (B) Bilateral or both (Bil. Also acceptable but not preferred)
Bid Twice a day
biw Twice a week
B/S or BS Bedside
͞c With
CCU Coronary (Cardiac) Care Unit
CG or CGA Contact Guard (having 1or 2 hands on patient but provide assistance as needed)
c/o Complains of
D/C or d/c Discharged or discontinued
DNR Do not resuscitate
DOB Date of birth
Dx Diagnosis
EOB Edge of the bed
Eval Evaluation
Ex Exercise (commonly seen as TherEx=Therapeutic Exercise)
ext or / Extension
flex or √ Flexion
ft Feet or foot (measure)
f/u Follow up
fx Fracture
gt Gait
HEP Home Exercise Program
HHA Hand Held Assistance
Hx or hx History
(I) Independent or independently { ex: patient performs HEP (I) }
IP Inpatient (or when referring to the hand it is the Interphalangeal joint, IP jt)
LTG Long term goal
Max or max Maximal or maximum (ex- maxA+2: means maximum assist with 2 people)
Min or min Minimal assistance; requires patient to perform 75% and therapist 25% assistance
Mod or mod Moderate, (ex: ModA =level of assistance 50% patient & 50% therapist assists)
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
neg or - Negative (Symbol more commonly used in therapy)
NPO Nothing by mouth
NWB Non weight bearing (patient cannot bear weight on the specified extremity)
O: Objective; denotes objective portion of the SOAP note
O2 or O2 Sat Oxygen; or Oxygen saturation level measured by pulse oxsymetry
OOB Out of bed
OP Out patient
͞p Following, after { rememeber p as in posterior }
͞a Before { remember a for anterior }
P: Plan; denotes plan portion of the SOAP note
PLOF Prior level of function
PMH Past medical history
POC Plan of care
post op After / following surgery
PRE Progressive resistive exercises
PT Physical therapist or therapy
Pt. or pt. Patient
PTA Physical Therapist assistant
® Right { left is the the same with L }
reps Repetitions (example: 3x10 means 3 sets 10 reps each)
®LL; ® LE Right lower lobe; right lower extremity
R/O Rule out
ROM Range of motion
Rx Prescription ( can be medication or exercise prescription)
͞s without
S Supervision
S: Subjective, (denotes the subjective portion of a SOAP note)
SNF Skilled nursing facility
SOAP Subjective, objective, assessment, plan- a form of documentation of treatment
SOB shortness of breath
S/P or s/p Status post; (means following= usually used “following surgery”)
Stat. or stat. Immediately or right away!
STG Short term goal
Sx or sx Symptoms
tid Three times a day or 3x/day
tiw Three times in week or 3x/wk
tol. Tolerate or tolerated
tx Treatment, can also mean traction (example: mech tx- is mechanical traction)
UE, UEs Upper extremity(ies)
VCs Verbal cues; means using words to instruct or correct patient (pt needs VCs 50% to..)
VO Verbal order (Dr's order)
W/C wheelchair
X Times (example 3X10 means 3 sets of 10 reps)
↑ ↨ Increase(d) or up; up and down (example: pt able to go ↨ stairs)
Decrease(d) or down
↔ → To and from, can also mean side to side. To (example: sit →stand means sit to stand)
Not equal
Secondary or secondary to (example: Pt has ®LE pain 2° to DDD)
+ Positive or plus (example: +MRI for ACL tear)
- Negative or minus (example: -MRI R/O ACL tear)
# Number
Created by: HDShaffer524
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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