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Operations Management
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Enterprise requirement planning(ERP)
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Operations Management processes used by food and agribusiness firms to produce goods and services
Enterprise requirement planning(ERP) connecting manufacturing systems with finance, CRM(Customer Relationship Management), human resources, and supply chain management
What are some operations management issues? Growing service sector, time-based competition, productivity, global competition & sourcing, and quality
What are the costs of maintaining quality? prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, external failure costs
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) basic premise is to prevent food safely problems rather than control them
Food Safety Modernization Act new safety regulations from farm to store
What are some Ag issues with operations management? Seasonality, perishable, and variability
Production Planning aspect of operations management covering the following activities
What are six factors that affect location decision during production planning? Proximity to raw materials, location of markets, labor climate, agglomeration, taxes and incentives, and proximity to other facilities in the company
What is capacity as it relates to production planning? activities that are undertaken to determine the appropriate size of a manufacturing plant or service location
What is layout as it relates to production planning? specific design of the physical arrangement within a facility
What is process design as it relates to production planning? selecting specific inputs, operations, and methods to produce the good or service
What is job design as it relates to production planning? broad set of activities that determine the tasks and responsibilities of each employer's job, their work environment, and their tasks
What are the production planning capacity factors? economies of scale, flexibility, seasonality, fluctuations in demand
What are the types of layouts for production planning? process layout, product layout, hybrid(mix of both)
What is process layout? arranging everything by function
What is product layout? produces one product at a time, step-by-step
Created by: David55900
Popular Business sets




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