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***Pulju OGT study cards - HISTORY B

initiative the right for citizens to propose a new law or get rid of an existing law through a vote
Knights of Labor an early labor union (1869) which allowed African Americans, unskilled workers and women into its group
mass production the making of goods in large amounts, often using an assembly line
migrant a person who moves; one who moves within his own country
Populist Movement a political movement in the United States during the 1890's. It called for reforms that would help farmer and workers
American Federation of Labor (AFL) a group of labor unions that first joined together in 1886 to fight for better job conditions.
assembly_line mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
agriculture farming; the science of growing crops and raising farm animals
American Federation of Labor (AFL) a group of labor unions that first joined together in 1886 to fight for better job conditions
blue-collar worker someone from the working class, often a factory worker or person who does heavy work or works with his/her hands
capitalism (capitalist) an economic system in which businesses have private owners who make or sell goods for their own profit or for the profit of their shareholders
collective bargaining negotiations or talks between a company and a union concerning wages, hours, and working conditions
communism an economic system in which the businesses are owned and operated by the government; the government also decides what the workers will make
corporation a business owned by stockholders who invest in the business and share in the profits
cottage industry manufacturing goods in the home - in England prior to the IR, goods were bought in this type of industry
immigrant a person who enters a country and makes it his home, often becoming a citizen of his new country Hint: they come IN when they IMmigrate
Industrialization the growth of industry - effects all aspects of the ESP world
Urbanization quick movement of people into the city in search of jobs
globalization something that occurs all over the world - the idea that we are now connected with every country - we are more than a nation we are a world
Populism agrarian (farmers) revolt; belief that ordinary people would be better at running the country than the rich and powerful
Progressivism social and political movement with goal of: 1. fight corruption and big business 2. develop child labor legislation 3. protect the working class 4. provide education for all (build libraries)
Laissez faire government's hands off policy that supports the idea that the economy must work as its own machine based on SUPPLY and DEMAND
social darwinism survival of the fittest applied to human social life - justification for the poor, uneducated factory workers - later a justification for imperialism
Labor union groups of workers who joined together to get better working conditions
modernization the process of making something modern;up to date
Nativism loyal to your nation or region
define muckrakers journalists who exposed corruption in politics, business
define initiative bill proposed by people, not lawmakers, put on ballots
what job did most lower class women do for employment in the 1800s they worked as butlers or in factories
3 major leaders of the womens suffrage movement Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Lucy Stone
what corruption was exposed by the book The Jungle unsanitary sickening conditions of the meatpacking industry
who was the first "modern president" who used the presidency as a "bully pulpit" Theodore Roosevelt
what was the purpose of the Pure Food and Dug Act all food and medicine must have labels
what presidential candidate in the election of 1912 was disliked the most by progressives William Howard Taft
know your map about woman's suffrage learn how to read maps on tests
what 3 things changed because of the assembly line less hours, less pay, more stuff being made, less accidents
what was the purpose of the prohibition movement what groups pushed for prohibition? it banned alcohol beverages - to try and bring morals into famillies and society women's temperence movements pushed for the 18th amendment
all the poor farmers and changed it to private fields which were fenced. As a result, many poor farmers were unable to grow crops. Many became factory workers instead.
suffrage right to vote
collective bargaining process by which a labor representatives and employers reach an agreement
strikes workers refuse to do their jobs until their demands are met (usually higher wages, shorter work day, and safer working conditions)
migration moving from one place to another within a country HINT - birds migrate south, or north...they dont fly over to england
urbanization growth of cities due to migration, immigration, and increased birth rate
New England became the industrial center in the United States
cotton this crop was the staple of the economy in the southern United States
cotton gin invention done by Eli Whitney, allowed for faster proccess in getting cotton
globalization Refers to the fact that the economies of all of the nations of the world are increasingly interconnected.
urbanization The transition from a rural society to a predominantly urban (city) society.
progressivism A political philosophy developed in the 1890's that represented the interest of the people over the interest of big business.
Industrial society a society in which people make their living from the production of goods
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Beginning in England in the 1750's, it was a change in the way goods were produced. Instead of making goods at home by hand, people produced them in factories with large machines.
MASS PRODUCTION Vast amounts of identical goods were made.
AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION New scientific methods and machinery had a positive impact on farming.
URBANIZATION The movement of large numbers of people from rural areas to cities, primarily in search of jobs.
IMMIGRATION People moving from other countries into the United States
LABOR UNIONS Organized by workers so that they could act as a group with greater bargaining power than they had as individuals.
STRIKE Workers halt all production hoping to put pressure on their employer to meet their demands.
KNIGHTS OF LABOR Formed to serve as a single union for all workers skilled and unskilled. Demanded 8 hour workday, safety codes in factories, higher wages, end child labor, and equal pay for women.
AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR An organization created in 1881 as a loose combination of unions of skilled workers, like carpenters.
EMIGRATE People moving out of a country to another country.
POPULIST PARTY Formed by farmers, called for restrictions on railroad companies, an 8 hour workday, a progressive income tax, and direct elections of U.S. Senators.
PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT A political movement of the early 1900's which sought to correct the abuses of industrialization and to reform government.
MUCKRAKERS Journalists who uncovered corruption and abuses in society.
LAISSEZ-FAIRE The government should not interfere in the operations of businesses.
SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT Made monopolies illegal. - to foster competition which is GOOD for YOU!...the consumer
Created by: mshons
Popular History sets




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