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Spanish Antonyms
English | Spanish |
A lot - much / Small (amount) | Mucho / Poco |
Able / Inept | Capacitado / Inepto |
Abort / Give Birth | Parir / Abortar |
Above – Upstairs / Below - Downstairs | Arriba / (A)bajo |
Absence / Presence | Ausencia / Presencia |
Absent / Present | Ausente / Presente |
Abstract / Specific | Abstracto / Concreto |
Active / Inactive | Activo / Inactivo |
Advance / Delay | Progreso / Retraso |
After / Before | Después (de) / Antes (de) |
Against / With | Contra / Con |
Alive / Dead | Vivo - Con Vida / Muerto |
Alone / Together | Solo / Junto |
Altruistic / Selfish | Altruista / Egoista |
Always / Never | Siempre / Nunca |
Ambitious – Eager / Lazy | Ambicioso / Perezoso |
Amusing - fun / Serious | Divertido / Serio |
Ancient - old / Modern | Antiguo(a) / Moderno(a) |
Angel / Devil | Angel / Diablo |
Animosity / Friendship | Enemistad / Amistad |
Answer / Ask | Contestar / Preguntar |
Answer / Question | Contestación / Pregunta |
Antiquated / Novelty | Reliquia / Novedad |
Applaud / Boo | Aplaudir / Silbar |
Appear / Disappear | Aparecer / Desaparecer |
Arrogant / Moderate | Arrogante / Modesto |
Ascend / Descend | Subir – Ascender / Descender |
Awake / Asleep | Despierto / Dormido |
Bad / Good | Mal – Malo – Mala / Bien |
Bad / Habit | Virtue - Vicio / Virtud |
Bane / Boon | Maldicion / Bendicion |
Beat / Caress | Golpear / Acariciar |
Beautiful / Ugly | Hermoso(a) / Feo(a) |
Before / After | Antes (de) / Después (de) |
Beginning / End | Principio / Fin |
Begins / Ends | Empieza / Termina |
Beneficial / Damaging | Beneficioso / Dañino |
Better / Worse | Mejor / Peor |
Big (size) / Small (size) | Grande / Pequeño |
Bitter / Sweet | Amargo / Dulce |
Black / White | Negro / Blanco |
Blessed / Damned | Bendito / Maldito |
Blonde / Brunette | Rubio(a) / Moreno(a) |
Blunt / Sharp | Desafilado / Afilado |
Blurred / Clear | Opaco / Transparente |
Boring / Exciting | Aburrido / Emociante |
Bought / Sold | Comprado / Vendido |
Brave / Cowardly | Valiente / Cobarde |
Brave / Tame | Bravo / Manso |
Bravery / Cowardice | Hombría / Cobardía |
Bright / Dull | Brillante / Deslucido – Mate |
Bright / Dim | Luminosidad / Bajo – Débil |
Broken / Repaired | Roto / Reparado |
Build / Demolish | Construir / Derrumbar |
Buy / Sell | Comprar / Vender |
Capable / Incapable | Capaz / Incapaz |
Carelessness / Meticulousness | Descuido / Esmero |
Chaos / Order | Caos / Orden |
Clean / Mess up | Limpiar / Ensuciar |
Cheap / Expensive | Barato(a) / Costoso(a) – Caro |
Clean / Dirty | Limpio(a) / Sucio(a) |
Clean (To) / Mess up (To) | Limpiar / Ensuciar |
Clever / Foolish | Listo / Tonto |
Close / Open | Clausurar / Inaugurar |
Clumsy / Skilled | Torpe / Hábil |
Cold / Hot | Frio / Caliente |
Collective / Individual | Colectivo / Individual |
Colorful / Black & White | Colorido / Blanco y Negro |
Comic (Funny) / Tragic | Cómico(a) / Trágico(a) |
Common / Rare | Común / Raro(a) |
Complex / Easy | Complejo / Simple |
Cool down / Warm up | Enfriar / Calentar |
Cowardly / Brave | Cobarde / Valiente |
Criticize / Praise | Criticar / Elogiar |
Cultured / Ignorant | Culto / Ignorante |
Curve / Straight bit | Curva / Recta |
Cut short / Prolong | Acortar / Prolongar |
Danger / Safety | Peligro / Seguridad |
Dangerous / Safe | Peligroso / Seguro |
Dark / Light (clear) | Oscuro(a) / Claro(a) |
Day / Night | Día / Noche |
Dead / Life | Muerto / Vivo |
Death / Life | Muerte / Vida |
Defeat / Victory | Derrota / Victoria |
Defend / Attack | Defender / Atacar |
Departure / Return | Ida / Vuelta |
Departure / To arrive | Partida / Llegada |
Deposit / Cost | Ingreso / Gasto |
Diabolical / Angelic | Diabólico / Angelical |
Dictatorial / Democratic | Dictatorial / Democrático |
Different / Identical | Desigual / Idéntico |
Different / Same | Diferente / Mismo(a) |
Different / Similar | Distinto(a) / Semejante |
Different / Same | Diferente / Mismo |
Difficult / Easy | Difícil / Fácil |
Diligent / Lazy | Diligent / Perezoso(a) |
Dirty / Clean | Sucio(a) / Limpio(a) |
Disappear / Appear | Desaparecer / Aparecer |
Dishonest / Honest | Deshonesto / Honesto |
Distant / Nearby | Lejano / Cercano |
Distrust / Trust | Desconfianza / Confianza |
Divorce / Marriage | Divorcio / Boda |
Dry / Wet | Seco / Mojado |
Dry off / Get wet | Secarse / Mojarse |
Dwarf / Giant | Enano / Gigante |
Early / Late | Temprano / Tarde |
East / West | Este - Oriente / Oeste - Poniente |
Eastern / Western | Oriental / Occidental |
Easy / Difficult | Fácil / Difícil |
Efficient / Inefficient | Eficiante / Ineficiante |
Eliminate / Add | Eliminar / Añadir |
Empty / Full | Vacío(a) / Lleno(a) |
End / Start | Parar / Arrancar |
End / Start | Terminar / Empezar |
End / Beginning | Fin / Principio |
Enemy / Friend | Enemigo(a) / Amigo(a) |
Entrance / Exit | Entrada / Salida |
Even / Odd | Par / Impar |
Everything / Nothing | Todo(s) / Nada |
Exaggerated / Moderate | Exagerado / Moderado |
Exciting / Boring | Emociante / Aburrido |
Exit / Entrance | Salida / Entrada |
Expensive / Cheap | Caro(a) / Barato(a) |
Explicit / Implicit | Explícito / Implícito |
Fact / Fiction | Realidad / Ficción |
Failure / Success | Fracaso / éxito |
Fake / Real | Copia / Original |
Fall / Rise | Decadencia / Auge |
Far / Near | Lejos (de) / Cerca (de) |
Fast / Slow | Rápido – Rapidamente / Lento – Despacio – Atrasado |
Fat - Obese / Thin - Skinny | Gordo – Grueso / Delgado – Flaco |
Female / Male | Hembra / Macho |
Feminine / Masculine | Femenino / Masculino |
Find / Look for | Encontrar / Buscar |
Find / Lose | Hallar / Perder |
Finish / Start | Final / Principio |
First / Last | Primero(a) / último(a) |
Fixed – repaired / Broken | Reparado / Roto |
Foreigner / Countryman | Extranjero / Compatriota |
Forgive / Punish | Perdonar / Castigar |
Fortunate / Unfortunate | Afortundo(a) / Desgraciado(a) |
Forward / Backward | Adelante / Atrás |
Fresh / Stale | Fresca / No Fresco – Rancio |
Friend / Enemy | Amigo(a) / Enemigo(a) |
Full / Empty | Lleno(a) / Vacío(a) |
Funny / Serious | Gracióso – Cómico / Serio |
Future / Past | Futuro – Provenir / Pasado |
Gentleman / Lady | Caballero / Dama |
Get light / Get dark | Amanecer / Anochecer |
Get worse / Improve | Empeorar / Mejorar |
Get wrong / Get right | Fallar / Acertar |
Giant / Dwarf | Gigante / Enano |
Go / Come | Ir / Venir |
Go down / Go up | Bajar / Subir |
Good / Bad | Bueno(a) / Mal – Malo |
Good looking / Ugly | Guapo / Feo |
Good mood / Bad Mood | De buen humor / De Mal Humor |
Guilty – Culpable / Innocent | Culpable / Inocente |
Happy / Sad | Alegre - Feliz / Triste |
Happy / Angry | Alegre - Feliz / Enojado – Enfadado |
Hard / Soft | Duro / Suave - Blando(a) |
Hate / Love | Odio / Amor |
Healthy / Sickness | Saludable / Enfermedad |
Healthy / Sick | Sano / Enfermo |
Heaven / Hell | Cielo - Paraíso / Infierno |
Heavy / Light | Pesado(a) / Ligero(a) |
Hell / Heaven | Infierno / Cielo |
Here / There | Aquí - Acá / Ahí – Allí - Allá |
Hired / Fired | Contratado / Despedido |
Hired / Fired | Empleado / Despido – Echado |
Honest / Dishonest | Honrado – Honesto / Deshonesto |
Horrible / Wonderful | Terrible / Maravilloso |
Humble / Proud | Humilde / Orguiloso |
Hungry / Full | Hambriento / Lleno |
Ignore / Notice | Ignorar a / Tender |
Illegal / Legal | Ilegal / Legal |
Hot / Cold | Caliente / Frío |
Immigrant / Emigrant | Inmigrante / Emigrante |
Import / Export | Importar / Exportar |
Impossible / Possible | Imposible / Posible |
Imprudent / Prudent | Imprudencia / Cautela |
In / Out | Dentro / Fuera |
In back of / In front of | Détras de / Delante de |
In front of / Behind | Delante / Atrás |
Inaccessible / Accessible | Inaccesible / Accesible |
Include / Exclude | Incluir / Excluir |
Incomplete / Finished | Incompleto / Acabado |
Incorrect / Correct | Incorrecto / Correcto |
Industrious / Lazy | Aplicado(a) / Flojo(a) |
Inefficient / Efficient | Ineficiente / Eficiente |
Inflexible / Flexible | Inflexible / Flexible |
Innocent / Guilty - Culpable | Inocente / Culpable |
Inside / Outside | Dentro / (A)fuera |
Intelligent / Stupid | Inteligente / Estúpido(a) |
Interested / Not interested | Interesado / Desinteresado |
Interesting / Boring | Interesante / Aburrido(a) |
Interior / Exterior | Interior / Exterior |
Intermittent / Continuous | Intermitente / Continuo |
Internal / External | Interno / Externo |
Into / Out of | Hacia - En / De – Entre - De entre |
Invisible / Visible | Invisible / Visible |
Irrelevant / Crucial | Intranscendente / Crucial |
Lack of control / Control | Descontrol / Control |
Last / First | último / Primero |
Last night / This evening | Anoche / Esta Noche |
Lasting / Fleeting | Duradero / Fugaz |
Late / Early | Tarde / Temprano |
Laugh / Cry | Reír / Llorar |
Laughter / Crying | Risa / Llanto |
Lazy / Ambitious | Flojo(a) / Perezoso / Ambicioso |
Lazy / Diligent | Flojo(a) / Perezoso / Trabajador |
Left / Right | Izquierda / Derecha |
Less / More | Menos / Más |
Let go / Grab | Soltar / Agarrar |
Liberty / Slavery | Libertad / Esclavitud |
Lie / Truth | Mentira / Verdad |
Life / Death | Vida / Muerte |
Light / Shadow | Luz / Sombra |
Light / Dark | Claro – Claridad / Oscuro |
Light / Heavy | Ligero(a) / Pesado(a) |
Light / Darkness | Luz / Oscuridad |
Little / A lot | Poco(a) / Mucho(a) |
Long / Short | Largo(a) / Corto(a) |
Loser / Winner | Perdedor / Ganador |
Losses / Profits | Pérdida / Ganancia |
Lost / Found | Perdido / Encontrado |
Love / Hate | Amor – Cariño / Odio |
Luck / Bad luck | Suerte / Mala Suerte |
Majority / Minority | Mayoría / Minoría |
Male / Female | Macho / Hembra |
Malign / Benign | Maligno / Benigno |
Manual / Automatic | Manual / Automatico |
Many / Few | Mucho / Poco |
Masculine / Feminine | Masculino / Femenino |
Matt / Glossy | Mate / Brillante |
Maybe / Sure | Quizá(s) / Seguro |
Mean / Generous | Tacaño / Generoso |
Meticulousness/ Carelessness | Esmero / Descuido |
Minimum / Maximum | Minimo / Maximo |
Modern / Ancient | Moderno(a) / Antiguo(a) |
More / Less | Más / Menos |
Much / Little | Mucho(a) / Poco(a) |
Narrow / Wide | Estrecho(a) / Ancho(a) |
Nasty / Likeable | Malo / Bueno |
Natural / Unnatural | Natural / Innatural |
Near / Far | Cerca (de) / Lejos (de) |
Nearby / Distant | Cercano / Lejano |
Neat / Sloppy | Ordenado – Limpio / Desordenado |
Necessary / Unnecessary | Necesario / Innecesario |
Negative / Positive | Negativo / Positivo |
Never / Always | Nunca / Siempre |
New / Used | Nuevo / Usado |
New / Old | Nuevo / Viejo |
Nice (people) / Unpleasant (people) | Simpatico(a) / Antipático(a) |
Night / Day | Noche / Día |
No one / Someone | Nadie / Alguien |
Nobody / Anybody | Ninguno / Alguno |
Noise / Silence | Ruido / Silencio |
None / Some | Ninguno / Alguno |
North / South | Norte / Sur |
Not drinkable / Drinkable | Impotable / Potable |
Nothing / Something | Nada / Algo |
Novice / Veteran | Novato / Veterano |
Obese / Thin | Obeso(a) / Delgado(a) |
Obey / Disobey | Obedecer / Desobedecer |
Obvious / Hidden | Aparente / Oculto |
Old / Young | Viejo(a) / Joven |
Old age / Youth | Vejez / Juventud |
On top / Under | Encima (de) / Debajo (de) |
Open / Close | Abrir / Cerrar |
Opulence / Shortage | Opulencia / Escasez |
Organize / Disorganize | Ordenar / Desordenar |
Outgoing / Journey | Returnida / Vuelta |
Outside / Inside | Fuera / Dentro |
Pale / Tanned | Pálido / Bronceado |
Pass / Fail | Suspender / Aprobar |
Passive / Active | Pasivo / Activo |
Past / Future | Pasado / Provenir |
Permit / Prohibit | Permitir / Prohibir |
Pessimistic / Optimistic | Pesimista / Optimista |
Pleasant - nice / Unpleasant - Not Nice | Simpático / Antipático |
Pleasure / Grief | Alegria / Tristeza |
Poor / Rich | Pobre / Rico(a) |
Possible / Impossible | Posible / Imposible |
Posterior / Previous | Posterior / Anterior |
Postpone / Bring forward | Posponer / Adelantar |
Poverty / Wealth | Pobreza / Riqueza |
Present / Past | Presente / Pasado(a) |
Present / Absent | Presente / Ausente |
Pretty / Ugly | Bonito / Feo |
Private / Public | Privado / Público |
Productive / Unproductive | Productivo / Infructuoso |
Professional / Amateur | Profesional / Aficionado |
Proud / Humble | Orguiloso / Humilde |
Protagonist / Extra | Protagonista / Extra |
Put up a fight / Give up | Resistir / Rendir |
Polite / Rude | Amable / Grosero |
Possible / Impossible | Posible / Imposible |
Question / Answer | Pregunta / Contestación |
Quickly / Slowly | Aprisa / Despacio |
Quiet / Noisy | Silencioso – Tranquilo / Ruidoso |
Radical / Moderate | Radical / Moderado |
Rare / Common | Raro(A) / Común |
Reduce / Increase | Disminuir / Incrementar |
Refined / Vulgar | Refinado / Tosco |
Reject / Accept | Rechazar / Aceptar |
Relevant / Irrelevant | Relevante / Irrelevante |
Religious / Atheist | Creyente / Ateo |
Renovate / Preserve | Reformar / Conservar |
Respectful / Disrespectful | Respetuoso / Irrespetuoso |
Rested / Tired | Descansado(a) / Cansado - Fatigado(a) |
Return / Departure | Vuelta / Ida |
Rich / Poor | Rico(a) / Pobre |
Right / Wrong | Correcto – Bueno / Incorrecto |
Right / Wrong | Exacto / Equivocado |
Right / Left | Derecha / Izquierda |
Robust / Weak | Robusto / Endeble |
Round / Angled | Redondo / Angular |
Sacked / Hired | Despedido / Contratado |
Sad / Cheerful | Triste / Alegre |
Safety / Danger | Seguridad / Peligro |
Same / Different | Mismo(a) – Igual / Distinto |
Sane / Crazy | Cuerdo / Loco |
Separate / Put together | Separar / Juntar |
Servant / Master | Criado / Amo |
Set sail / Anchor | Zarpar / Anclar |
Shadow / Light | Sombra / Luz |
Sharp / Dull | Afilado / Romo |
Sharp / Dull | Agudo – Afilado/ Embotado – Desafilado – Romo |
Short / Long | Corto(a) / Largo(a) |
Show / Hide | Manifestar / Ocultar |
Shy / Extrovert | Tímido / Extrovertido |
Silence / Noise | Silencio / Rudio |
Silent / Talkative | Taciturno(a) / Hablador(a) |
Silly / Clever | Tonto / Listo |
Similar / Different | Semejante / Distinto(a) |
Simple / Complicated | Simple / Complicado |
Sincere / Insincere | Sincere / Hipócrita |
Single / Married | Soltero / Casado |
Skillful / Clumsy | Hábil / Torpe |
Slavery / Liberty | Esclavitud / Libertad |
Slim / Fat | Delgado / Gordo |
Slow / Fast | Lento / Rápido |
Slowly / Quickly | Despacio / Aprisa |
Slowness / Speed | Lentitud / Rapidez |
Small / Tall | Bajo / Alto |
Small / Big | Pequeño / Grande |
Smart / Dumb | Listo – Inteligente / Tonto – Bobo |
Smooth / Rough | Suave - Liso / áspero – Rugoso |
Sober / Drunk | Sobrio / Borracho |
Soft / Hard | Blando(a) – Suave / Duro(a) – Sólido |
Some / None | Alguno / Ninguno |
Someone / No One | Alguien / Nadie |
Something / Nothing | Algo / Nada |
South / North | Sur / Norte |
Speed / Slowness | Rapidez / Lentitud |
Spend / Save | Gastar / Ahorrar |
Sporting / Unsporting | Deportivo / Antideportivo |
Start / Stop | Arrancar / Parar |
Start / End | Inicio - Al Principio / Fin |
Straight / Curly | Liso / Rizado |
Straight / Crooked | Recto – Derecho / Torcido – Doblado |
Straight / Curved | Recto / Curvo |
Straight / Winding | Recto / Tortuoso |
Strong / Weak | Fuerte / Débil |
Stupid / Intelligent | Estúpido(a) / Inteligente |
Success / Failure | éxito / Fracaso |
Successor / Predecessor | Sucesor / Antecesor |
Sunset / Sunrise | Puesta del sol / Salida del sol |
Superficial / Deep | Superficial / Profundo |
Superiority / Inferiority | Superioridad / Inferioridad |
Sure / Maybe | Seguro / Quizá(s) |
Surroundings / Center | Perifería / Centro |
Sweet / Sour | Dulce / Agrio |
Sweet / Bitter | Dulce / Amargo |
Synonym / Antonym | Sinónimo / Antónimo |
Talkative / Silent | Hablador(a) / Taciturno(a) |
Tall / Short | Alto / Bajo |
Take away / Give | Quitar / Dar |
Take off / Land | Despegar / Aterrizar |
Take out / Insert | Sacar / Meter |
Talkative / Quiet | Hablador / Callado |
Thankful / Thankless | Agracedico(a) / Ingrato(a) |
Thankless / Thankful | Ingrate(a) / Agracedico(a) |
There / Here | Allí / Aquí |
Thin / Thick | Fino / Grueso |
Thin / Fat | Flaco(a) / Gordo(a) |
Tired / Rested | Cansado(a) / Fatigado(a) / Descansado(a) |
This Evening / Last Night | Esta Noche / Anoche |
To Accept / To Offer | Aceptar / Ofrecer |
To Admit / To Deny | Admitir / Negar |
To Answer / To Ask | Contestar / Preguntar |
To Appear / To Disappear | Aparecer / Desaparecer |
To Approach / To Go Away From | Acercarse a / Alejarse de |
To Arrive / Departure | Llegada / Partida |
To Ask / To answer | Preguntar / Contestar |
To Be Bored / To Have A Good Time | Aburrise / Divertise |
To Be Born / To Die | Nacer / Morir |
To Be Missing / To be excessive | Faltar / Sobrar |
To Begin / To end | Empezar / Terminar |
To Bless / To curse | Bendecir / Maidecir |
To Borrow / To lend | Pedir / Prestar |
To Buy / To sell | Comprar / Vender |
To close / To open | Cerrar / Abrir |
To come / To go | Venir / Ir |
To cover / To uncover | Cubrir / Descubrir |
To create / To destroy | Crear / Destruir |
To criticize / To praise | Censurar / Elogiar |
To cry / To laugh | Llorar / Reír |
To curse / To bless | Maidecir / Bendecir |
To delay / To hurry | Tardar en / Apresurarse a |
To deny / To grant | Negar / Otorgar |
To deny / To admit | Negar / Admitir |
To destroy / To create | Destruir / Crear |
To die / To be born | Morir / Nacer |
To disappear / To appear | Desaparecer / Aparecer |
To disunite / To unite | Desunir / Unir |
To drop / To pick up | Dejar caer / Recoger |
To empty / To fill | Vaciar / Llenar |
To end / To begin | Terminar / Empezar |
To enter (in, into) / To leave (from) | Entrar (en) / Salir (de) |
To extinguish / To light | Apagar / Encender |
To fall asleep / To wake up | Dormirse / Despertarse |
To fill / To empty | Llenar / Vaciar |
To find (something) / To lose (something) | Hallar / Perder |
To forget / To remember | Olvidar – Olvidarse de / Acordarse de |
To get tired / To rest | Cansare / Descansar |
To get up / To sit down | Levantarse / Sentarse |
To give / To take | Dar / Tomar |
To go / To come | Ir / Venir |
To go away from / To approach | Alejarse de / Acercarse a |
To go down / To go up | Bajar / Subir |
To go up / To go down | Subir / Bajar |
To grant / To deny | Otorgar / Negar |
To hate / To love | Odiar / Amar |
To have a good time / To be bored | Divertise / Aburrise |
To hurry / To delay | Apresurarse a / Tardar en |
To join / To separate | Juntar / Separar |
To keep silent / To talk | Callarse / Hablar |
To know / Not to known | Saber / Ignoar |
To laugh / To cry | Reír / Llorar |
To leave / To remain | Irse / Quedarse |
To leave / To stay | Quedarse / Abandonar |
To leave (from) / To enter (in, into) | Salir (de) / Entrar (en) |
To lend / To borrow | Prestar / Pedir Prestado |
To lie / To tell the truth | Mentir Decir / La verdad |
To Light / To Put Out / Extinguish | Encender / Apagar |
To Live / To Die | Vivir / Morir |
To lose (something) / To find (something) | Perder / Encontrar – Haller |
To Love // To Hate | Amar / Odiar |
To offer / To accept | Ofrecer / Aceptar |
To Open / To Close | Abrir / Cerrar |
To permit / To prohibit | Permitir / Prohibir |
To pick up / To drop | Recoger / Dejar caer |
To play / To work | Jugar / Trabajar |
To praise / To criticize | Elogiar / Censurar |
To prohibit / To permit | Prohibir / Permitir |
To put in / To take out | Meter / Sacar |
To put on (clothing) / To take off (clothing) | Ponerse / Quitarse |
To receive / To give | Recibir / Dar |
To remain / To leave | Quedarse / Irse |
To remember / To forget | Acordarse de / Olvidar - Olvidarse de |
To rest / To get tired | Descansar / Cansare |
To save (money) / To spend (money) | Ahorrar / Gastar |
To sell / To buy | Vender / Comprar |
To separate / To join | Separar / Juntar |
To sit down / To get up | Sentarse / Levantarse |
To spend (money)/ To save (money) | Gastar / Ahorrar |
To sweat / To be cold | Sudar / Tener frio |
To take / To give | Tomar / Dar |
To take off (clothing)/ To put on (clothing) | Quitarse / Ponerse |
To take out / To put in | Sacar / Meter |
To talk / To keep silent | Hablar / Callarse |
To tell the truth / To lie | Decir la Verdad/ Mentir |
To uncover / To cover | Descubrir / Cubrir |
To unite / To disunite | Unir / Desunir |
To wake up / To fall asleep | Despertarse / Dormirse |
To win / To lose | Ganar / Perder (e/ie) |
To work / To play | Trabajar / Jugar |
Together / Teparate | Junto / Separado |
Tomorrow / Testerday | Mañana / Ayer |
Top / Bottom | Parte de Arriba/ Parte de abajo |
Top / Bottom | Parte Superior / Fondo |
Tragedy / Comedy | Tragedia / Comedia |
Tragic / Comic - Funny | Trágico(a) / Cómico(a) |
Tranquil / Turbulent | Tranquilo / Turbulento |
Triumph / Defeat | Triunfo / Derrota |
Truth / Lie | Verdad / Mentira |
True / False | Verdadero, cierto / Falso – Erróneo |
Turbulent / Tranquil | Turbulento / Tranquilo |
Turn off / Switch On | Apagar / Encender |
Ugly / Beautiful | Feo(a) / Hermoso(a) |
Under / Above | Debajo de / Encima de |
Unfortunate / Fortunate | Desgraciado(a) / Afortundo(a) |
Unfriendly / Nice | Antipático / Simpático |
Unhappy / Happy | Infeliz / Feliz |
Unknown / Famous | Desconocido / Famoso |
Unload / Load | Descargar / Cargar |
Unnatural / Natural | Innatural / Natural |
Unnecessary / Necessary | Innecesario / Necesario |
Unorganized / Organized | Desorganizado / Organizado |
Unplanned / Planned | Imprevisto / Previsto |
Unpleasant / Pleasant | Desagradable / Agradable |
Unpleasant (people) / Nice (people) | Antipático(a) / Simpático(a) |
Unpopular / Popular | Impopular / Popular |
Unusual / Usual | Extraño / Usual |
Unreal / Real | Irreal / Real |
Useful / Useless | útil / Inútil |
Usual / Unusual | Usual / Extraño |
Up / Down | Arriba – Derecho / Abajo - Para Abajo |
Value / Disregard | Apreciar / Despreciar |
Vertical / Horizontal | Vertical / Horizontal |
Vice / Virtue | Vicio / Virtud |
Victory / Defeat | Victoria / Derrota |
Vintage / Modern | Antiguo / Moderno |
War / Peace | Guerra / Paz |
Weak / Strong | Débil / Fuerte |
Weaken / Strengthen | Debilitar / Fortalecer |
Wealth / Poverty | Riqueza / Pobreza |
Well (healthy) / Sick - Unhealthy | Bien - Sano / Enfermo |
Well (healthy) / Sick - Unhealthy | Saludable / Indispuesto |
West / East | Oeste / Este |
Western / Eastern | Occidental / Oriental |
Wet / Dry | Mojado – Empapado / Seco |
White / Black | Blanco / Negro |
Wide / Narrow | Ancho(a) / Estrecho(a) |
Winding / Straight | Tortuoso / Recto |
Winner / Loser | Ganador / Perdedor |
Winter / Summer | Invierno / Verano |
Wise / Foolish | Sabio(a) / Tonto(a) |
With / Without | Con / Sin |
Wonderful / Terrible | Maravilloso / Terrible |
Work / Holiday | Trabajo / Vacaciones |
Worry / Calm down | Inquietar / Tranquilizar |
Worse / Better | Peor / Mejor |
Write / Read | Escribir / Leer |
Written / Spoken | Escrito / Hablado |
Written / Oral | Escrito / Oral |
Wrong / Right | Falso / Verdadero |
Yes / No | Sí / No |
Yesterday / Tomorrow | Ayer / Mañana |
Young / Old | Joven / Viejo(a) |
Youth / Old age | Juventud / Vejez |