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Who said, "Yet here's a spot."? Lady Macbeth
Who said, "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me"? Macbeth
Who said, "Sons, kinsmen, thanes, And you whose places are the nearest, know We will establish our estate upon Our eldest, Malcolm, whom we name hereafter The Prince of Cumberland; which honour must Not unaccompanied invest him only"? Duncan
Who said, "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me"? Macbeth
Who said, "Are you a man?" Lady Macbeth
What is the witches' mantra? Fair is foul and foul is fair
Macbeth is obsessed with the concept of Time
The play opens with Battle
What nationality is Macbeth? Scottish
Which magical ingredient is not mentioned? Hair of a unicorn
Lady Macbeth calls on spirits to Unsex her
What attribute describes the three sisters? Bearded
What adjective describes the three sisters? Weird
What will Banquo's sons be? Kings
The play opens with the appearance of three…? Witches
What prophesy has been made about Macbeth? That he will one day become King of Scotland
Whom does King Duncan name as heir to his throne? His son Malcolm
How does Lady Macbeth signal to Macbeth that King Duncan’s chamberlains are asleep? By tolling a bell
What does Macbeth do to King Duncan? Murders him
To whom does “something wicked this way comes” refer? Macbeth
Why was Macduff not “of woman born”? Because he was delivered via C-section.
Whose ghost does Macbeth find seated at the royal table? Banquo
What does Lady Macbath claim to have on her hands while sleepwalking? Blood
Macbeth is angered by whose escape? Fleance
Who is the Earl of Northumberland? Siward
Which character does not have a speaking role in Act 2? Duncan
Which of the following is NOT a title Macbeth holds at some point in the play? Prince of Cumberland
What happens to Macduff and his family? His wife and children are killed while he is in England
How many syllables are used in iambic pentameter? Ten
Who or what does Macbeth "see" immediately before killing Duncan? A dagger
Who dies in Act 5 of Macbeth? Macbeth
Who does not have a speaking role in Act 4? Donalbain
Who is the eldest son of King Duncan? Malcolm
Who dies in Act 3 of Macbeth? Banquo
Who appears as a ghost during the feast in Act 3? Banquo
Who is the goddess of witchcraft? Hecate
Who says, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"? The witches
Who does mAcbeth kill in Act 5? Young Siward
Who says, "O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly!"? Banquo
Who dies in Act 1 of Macbeth? The Thane of Cawdor
What major event is occurring during the opening of the play? A Civil War
Who discovers Duncan's body in Act 2? Macduff
Who dies in Act 2 of Macbeth? Duncan's guards, Duncan
Who does not have a speaking role in Act 5? Lady Macduff
What is Lady Macbeth doing in Act 5 that causes a doctor to visit her? Washing her hands; sleepwalking
What major theme is explained throughout the play? Fair vs Foul
What are the 3 apparitions Macbeth sees during his visit to the witches? Armed head, Bloody child, Crowned child
Which prophecy makes Macbeth believe he has nothing to fear? He cannot be harmed by someone born from a woman; He should not fear until Birnam Wood attacks.
Who dies in Act 4 of Macbeth? Lady Macduff; Macduff's Son
Who is the Thane of Glamis Macbeth
What literary device is is used when a character speaks to the audience? Aside
Which character does not have a speaking role in Act 1? Hecate
What literary device is used to highlight a recurring symbol or theme? Motif
Created by: scaruso17



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