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knowledge management practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization's intellectual resources.
innovation the introduction of new goods and services
quality the excellence of your product (goods or services)
service the speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what consumers want
cost competitiveness keeping costs low to achieve profits and be able to offer prices that are attractive to consumers
sustainability the effort to minimize the use and loss of resources, especially those that are polluting and nonrenewable.
management the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.
planning the management function of systematically making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual, a group, or work unit, or the overall organization will pursue
value the monetary amount associated with how well a job, task, good, or service meets users' needs
organizing the management function of assembling and coordinating human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.
leading the management function that involves the manager's efforts to stimulate high performance employees.
controlling the management function of monitoring performance and making needed changes.
top-level managers senior executives responsible for the overall management and effectiveness of the organization
middle-level managers managers located in the middle layers of the organizational hierarchy, reporting to top-level executives
frontline managers lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of the organization
technical skill the ability to perform a specialized task involving a particular method or process
conceptual and decision skills skills pertaining to the ability to identify and resolve problems for the benefits of the organization and its members
interpersonal and communication skills people skills; the ability to lead, motivate, and communicate effectively with others.
emotional intelligence the skills of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others
social capital goodwill stemming from your social relationships
open systems organizations that are affected by, and that affect, their environment
inputs goods and services organizations take in and use to create products or services
outputs the products and services organizations create
external environment all relevant forces outside a firm's boundaries, such as competitors, customers, the government and the economy.
competitive environment the immediate environment surrounding a firm; includes suppliers, customers, rivals, and the like
macroenvironment the general environment; includes governments, economic conditions, and other fundamental factors that generally affect all organizations
demographics measures of various characteristics of the people who make up groups or other social units
barriers to entry conditions that prevent new companies from entering an industry
switching costs fixed cost buyers face when they change suppliers
supply chain management the managing of the network of facilities and people that obtain materials from outside the organization, transform them into products, and distribute them to customers.
final consumer a customer who purchases products in their finished form
intermediate consumer a customer who purchases raw materials or wholesale products before selling them to final customers
environmental scanning searching for and sorting through information about the environment
competitive intelligence information that helps managers determine how to compete better
scenario a narrative that describes a particular set of future conditions
forecasting method for predicting how variables will change the future
benchmarking the process of comparing an organization's practices and technologies with those of other companies
strategic maneuvering an organization's conscious efforts to change the boundaries of its task environment
domain selection entering a new market or industry with an existing expertise
diversification a firm's investment in a different product, business, or geographic area
merger one or more companies combining with another
acquisition one firm buying another
divestiture a firm selling one or more businesses
prospectors companies that continually change the boundaries for their task environments by seeking new products and markets, diversifying and merging, or acquiring new enterprises
defenders companies that stay within a stable product domain as a strategic maneuver
independent strategies strategies that an organization acting on its own uses to change some aspect of its current environment
cooperative strategies strategies used by two or more organizations working together to manage the external environment
empowerment the process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization
buffering creating supplies of excess resources in case of unpredictable needs
smoothing leveling normal fluctuations at the boundaries of the environment
flexible processes methods for adapting the technical core to changes in the environment
organization culture the set of important assumptions about the organization and its goals and practices that members of the company share
organizational climate the patterns of attitudes and behavior that shape people's experience of an organization
programmed decisions decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers, and solvable by using simple rules, policies, or numerical computations
nonprogrammed decisions new, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers
certainty the state that exists when decision makers have accurate and comprehensive information
uncertainty the state that exists when decision makers have insufficient information
risk the state that exists when the probability of success is less than 100 percent and losses may occur
conflict opposing pressures from different sources, occurring on the level of psychological conflict or conflict between individuals or groups
ready-made solutions ideas that have been seen or tried before
custom-made decisions new, creative solutions designed specifically for the problem
contingency plans alternative courses of action that can be implemented based on how the future unfolds
maximizing a decision realizing the best possible outcome
satisficing choosing an option that is acceptable, although not necessarily the best or perfect
optimizing achieving the best possible balance among several goals.
vigilance a process in which a decision maker carefully executes all stages of decision making
illusion of control people's belief that they can influence events even when they have no control over what will happen
framing effects a decision bias influenced by the way in which a problem or decision alternative is phrased or presented
discounting the future a bias weighting short-term costs and benefits more heavily than longer-term costs and benefits
groupthink a phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus
goal displacement a decision-making group loses sight of its original goal and new, less important goal emerges
cognitive conflict issue-based differences in perspectives or judments
affective conflict emotional disagreement directed toward other people
devil's advocate a person who has the job of criticizing ideas to ensure that their downsides are fully explored
dialectic a structured debate comparing two conflicting courses of actions
bounded rationality a less-than-perfect form of rationality in which decision makers cannot be perfectly rational because decisions are complex, and complete information is unavailable or cannot be fully processed
incremental model model of organizational decision making in which major solutions arise through a series of smaller decisions
coalitional model model of organizational decision making in which groups with differing preferences use power and negotiation to influence decisions
garbage can model model of organizational decision making depicting a chaotic process and seemingly random decisions
situational analysis a process planners use, within time and resource constraints, to gather, interpret, and summarize all information relevant to the planning issue under consideration
goal a target or end that management desires to reach
plans the actions or means managers intend to use to achieve organizational goals
scenario a narrative that describes a particular set of future conditions
strategic planning a set of procedures for making decisions about the organization's long-term goals and strategies
strategic goals major targets or results relating to the organization's long-term survival, value, and growth
strategy a pattern of actions and resource allocations designed to achieve the organization's goals
tactical planning a set of procedures for translating broad strategic goals and plans into specific goals and plans that are relevant to a distinct portion of the organization, such as a functional area like marketing
operational planning the process of identifying the specific procedures and processes required at lower levels of organization
strategic management a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and implementation of strategic goals and strategies
mission an organization's basic purpose and scope of operations
strategic vision the long-term direction and strategic intent of a company
stakeholders groups and individuals who affect and are affected by the achievement of the organization's mission, goals, and strategies
resources inputs to a system that can enhance performance
core capability a unique skill and/or knowledge an organization possesses that gives it an edge over competitors
SWOT analysis a comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that helps executives formulate strategy
corporate strategy the set of businesses, markets, or industries in which an organization competes and the distribution of resources among those entities
concentration a strategy employed for an organization that operates a single business and competes in a single industry
vertical integration the acquisition or development of new businesses that produce parts or components of the organization's product
concentric diversification a strategy used to add new businesses that produce related products or are involved in related markets and activities
conglomerate diversification a strategy used to add new businesses that produce unrelated products or are involved in unrelated markets and activities
business strategy the major actions by which business competes in a particular industry or market
low-cost strategy a strategy an organization uses to build competitive advantage by being efficient and offering a standard, no-frills product
differentiation strategy a strategy an organization uses to build competitive advantage by being unique in its industry or market segment along one or more dimensions
functional analysis strategies implemented by each functional area of the organization to support the organization's business strategy
strategic control system a system designed to support managers in evaluating the organization's progress regarding its strategy and, when discrepancies exist, taking corrective action
Created by: fspeed
Popular Management sets




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