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9.AUD-Suppurative OM

Audiology SLP314

Suppurative OM development Bacteria enter ME through Infected tube swells shut & prevents drainage. TM and ME mucosa (lining) become infected. Suppuration - pus is produced , accumulates in ME space. More common in kids.
Two types Supp. OM Accute (develops and resolves quickly). Chronic (develops slowly and persists)
Treatment Supp. OM (2) 1. Antibiotics 3. Pressure equalizing (PE) tubes (child) 2. Myringotomy (adult)
Complications Supp. OM 1.Tympanosclerosis on TM, possibly ossicles 2.Ossicular errosion 3.Chronic TM perforation 4.Mastoiditis 5. Facial paralysis 6.Laberynthitis 7.Cholesteatoma
Laberynthitis Bacteria get into inner ear through round window or bone covering the horizontal semicircular canal. Causes permanent SNHL, dizziness.
Cholesteatoma Cystic mass that grows in ME.  Chronic TM perf- skin migrates into ME. Surgical removal necessary
Tympanosclerosis Chronic ear disease stimulates increase in number of cells in ear (similar to scar tissue). Forms in the fibrous layer. Rigidity results from excessive accumulation of these cells. If advanced, may cause conductive hearing loss.
Disorders of ME (3). Otosclerosis. Ossicular Interruption. Congenital Anomalies.
Otosclerosis Abnormal growth of bone, in area of oval window. Soft, spongy bone hardens into dense mass.  Causes stapes fixation. More common in women (esp preg)
Symptoms of Otosclerosis Gradual conductive loss. Begins unilateral, eventually bilateral. Tinnitus (low or medium pitch. Carhart notch (decrease in bone conduction at 2000 Hz). Shallow type A tympanogram.
Treatment of Otosclerosis Stapedectomy (varied success)
Cochlear otosclerosis Rare. Spreads inside cochlea, interferes with cochlear function. Severe mixed loss, no cure.
Ossicular Interruption causes (3) 1.Head or TM trauma. 2.Chronic OM (erosion). 3.Barotrauma (scuba)
Ossicular Interruption symptoms & treatment Flat 40-60 dB conductive loss. Deep type A tympanogram. Surgical reconstruction.
Congenital ME Anomalies Mis-shapen or missing ossicles.  Ossicular fixation (any ossicles). Middle ear space filled with tissue. Frequently occur with outer ear disorders.
Congenital ME Anomalies: causes, HL, Treatment Genetic or unknown. Varying amount of conductive loss. Surgery, hearing aids (esp. bone conduction)
Created by: ashea01
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