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ACTCM Herbs 1.4
Clear heat cool blood
Chinese Name | Latin | English | Qualities | Channels Entered | Functions | Dosage | Cautions/Notes |
Sheng Di Huang | REHMANNIA Radix | rehmannia root, chinese foxglove root | Sweet Bitter Cold | HT, K, LV | 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood - Heat in Ying or Xue. 2. Nourishes Yin / Generates Fluid. 3. Cools Ascending Heart Fire. +Good for liver! | 2-5 q | (damp from Sp def) |
Xuan Shen | SCROPHULARIA Radix | scrophularia, ningopo, figwort root | Salty, Sweet, Bitter Cold | K, LU, ST | 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood. 2. Nourishes the Yin Yin w. constipation and irritability. 3. Drains Fire / Relieves Toxicity . 4. Softens Hardness / Dissipates Nodules . | 3-5 q | (Cold damp in SP/ST) |
Zi Cao | LITHOSPERMUM radix | groomwell root | Sweet Cold | HT, LV | 1. Clear heat, cool Blood. 2. Relieve fire toxicity, vent rashes**. 3. Clear damp heat from skin. 4. Moisten intestine | 1-3 q | ! Softens stool & aggravates diarrhea! Sp/St def w/ diarrhea ! |
Yin Chai Hu | stellariae radix | STELLARIA ROOT | Sweet Cool | LV, ST | 1. Cool Blood, stop bleeding. 2. Clear Yin def heat ***. 3. Clear heat, reduce Childhood Nutritional Impairment. | 1-3 q | (blood def w/o heat) |
Bai Wei | Radix cynanchi bai wei | SWALLOW’S WORT | Bitter, Salty Cold | LU, ST, K | 1. Clear heat, cool blood yin xu fever, postpartum fever. 2. Cool blood, promote urination. 3. Relieve heat or fire toxicity - snakebite, toxic sores. | 1-4 q | often forgotten herb that is v good at its specialized function |
Di Gu Pi | lycii cortex | LYCIUM BARK | Sweet Cold | LU, LV, K | 1. Cools blood, reduces steaming drains Ki fire. 2. Clear deficiency heat yin xu night sweats. 3. Clear LU heat, stop cough, wheezing | 2-5 q | (Sp/St xu cold w/ loose stool) |
Chi Shao | radix paeoniae rubrae | RED PEONY ROOT | Sour, Bitter Sl. Cold | LV, SP | 1. Invigorates Blood / Dispels stasis amenorrhea, wind-damp Bi, trauma. 2. Clears heat / Resolves Damp turbid leukorroea. 3. Drains Heat down / Transforms Phlegm / Stops Coughing. 4. Discharges Toxin topical for burns, carbuncles, etc | 2-5 q | ! Use with caution during pregnancy because it vitalizes the blood. (cold from xu) |
Mu Dan Pi | moutan cortex | MOUTAN ROOT BARK / tree peony root bark | Spicy, Bitter Cool | HT, LV, K | 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood. 2. Clears Deficient Fire. 3. Invigorates Blood / Dispels Blood stasis. 4. Clears Ascending Fire. 5. Drains Pus / Reduces Swelling. | 2-4 q | ! Pregnancy b/c it disperses blood! ! During menses esp if heavy! |
Xi Jiao | Rhino horn | Bitter, Salty Cold | HT, LIV, ST | 1. Clears heat. 2. Relieves fire toxin. 3. Rests tremors. 4. Cools blood. | 1/3-2/3 q | ! Outlawed! Raises wht blood cell count, lowers fever, antibiotic, tranquilizing | |
Shui niu jiao | bubali cornu | Water buffalo horn | salty, Cold | HT, LIV, ST | 1. Clears heat. 2. Resolves fire toxin. 3. Arrests tremors. 4. Cools blood. | 10-40 q in decoction, 2-5 q as powder | ! Don't use with sever cold in middle burner! |