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At what temperature do you add glucose to the boiling sugar syrup? 110
2. What effects does glucose have on the sugar syrup? Stabilising effect to help prevent re-crystalisation when sugar is boiled to high temperature. In lower temperatures it holds onto impurities, sticks to pot, discolouring, crystallising and foaming
3. At what temperature do you arrest the cooking process? Why do we do this? 156-160, the higher the temperature are firmer and harder to work with, it will caramelise and lose colour
4. What do you do with your sugar thermometer after removing it from the hot sugar syrup? Oily surface, foil at room temperature and then soak
5. Why is it necessary to wash down the sides of the pot during the boiling process? To prevent crystallisation, to remove sugar particles that may stick and burn if not washed down.
6. What types of food colours are suitable for sugar work? Acid free powdered food colours dissolved in a small amount of cold water. Alcohol /water based colours
7. At what temperature do you add water based food colours to the boiling sugar and why?. 130-140 because it allows the excess water to evaporate and natural motion of the boiling sugar allows it to disperse evenly. Also if using alcohol based it allows the alcohol to be cooked off.
8. Describe how you would prepare a marble slab and a silicone mat for casting? A barrier is needed to prevent sugar from sticking. Good quality heat resistant oil but a preferred barrier such as oiled foil, silicon paper and silicon mats. Clean and sanitise the marble before use.
9. List the different moulds or forms that can be used for casting? Plasticine, cardboard stencil, Metal bars/steel band, rubber mats, free form casting, silicon mould.
10. Give two different methods for using foil when casting sugar Crunching up for different texture Shaping it
11. At what temperature do we add Tartaric acid to the boiling sugar syrup? 130. 5 drops/4 depending on the weather.
12.What effects does the Tartaric acid have on pulled sugar? ...What happens if you add to much? Soften the sugar Increase the solubility Lowers crystallisation If added to much it will be too soft and have no strength
13. What creates the luster and shine in pulled sugar? Air bubbles/oxygen and the light reflects this
14. What is crystallization of sugar? When particles in the sugar harden, caused by slow boiling, dirty workspaces and stiring syrup.
15. In the event of a sugar burn what should you do? Shock the pan pour in foil, cool and then dispose. Do not tip down sink!
16. How should you prepare a silicone mat and a marble slab for casting? Clean and spray with oil
17. How do you correctly store pulled sugar? Roll into round shape and wrap in glad wrap and store away from humidity preferably in the dry store with silicon gel.
18. What safety precautions are used when reheating sugar with a microwave? Use paper, turn it around, just soften it with second bursts for even distribution. If heated to long, sugar melts becoming extremely hot, certain areas can be much hotter that other surfaces.
19. What can cause crystallization when reheating sugar under heat lamps? Dirt, old sugar
20. How do we join together the individual elements of a flower? Use spirit burners to melt the end of the petal to attach.
21. What is Isomalt made from? **Made from sucrose, two disaccharide. Sucrose is reduced to isomaltulose and hydrated
22. Why is Isomalt ideal for sugar work? Can be remelted without browning, difficult to crystallise, doesn't discolour, excellent shine, ideal for blowing less hydroscopic holds showpieces for longer.
23. Why is it important to wear gloves when working with sugar? Crystallisation and finger prints
24. At what temperature do you arrest the cooking process for Isomalt? 160
25.Do we need to add Tartaric acid to Isomalt when boiling? No
26. When producing sugar works is it important to follow the recipe or can you improvise? No, but tartaric acid can be adjusted for humidity.
27. What is a saccharometer? For measuring sugar concentration
28. What does hygroscopic mean? Absorb water from the air
29. How can we help to control the humidity in the working environment? Eliminate the water exposed Air condition Don't boil
30. How can royal icing be used to decorate finished sugar pieces? Can be heated and create a coral effect
31. Can silica gel be re-used, if so how? Yes by drying in the oven.
Created by: BedeliaF



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