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Latin Vocab (Part 1)
1000 Essential Latin Words (Part 1)
Question | Answer |
a or ab | from, away from, by (agent), (+abl.) |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptum | to receive; to accept |
ad | to, towards, (+acc.) |
ager, agri, m. | field |
ago, agere, egi, actum | to do, drive |
aio, --, --, -- | to say; to affirm |
aliquis, aliquid | someone, something; anyone, anything |
alius, alia, aliud | other, another |
alter, altera, alterum | the other (of two) |
amo, amare, amavi, amatum | to love |
an | or |
animus, animi, m. | mind |
annus, anni, m. | year |
ante | before, in front of, (+acc.) |
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum | to address; to name |
apud | at, among, near, (+acc.) |
aqua, aquae, f. | water |
at | but |
atque or ac | and; and also; and indeed |
audio, audire, audivi, auditum | to hear, listen to |
aut; aut...aut | or; either...or |
autem | however; moreover |
bellum, belli, n. | war |
bellus, bella, bellum | pretty, handsome |
bonus, bona, bonum | good |
capio, capere, cepi, captum | to take, seize |
causa, causae, f. | cause, reason; for the sake of (+gen.) |
certus, certa, certum | definite, certain, fixed |
civitas, civitatis, f. | state; citizenship |
consul, consulis, m. | consul |
contra | against, opposite to, (+acc.) |
corpus, corporis, n. | body |
credo, credere, credidi, creditum | to believe, trust, (+dat); to entrust (with acc. + dat.) |
cum | with (+abl.); when, since, although (with subjunctive); when (with indicative) |
cur | why |
de | down from, concerning, about, (+abl.) |
debeo, debere, debui, debitum | to owe, ought |
dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditum | to give up, surrender |
deinde | then, next |
deus, dei, m. | god |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum | to say, talk |
dies, diei, m. or f. | day |
diu | for a long time |
do, dare, dedi, datum | to give, grant, offer |
dominus, i, m. | master, lord |
domus, us, f. | house, home |
donec | until |
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum | to lead |
dum | while, until |
duo, duae, duo | two |
ecce | behold! |
ego, mei | I |
enim | for; indeed |
eo, ire, ii, itum | to go, proceed |
ergo | therefore |
et; | and, even, also; both...and |
etiam | even, also |
ex or e | from, out of, (+abl.) |
facio, facere, feci, factum | to do; to make |
fero, ferre, tuli, latum | to carry, bring; to endure |
filius, filii, m. | son |
fio, fieri, factus sum | to become, to happen; (used as passive of facio) |
frater, fratris, m. | brother |
gens, gentis, f. | clan, race, nation |
genus, generis, n. | kind, class |
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum | to carry, bear; to wage |
habeo, habere, habui, habitum | to have, hold; to consider |
hic, haec, hoc | this; the latter (in contrast with ille) |
hinc | from here, from this place |
homo, hominis, m. | human being, man |
hostis, hostis, m. | enemy |
huc | to this place |
iam | now, already |
ibi | there, at that place |
idem, eadem, idem | the same |
ideo | on that account |
igitur | therefore |
ille, illa, illud | that; the former (in contrast with hic) |
illic | there, at that place |
in | in, on, (+abl.); into, against, (+acc.) |
inde | from there |
inquam, --, --, -- | to say |
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum | to understand; to deduce |
inter | between, among, (+acc.) |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum | myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself; the very |
is, ea, id | he, she, it; this, that |
iste, ista, istud | that of yours (often with contemptuous force) |
ita | so, thus |
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum | to order, command |
iudicium, iudicii, n. | judgment; trial |
ius, iuris, n. | right, law; justice |
lego, legere, legi, lectum | to choose; to read |
lex, legis f. | law |
liber, libera, liberum | free |
liber, libri, m. | book |
littera, litterae, f. | a letter of the alphabet; letter, literature (in plural) |
locus, loci, m. | place |
longus, longa, longum | long |
loquor, loqui, locutus sum | to say, speak, talk |
magnus, magna, magnum | large, great |
malus, mala, malum | bad, evil |
manus, manus, f. | hand |
mater, matris, f. | mother |
meus, mea, meum | my |
miles, militis, m. | soldier |
mitto, mittere, misi, missum | to send; to let go |
modo | only |
modus, modi, m. | measure, limit; manner, way |
mors, mortis f. | death |
moveo, movere, movi, motum | to move, set in motion |
mulier, mulieris, f. | woman |
multus, multa, multum | much, many |
nam | for |
natura, naturae, f. | nature |
ne | not; that not (conjunction with subjunctive); -ne (interrogative enclitic particle) |
nemo, neminis, m. or f. | no one, nobody |
neque, nec; | not, and not; neither...nor |
neuter, neutra, neutrum | neither; neuter |
nihil, (indeclinable), n. | nothing |
nisi | unless, except |
nitor, niti, nixus (nisus) sum | to support oneself (on); to strive |
nomen, nominis, n. | name |
non | not |
nondum | not yet |
nos, nostrum (nostri) | we |
noster, nostra, nostrum | our, ours |
nox, noctis, f. | night |
nullus, nulla, nullum | no, none, not any |
num | whether (introduces indirect questions);(introduces questions expecting the answer "no") |
numquam | never |
nunc | now |
ob | because of, on account of, (+acc.) |
oculus, oculi, m. | eye |
olim | at that time, once |
omnis, omne | all, every |
opus, operis, n.; opus est | work, labor; there is need, it is necessary, (+abl.) |
pars, partis, f. | part, share; region |
parvus, parva, parvum | little, small |
pater, patris, m. | father |
pecunia, pecuniae, f. | money |
per | through, (+acc.) |
peto, petere, petivi, petitum | to seek; to attack; to beg |
pono, ponere, posui, positum | to put, place, set |
populus, populi, m. | people |
possum, posse, potui, -- | to be able, can |
post | after, behind, (+acc.) |
postea | afterwards |
postquam | after |
potis, pote | able, capable |
praeterea | beyond this, besides |
primus, prima, primum | first, foremost |
prior, prius | former, prior |
pro | before, in front of, on behalf of, (+abl.) |
prope | near; nearly |
propter | on account of, because of, near, (+acc.) |
puto, putare, putavi, putatum | to think, consider |
qua | by which way, where |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum | to seek; to ask |
qualis, quale | of what kind; such as |
quam | than (with comparative); possible (with superlative); how (in exclamations and indirect questions) |
quantus, quanta, quantum | as long as, as much as; how great, how much |
quare | how; why |
quasi | as if |
-que | and |
qui, quae, quod | who, which, what, that (relative pronouns); what?, which?, what kind of? (interrogative adjectives) |
quia | because, since |
quidam, quaedam, quoddam | certain |
quidem | indeed, truly, at least |
quin | indeed; that (after verbs like dubitare); from, but that (in clauses of hindering) |
quis, quid | who, what (interrogative pronouns); someone, anyone, something, anything (after si, nisi, num, or ne: = aliquis, aliquid) |
quisquam, quaequam, quidquam | anyone, anything |
quisque, quaeque, quodque | each |
quisquis, quaequae, quidquid | whoever, whatever |
quo | to where |
quondam | formerly, once |
quoniam | since |
quoque | also, too |
ratio, rationis, f. | reason, judgment; account |
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditum | to give back, return |
redeo, redire, redii, reditum | to go back, return |
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum | to bring back; to answer |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum | to leave (behind), abandon |
reor, reri, ratus sum | to think; to imagine |
res, rei, f. | thing, matter, affair |
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsum | to answer, reply |
rex, regis, m. | king |
rus, ruris, n. | countryside |
scio, scire, scivi, scitum | to know |
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum | to write, compose |
sed | but |
semper | always |
senatus, senatus, m. | senate |
sequor, sequi, secutus sum | to follow |
servus, servi, m. | slave, servant |
si | if |
sic | thus, in this way, so |
sicut | as, just as |
sine | without (+abl.) |
sive or seu; sive...sive | or if; whether...or |
solus, sola, solum | alone, only |
sto, stare, steti, statum | to stand, to stand firm |
sub | under, underneath (+abl. with verbs of rest); under (+acc. with verbs of motion) |
sui, sibi, se, se | himself, herself, itself, themselves |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | to be; to exist |
super | over, above, (+abl.) |
superus, supera, superum | above, upper; the gods (substantive in plural) |
supra | above (+acc.) |
suus, sua, suum | his own, her own, its own, their own |
talis, tale | of such a kind, such |
tam | so, to such a degree |
tamen | nevertheless, yet |
tandem | at last, finally |
tantus, tanta, tantum | so great, of such size; only (tantum as an adverb) |
tempus, temporis, n. | time, occasion |
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum | to hold, possess, keep |
terra, terrae, f. | earth, land, ground |
tot (indeclinable adjective) | so many |
totus, tota, totum | whole, entire |
trans | across (+acc.) |
tu, tui | you (singular) |
tum | then, at that time |
tunc | then, at that time |
tuus, tua, tuum | your, yours |
ubi | where; when |
ullus, ulla, ullum | any |
umquam | ever |
unde | from where |
unus, una, unum | one, alone |
urbs, urbis, f. | city |
usque | through and through; always |
ut | as, when (with the indicative); in order that, so that, that (with subjunctive); that not (with fear clauses) |
uter, utra, utrum | either, which (of two) |
utor, uti, usus sum | to use, to experience, (+abl.) |
utrum; | whether; whether...or |
vel; vel...vel | or; either...or |
venio, venire, veni, ventum | to come |
verbum, verbi, n. | word |
vero | in truth, indeed |
verus, vera, verum | true, real |
vester, vestra, vestrum | your, yours |
video, videre, vidi, visum | to see; to seem, appear (in passive) |
vir, viri, m. | man |
virtus, virtutis, f. | manliness, courage, excellence |
vis, vis, f. | force, strength |
vita, vitae, f. | life, way of life |
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum | to live |
vix | with difficulty, hardly |
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum | to call, summon |
volo, volare, volavi, volatum | to fly |
vos, vestrum (vestri) | you (plural) |
Latin is really really really really really useless | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |