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Math EOG Review

Perimeter Distance around a shape or figure. ADD ALL SIDES.
Area Amount of space inside a shape. Units are Squared (cm2)
Area of a Circle A = πr^2 Pi x R(squared) Pi = 3.14
Circumference of a Circle Distance Around C= 2πr
Area of a Square/Rectangle/Parallelogram A= Bh A = Base x height
Area of a Triangle A= ½ bh or A = bh/2
Area of a Trapezoid A= (base 1+base 2)h / 2
Surface Area Total Area of all the faces of a 3D figure. Find the area of EACH face and then ADD. Units are squared (cm2)
Volume Amount of space inside a 3D figure. Units are cubed (cm3)
Volume of a Rectangular Prism and a Cube V= lwh V= Length x width x height
Volume of a Rectangular Pyramid V=lwh/3 or V=(1/3)lwh V= length x width x height / 3 or V= 1/3 x length x width x height
Volume of a Triangular Prism V = lwh/2 or V= (1/2)lwh V= length x width x height /2 or V= 1/2 x length x width x height
Pyramid 3D figure that is tall in height and comes to a point at the top
Prism 3D figure that is long in length
Cross Section The inside of a 3D figure. "Cutting/ Slicing" The cross section will be the same as the base parallel to the cut
Net The pattern of a 3D figure. When you unfold a 3D figure you are left with a net.
Finding the area of Irregular figures. 1. Look for familiar shapes 2. Find the area of those shapes 3. TOTAL AREA: Add all the areas AREA OF SHADED: Subtract
Acute Angle Less than 90 degrees Small and cute
Right Angle 90 degrees Forms a corner Square in the corner
Obtuse angle More than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
Straight Angle 180 degrees Straight line/ Half circle
Complementary Angles Two angles that add up to be 90 degrees Forms a Corner Corner/ Complementary start with C
Supplementary Angles Two angles that add up to be 180 Forms a straight Line Supplementary/Straight Line start with S
Adjacent Angles Two angles that are side by side They share a wall Mrs. Parker's Room & Mrs. Wease's Room
Vertical Angles Angles across from each other They are Equal/ Congruent Mrs. Harmon's Room and Mrs. Parker's Room
Angles of a Triangle <1 + <2 + <3 = 180 The three angles of a triangle add up to be 180 degrees
Sides of a Triangle Total of the two small sides should be bigger than the 3rd side. Two small sides (+) > 3rd side
Finding the Mean Average 1. Add all the numbers 2. Divide the total by how many numbers in the data set
Finding the Median Middle 1. Order least to greatest 2. Cross off numbers until you find the middle IF THERE ARE TWO MIDDLE NUMBERS 1. Add the two middle numbers 2. Divide by 2
Finding the Mode Most The number that shows up the most number of times Ex: 19, 19, 19, 2, 3, 3, 4 The mode is 19
Finding the Range Difference 1. Order least to greatest 2. Subtract the highest number and the smallest number
Outlier A number that "lies outside the data" Stands out Example: 100, 99, 98, 97,96, 95,94, 1 Outlier is 1
Cluster in a data set A group of numbers together
Gap in a data set A empty space between numbers
Probability A ratio that compares the number of possible outcomes to the total outcomes. possible/total Example: Probability of rolling a 5 on a dice is 1/6
Finding Total Outcomes How many total outfits can be made with 2 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 4 pairs of socks, and 2 shoes? 2 x 3 x 4 x 2 = 48 total outcomes
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Line up the decimal and place value. Add or Subtract like normal Bring the decimal straight down
Multiplying Decimals Do not line up decimals. Multiple like normal Move decimal in the answer the same # of places in the problem
Dividing Decimals No decimal on the outside of house. If there is a decimal on the outside, move to make a whole number Move inside decimal the same number of times
Adding & Subtracting Fractions You must find a common denominator (bottom) Only add or subtract the numerators (top).
Multiplying Fractions Multiply straight across
Dividing Fractions KCF Keep the first fraction the same Change the division to multiplication Flip the second fraction (1/2 = 2/1) Multiply straight across
Mixed Number Fraction with a Whole number 4 1/2
Improper Fraction Fraction with a bigger number on top
Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction 1. Multiply the whole number and the denominator 2. Add the numerator. 3. Answer becomes the new numerator and denominator stays the same. Ex: 4 1/2 4 x 2 = 8 + 1 = 9 9/2
Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number 1. How many times will the denominator go into the numerator evenly. This becomes the whole number. 2. The remaining becomes the new numerator, denominator stays the same. Ex. 37/6 37/6 = 6 whole times (6x6=36) with 1 left over 6 1/6
Percent Number out of 100
Changing a Percent to a Decimal DP Move the decimal TWO times to the LEFT
Changing a Decimal to a Percent DP Move the decimal TWO times to the RIGHT
Decimal to a Fraction Put the number over the last place value and simplify Ex: 0.4 = 4/10 0.42= 42/100 0.423 = 423/100
Fraction to a Decimal DIVIDE the top by the bottom.
Fraction to a Percent Set up a Proportion 1/2 = x/100 Cross Multiply and divide
Equivalent Fractions Are they Equal? 1. Find Cross Products - butterfly :( 2. Turn into Decimals 3. Simplify (Simplest form must be the same)
Percent Proportions IS x OF 100 Set up a Proportion with is over of = to x over 100
Percent of Change Amount of Change (subtract) % Original Amount 100 1. Find the change 2. Set up proportion 3. Solve for %
Percent Increase Original Amount goes UP Original :200 New: 500
Percent Decrease Original Amount goes DOWN Original :200 New: 25
Simple Interest I = prt Interest= Principle x rate x time Interest = EARNED Principle= Starting Amount Rate = % ( Must make a decimal) Time = ALWAYS in YEARS (5 months = 5/12)
Integer Positive & Negative Numbers
Multiplying Same Sign Integers Same Signs = POSITIVE Positive x Positive = Positive Negative x Negative = Positive
Dividing Same Sign Integers Same Signs = POSITIVE Positive / Positive = Positive Negative / Negative = Positive
Multiplying Different Sign Integers Different Signs = NEGATIVE Positive x Negative = Negative Negative x Positive = Negative
Dividing Different Sign Integers Different Signs = NEGATIVE Positive / Negative = Negative Negative / Positive = Negative
Adding Same Sign Integers Sign Stays the same Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Negative
Adding Different Sign Integers 1. Subtract the two numbers 2. Answer will be the same sign as the bigger number
Subtracting Integers KCO Keep the first number the same Change the sign from subtraction to addition Opposite of the second number ( -2 = 2 3 = -3) Then follow the rules for Adding
Finding Tax or Tip 1. Percent to decimal 2. Multiply (Decimal & Cost) 3. Add (tax/tip and cost) Equation: Amount(1.00 + percent as decimal) = Total with tax/tip
Finding Discount 1. Percent to decimal 2. Multiply (Decimal & Cost) 3. Subtract (Cost & Savings) Equation: Amount(1.00 - percent as decimal) = Total with discount
Solving Two Set Equations UNDO what is being done to the Variable Whatever you do to one side you have to do the SAME to the other side. MAKE A T- CHART Multiplication and Division undo each other Adding and Subtracting undo each other *** Always +/- first
Distributive Property A(b+c) = A(b) + A(c) The outside number must be multiplied by ALL the numbers inside the Parenthesis.
Order of Operations Please Parenthesis () Always go left to right Excuse Exponents My Mulitplication Dear Division Aunt Addition Sally Subtraction
Solving Inequalitites 2x + 1 > 12 SOLVE JUST LIKE EQUATION Make T-Chart, Undo (start with +/-) REMEMBER: If you Multiply or Divide by a negative number you have to FLIP SYMBOL
Graphing Inequalities with symbols < or > Open Circle
Graphing Inequalities with symbols ≤ or ≥ Closed Circle
Graphing Inequalities Mouth open to variable x > 1: Shade Right Mouth open to number x < 1: Shade Left
Adding Opposites ALWAYS EQUAL 0 Example -2 and 2 -2 + 2 = 0
Unit Rate Always has a denominator of 1. (per, each, every) Example: If 5 notebooks are $20 the unit rate is how much 1 notebook costs. $20/5 = $4 per notebook. REMEMBER: $$ on top
Finding the Better Buy Find the unit rate for each option. Unit rate = denominator of 1. Which ever has the smallest unit rate is the better buy Ex: 5 shirts for $20 or 6 shirts for $36 $20/5 = $4/1 $36/6 = $6/1 BETTER BUY
Constant of Proportionality Unit Rate must be the same/constant for all the data When given a table, graph, or points (x,y); find the COP by dividing y and x. (y/x)
Combining Like Terms Like terms have the same variable. Ex: 2x and 3x When combining like terms only add/subtract the numbers 2x + 3x = 5x A variable without a number (x) = 1x
Factoring Expressions Backwards Distributive Property 1. Find the GCF - Greatest Common Factor 2. GCF goes outside the Parenthesis Ex: 2x + 6 GCF is 2 2(?)= 2x and 2(?)=6 Answer: 2(x + 3)
Equilateral Triangle All sides and all angles are equal
Isosceles Triangle Two equal Sides and Two equal Angles
Scalene Triangle No equal sides and No equal Angles
Volume for a Triangular Pyramid V = 1/6 LWH or V = LWH/6
Created by: kendra.parker
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