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Cards Feb. 21, 2016

Cards From Church & Other interactions

se afana por hacer algo strives to do something
afanarse to fidget; to toil too much
me registré par el retiro I registered for the retreat
an attack of nerves un ataque de nervios
Estamos ansiosos por muchas cosas. We are concerned about a lot of things.
Yo tengo mucho mes al fin del cheque. I have much more month at the the end of the check.
ayunando fasting
estamos en huelga We are on strike.
Vamos a ver como Dios se encarga de eso. We are going to see how God takes care of that.
¿Qué estás buscando de primero? What are you seeking first?
Cuando ponemos esto de primero. When we put this first.
No es conveniente. It is not convenient.
debido a la comodidad de él. because of the convenience of it.
estaré aqui sobre las 5 de la mañana, tu hora I will be here around 5 a.m. your time.
I am average. Estoy en el promedio o estoy en la media
lo mismo digo de hablar contigo I feel the same way about talking to you.
puedo mirar a cuánto equivale un pie I can see how much is equal to a foot.
¡Qué guay! ¡Qué chevere! How cool!
Me habria gustado verte hoy I would have liked to have seen you today.
la diferencia horaria the time change
Juan presumía de tener 10 motocicletas John was bragging about having ten motorcycles.
aparentar ser rico to seem to be rich
cerrar o subir la cremallera to zip or unzip
si se fragmenta if it breaks down
Supongo que debería I guess I should...
hemos menospresciado We have underestimated; we have despised
Aqui son 7 horas más que ahí, Here we are 7 hours ahead of you.
odio no poder hablar I hate not being able to talk.
me costó tiempo quedarme dormida It took me a long time to fall asleep.
presumo de que aparento menos edad I am bragging that I look younger
botiquín first-aid kit
bata de hospital bata de médico hostpital robe
estoy tan rigido I am a little stiff.
sabe feo tastes bad
Y te encerraría all! I would lock you in there.
una base de a foundation of
no se en que parte preferirias fijarte. I don't know in what part you would prefer to focus on.
dentro de un rato in a little bit
estaba haciendo la compra I was out shopping.
Estoy descarada I am shameless.
Te enseno lo que te apetezca I will teach you what you want.
a pesar de In spite of
efectivamente; Si efectivamente estudias really; if you really study
la jerga slang
arrastro ese dolor desde hace 3 noche I have had this pain for three nights.
cosas que invitan a otras cosas things that lead to other things
trayecto distance, route, trip
Me habiá parecido It had seemed to me
por entonces; en aquel entonces; en aquella época at the time
Déjame reiniciar. Let me try again.
era inoportuno It was bad timing.
Tengo el coche aparcado un poco lejos The car is parked a little far away.
Siento curiosidad por oirte hablar. I am curious to hear you talk.
Tienes claridad de lo que esa palabra significa? Do you know what that word means?
tenerte esposado to have you handcuffed
se ha hecho muy tarde It has gotten pretty late.
aprenderia mucho al estar de vacaciones alla I would learn a lot if I were on vacation there.
estoy seguro de que I am sure that
Acaso en la próxima reunión podamos tratar ese tema Perhaps we can discuss the topic in the next meeting.
dejëmoslo Let's stop it.
para que podamos escucharnos la voz So that we can hear ourselves
películas basadas en descuartizar personas movies based on not cutting up people.
un problema lioso a complicated problem
desearía haber estado alla contigo; Ojalá hubiera estado contigo. I would like to have been there with you.
sobre 60 dólares around 60 dollars
hacer estiramientos to do stretches
los masajes relajantes son una pasada relaxing massages are amazing
¿ cuándo saldrás? When are you leaving?
Cuando salgas, llámame When you leave, call me.
No es fácil encontrar a alguien con quien congeniar It is not easy finding someone with whom you hit it off (get along with).
No te hurgues la nariz (hurgarse la nariz) Don't pick your nose.
El quiropráctico solo coloca los huesos en su lugar. Los alinea The chiropractor puts the bones in their place. He aligns them.
estabas desesperada por hablar conmigo You were desperate to talk with me.
me daba mucha rabia haberte perdido! It was making me angry not being able to talk to you.
Creo que estás de reuniones I think you were in (a) meeting/s.
menos mal It's a good thing.
con aqua cristalina crystal clear water
tuve que rascar el hielo de mi coche I had to scrape the ice off my car.
¿qué hiciste mal? What did you wrong?
¿qué hiciste de malo? What did you do (morally) wrong?
Tranquilo. Te pasaré la factura No worries. I will send you the bill.
¡voy a frotarme las manos! I am rubbing my hands.
me trasnoché el lunes I stayed up all night last Monday.
Me quedé hasta toda la noche. I stayed up all night
ponerse colorado to blush
debes hacerme una demonstración You need to do a demonstration for me.
Tienes poco que mejorar. You don't have much to imporve upon.
Imagino que pocas de ellas hablaban inglés I imagine that few of them spoke English.
otro montón de tarjeta another pile of cards
una vez más once again
te pillé Gotcha!
está cada vez mejor It is getting better.
espero que haya unas playas (siempre es haya) I hope that there are beaches.
Había terminado de hacer pesas cuando me viste I had just finished doing weights (lifting weights) when you saw me.
pero temía que si me levantara, entonces ya me desvelaría I feared that if I were to get up I would stay awake.
El agua está a una temperatura perfecta The water is a perfect temperature.
Voy a una consulta de quiropractica I am going to a chiropractor appointment.
El masaje me destrozó. The massage destroyed me.
No me gusta lo gris que está afuera I do not like all the grey outside.
he tenido mala postura en la almohada estas dos noches, creo I have had a bad sleeping position on my pillow the past couple of nights, I believe.
Soy mayor que tú I am older than you.
aparte de eso besides that.
ayudar a que mejores to help you improve
lo más a menudo as often as possible
juramentos swear words
tu lengua madre your mother tongue; native language
una pregunta inadecuada/inapropriada an inappropriate question
soy estilisto/a I am a hair stylist.
esta haciendo frío, más de lo normal It has been colder than normal.
pensaba que estabas con tu trabajo I thought you were working.
Created by: tkeeler
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