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Unit 2
Term | Definition |
Backlight compensation | The ability of a camera to compensate in cases where a subject with a a large amount of background light would otherwise be obscured. |
Birds eye view | A scene shot from directly above the action |
Cut | A scene change in a movie |
Establishing shot | Usually the first shot of a scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place. |
Eye level | A camera angle which shoes the subject as we would expect to see them in real life. |
Footage | Raw, unedited material as it had been originally recorded. |
High angle | A camera angle that shows the subject from above |
Low angle | A camera angle that shows the subject from below |
Over the shoulder | A camera angle that looks at the talking subject from the listeners perspective, literally over the shoulder. |
Panning | A camera movement that scans the scene horizontally. |
Script | A planning tool that includes "spoken" text of a video production. |
Stock footage | Video that is not custom shot for use in specific film. (archive footage) |
Storyboard | A series of sketches that are used as a planning tool to visually show how the action of a story unfolds. |
Tilting | A camera movement that scans the scene vertically. |
Videographer | Person recording with a video camera. |
White balance | Camera setting that adjusts for lighting in order to make white objects appear white in photos. |
Zooming | Altering the lens making the subject appear closer or farther away. |