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Sheng Di Huang
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Xuan Shen
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ACTCM Herbs 1.4

Clear heat cool blood

Chinese NameLatinEnglishQualitiesChannels EnteredFunctionsDosageCautions/Notes
Sheng Di Huang REHMANNIA Radix rehmannia root, chinese foxglove root Sweet Bitter Cold HT, K, LV 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood - Heat in Ying or Xue. 2. Nourishes Yin / Generates Fluid. 3. Cools Ascending Heart Fire. +Good for liver! 2-5 q (damp from Sp def)
Xuan Shen SCROPHULARIA Radix scrophularia, ningopo, figwort root Salty, Sweet, Bitter Cold K, LU, ST 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood. 2. Nourishes the Yin  Yin w. constipation and irritability. 3. Drains Fire / Relieves Toxicity . 4. Softens Hardness / Dissipates Nodules . 3-5 q (Cold damp in SP/ST)
Zi Cao LITHOSPERMUM radix groomwell root Sweet Cold HT, LV 1. Clear heat, cool Blood. 2. Relieve fire toxicity, vent rashes**. 3. Clear damp heat from skin. 4. Moisten intestine 1-3 q ! Softens stool & aggravates diarrhea! Sp/St def w/ diarrhea !
Yin Chai Hu stellariae radix STELLARIA ROOT Sweet Cool LV, ST 1. Cool Blood, stop bleeding. 2. Clear Yin def heat ***. 3. Clear heat, reduce Childhood Nutritional Impairment. 1-3 q (blood def w/o heat)
Bai Wei Radix cynanchi bai wei SWALLOW’S WORT Bitter, Salty Cold LU, ST, K 1. Clear heat, cool blood  yin xu fever, postpartum fever. 2. Cool blood, promote urination. 3. Relieve heat or fire toxicity - snakebite, toxic sores. 1-4 q often forgotten herb that is v good at its specialized function
Di Gu Pi lycii cortex LYCIUM BARK Sweet Cold LU, LV, K 1. Cools blood, reduces steaming  drains Ki fire. 2. Clear deficiency heat  yin xu night sweats. 3. Clear LU heat, stop cough, wheezing 2-5 q (Sp/St xu cold w/ loose stool)
Chi Shao radix paeoniae rubrae RED PEONY ROOT Sour, Bitter Sl. Cold LV, SP 1. Invigorates Blood / Dispels stasis  amenorrhea, wind-damp Bi, trauma. 2. Clears heat / Resolves Damp  turbid leukorroea. 3. Drains Heat down / Transforms Phlegm / Stops Coughing. 4. Discharges Toxin  topical for burns, carbuncles, etc 2-5 q ! Use with caution during pregnancy because it vitalizes the blood. (cold from xu)
Mu Dan Pi moutan cortex MOUTAN ROOT BARK / tree peony root bark Spicy, Bitter Cool HT, LV, K 1. Clears Heat / Cools Blood. 2. Clears Deficient Fire. 3. Invigorates Blood / Dispels Blood stasis. 4. Clears Ascending Fire. 5. Drains Pus / Reduces Swelling. 2-4 q ! Pregnancy b/c it disperses blood! ! During menses esp if heavy!
Xi Jiao Rhino horn Bitter, Salty Cold HT, LIV, ST 1. Clears heat. 2. Relieves fire toxin. 3. Rests tremors. 4. Cools blood. 1/3-2/3 q ! Outlawed! Raises wht blood cell count, lowers fever, antibiotic, tranquilizing
Shui niu jiao bubali cornu Water buffalo horn salty, Cold HT, LIV, ST 1. Clears heat. 2. Resolves fire toxin. 3. Arrests tremors. 4. Cools blood. 10-40 q in decoction, 2-5 q as powder ! Don't use with sever cold in middle burner!
Created by: LAC2b
Popular Acupuncture sets




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