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Britannica is an .....
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The type of information you can find in an encyclopedia is called .......
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Stack #221614

Reference Databases

Britannica is an ..... encyclopedia
The type of information you can find in an encyclopedia is called ....... reference a collection of information arranged for ease of search database
For synonyms you may use the Merriam - Webster's ....... thesaurus
A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth is a .... map
For learning about the countries and peoples you may search the World ..... Atlas
In Britannica, when you want to access a document later you may save a link of it in your...... Workspace
In Britannica, when you wand to see a list of important events in history you go to the..... Timelines
You may find the meaning of more than half a million words in Oxford English ......(OED) dictionary
Apart from the meaning and the pronunciation in OED you may find the......of the word. history
You can search for ...... in Columbia Gazetteer of the World. place names
Apart from the simple search Encyclopedia Britannica and Oxforld English Dictionary provide advanced
When I search with "Search for all these words" it means I use the Boolean Operator.... AND
When I search with "Search for any of these words" it means I use the Boolean Operator.... OR
When I use in Britannica the option "without these words" it means I use the Boolean Operator.... NOT
Created by: sasderi
Popular Library Media sets




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