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GI Medications

Stack #215236

Halitosis is a symptom of? Often a symptom of something else
With Mouthwashes and Gargles be care ful of Watch alcohol content
Hydrogen Peroxide Medications and use Dilute before useInclude Peroxyl gel, PerimaxPerimax rinse used for gingivitis
Oral Candidiasis symptoms and disease process Thrush, can get in GI, layrnx, pharynx, mouthWhite patchs, discomfort, weight loss, stop eating, dehyrdration
Thrush treatment Nystatin, swish and swallowremember (all antifungals)- more is not better
Herpes Simplextreatment, how it works, and is given and storage Acyclovir, if in suspension shake well, give with a full glass of water, protect from moisture, antiviral does not kill infection but helps body fight it off, lessens symptoms
Oral mucositis (chemotx, viral illness) Treatment pain conttrol, chloraseptic, xylocaine viscousmagic mouthwash (numb mouth)
Disorders of the esophagus, stomach and small inttestine include Barret's esophagus, achalasia, strictures(no real drug therapyGERD - acid refluxPeptic ulcer disease (H.pylori)Stress UlcersGastritisCentral neuropathy, gastroparesisanorexia
Drugs for Gerd and Peptic ulcer disease, goal and how? decrease the effect of gastric acid on mucosa by neutralizing acids, decreasing acid production, cyttoprotectice agents
Gerd symptoms and teaching Heartburn, substantial pain, nausea, couth with no respiratory reason / don't eat and lie down, no smoking, no tight fitting cloths, small frequent meals better , excersise/
Foods tthat irritate GERD tomato, alcohol, high fat foods, coffee, greens, high fiber, caffine, pepermint, smoking, acidic
Antacids, the great neutralizerprimary action neutralize acids(normal gastric ph 3.5-5.5)rapid onset, short duration(don't give sugar base at same time)(give other meds 1 hr. before or 2 hrs. after)
Antacid: Be aware of metal ions in OTC meds Tums, Rolaids- calcium(tums good for renal)malox, mylanta - aluminum, magnesium
Protton Pump Inhibitors: includes primary action Panttoprazole, esomeprazole, protonix, prevacid / suppress acid secretion
PPI: special considerations protonix, prevacid cannott be mixed with otther mmeds, give over 5 min. IV push, Iv piggyback not compattable with any other meds, flush before other meds (ns,protonix,ns) do not crush(prevacid if PEG meds)
PPI: side effects headace, GI complaints, weakness
H2 receptor antagonistts: med.primary action Ranitidine, famotidine (Pepcid) / inhibit gastric gland secrettion
H2 antagonists special considerations, 'tidine' pepcid administer with food to decrease GI side effects
H2 antagonistss/e dry mouth (famottidine) possible hypotension when given IVP
Eructation Belching
Cytoprotective Agent meds Bismuth compounds ( peptobismol, kaopectate)SucralfateMisoprostol (cytotec)
Cytoprotective AgentBismuth compoundspeptobismol, kaopectate hard on the kidneys, protein bound, salicylate(watch coumadin, digoxin 'protein bound')contain asprin, no children
Cytoprotective AgentSucralfate used forspecial consiteration Treatment of gastric ulcers, acts as a biologic dressing for erosion of mucosa / administer 1 hr. before or 2 hrs. after meals or other medications
Cytoprotective agentMisoprostol (cytotec)treatmentspecial considerations prevention of ulcers related to NSAIDS / give with foods or right after meals, not given to pregnant women, will induce labor
H.Pylori is? and require what 3 medications mostt diagnosed cause of pepttic ulcer disease / -antibiotic (tetracycline, metttronidazole)-PPI or H2 anttagonist-bismuch (peptto or kaopectate)
Antiemetics "prevent nausea and vomitingDoamine antagonistsand special consiterations -promethazine, chlorpromazine, compazine, tigan-metoclopamideall meds in this class must be dilutted and administered slowly when given IV
Antiemetics Dopamine antagonists action and how given(promethazine 'phenergan', chlopromazine, compazine, tigan Depress CNS and slow GI motility/PO, IM IV, Recttal
Antiemettics Dopamine antagonists (zine ttigan 'phenergan')/enursing interventionsspecial precautions sedattion, constipations, EPS/safety, fluids, assessment/extravessettin 'caustic, meds infliltrate, arm and hand amputation'
antiemetics Dopamine antagonistsMetoclopramide action and how given speeds gastric emptying and increases small bowel motility, blocks dopamine upttake/PO<IV
antiemetics dopamine antagonists metoclopramides/enursing intterventions sedation, resttlessness, eps, or parkinsonian type symp. psycohological changes in elderly/safety, fluids, assessment
Antiemetics: Antticholinergics med, how givenaction scopolamine (IV, transdermal)decrese GI secretions
Antiemeticsanttticholinergicss/e cant see cant spitt, cantt pee, drys up body secretions
Antiemetics: Antihistamines medsaction dimenhydrinate 'drmamine'act as anticholinergic agent
anticholinergic:antihistamine med, sside effectsnursing interventions drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth(same as benadryl), depress CNS/safety, I&O, rehyrdration
Antiemeticsserotonin receptor antagonists '5ht3'action indicated for n/v with chemo and posttoperatively
antiemeticsondastetron 'zofran'action, s/e, and how given monitor liver enzymes/may cause bronchospasms/IV
antiemeticsdolasteron 'anzemet'how givens/enursing interventions IV or PO/can cause HA and GI complaints, general weakness/watch cardiac conductivity, give with care to pt with low k levels
Still vommiting???miscellaneous agents marionl-derivative of THCNabilone-cannabinoid but not THCSteroids - used for chemo and radiationBenzodiazipines 'ativan' specifially for chemo patients
given for gastroparesismetoclopramide speeds up gastric emptyinggive before meals and att hsquick onset, short duration
given for gastroparesisdexpanthenol 'ilopan' much less common given IM or POprevention of paralytic ileus post-ops/e prurittus, rash, respiratory diff, diarrhea
appettite stimulantscyproheptadine'periactin' old, inexpensive oral medicationantihistamine classcautions: glaucomma, asthma, pregnancy, sedations and safety
Appetite stimulantsmegesterol acetate'megace' actually a cheme agentcommes in tablet and oral suspensionincreased risk for DVT
Lower GI Disorders IBD, 'crohns, ulcerattive colitis'DiarrheaConstipation diarrhea!high fiber, high vit.IBS_periods of diarrhea nd periods of constipation
Diarrhea increased frequency and fluidity of stools acute diarrhea is usually self limiting (virus)chronic diarrhea -f&E imbalance chronic
Constipation difficultt infrequent defecation3 days no bm
Drugs for IMDImmmunosuppressants Mesalamine 'chronic'Infliximab 'remmicade' crohnsadalimumab 'humira'
IBDmesalammine 'chronic' given PO or rectal (AC & HS)different formulations timed to act in specific intestinal regionss/e GI, weaknes, rhinitis, pancreatitis
IBDInfliximab 'remicade' chrons treatts intestinal lesions and the fistulas they cause given IV every 2-4 weekss/e h/a, facial flushing, tachyarrhythmias, during infusion
Created by: haleyowers
Popular Pharmacology sets




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