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Final Exam Review Practice

Abolitionists People who were against slavery
Adapt To use your natural resources in order to survive in a new environment
Adobe Pueblo A house made of sundried brick generally found in the desert (Anasazi)
Altitude Height of land above sea level (affects how cold or warm a climate of an area might be)
Amendment To fix, make corrections to, or add to a legal document
Anasazi A Native America desert tribe that lived on the sides of cliffs in adobe pueblos
Anti-Federalists People who want to limit the power of the federal government and give more power to the states
Archeology This is the study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analyzing their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, other remains
Article of Confederation The first constitution of the United States that was plagued by weaknesses
Aztecs A Meso American Native American tribe that used chinampas (floating gardens) to adapt to their tropical climate
Bering Strait Land Bridge A change in sea level due to glaciers created a land bridge allowing humans to migrate to North America
Bill of Rights A list of rights guaranteed to all citizens of the United States that protects them for the government
Boycotts To not buy a good or service as a form of protest
Cash Crops Farming a surplus of plants that can be sold at market for profit (cotton, tobacco, indigo, rice)
Checks & Balances The power each of the three branches of government to make sure the other branches are doing their jobs.
Corps of Discovery A group of explorers hired by President Jefferson to learn about the Louisiana Territory (Lewis & Clark, Sacagawea, Zebulon Pike)
Cheyenne A Native America Steppe tribe that lived in tepees on the Great Plains and use buffalo as their main resource for food, clothing & shelter
Civil War A 1861-1865 war between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) over slavery
Climate The weather of an area over a period of 20-100 years
Colony People who settle in a distant land, but are still ruled by the government of their native land
Columbian Exchange Trading goods between the Eastern & Western Hemispheres
Confederate States of America During the Civil War, the South seceded from the United States and created a new country
Conquistadores Spanish explorers who conquer and claim new lands in America for their mother country
Culture A group of people’s way of life or A way of life shared by members of a society
Desert Climate A climate known for a lack of precipitation and vegetation with high temperatures.
Eli Whitney The inventor of the cotton gin and mass production during the Industrial Revolution
Erie Canal In the 1820s, New York City was connected to the Great Lakes region by a man made water route in New York that allowed Steamboats to transport goods
Executive Branch The part of the government that enforces the laws. (President, Governor, Mayor)
Export To send goods to markets outside of a country
Federalism The division of power between Federal, State and Local governments
French & Indian War 1753-1763 War between the French & British in North America over land. Britain won Canada in the Treaty of Paris 1763
Fugitive Slave Act A law made it illegal to help escaped slaves & allowed slave catchers to go into the North to bring slaves back to their masters
Geography The study of people, their environment, and their resources.
Glacier Snow and Ice built up over thousands of years
Guerilla Warfare A style of warfare with hit and run attacks used during the Revolutionary War
House of Representatives The lower house of Congress based on population (Today there are 435 members)
Humid Continental A climate known for four seasons, lots of precipitation and vegetation that is good for farming a large variety of crops such as strawberries, apples, corn, squash, & beans. (New York State’s Climate)
Humid Subtropical A climate known for lots of precipitation and vegetation with high temperatures. Good for growing Cash Crops such as cotton & tobacco. (South’s climate)
Import To bring goods into a country from foreign markets
Inca A Meso American tribe found in the Andes Mountains of South America known for using terrace farming
Inuit A Native American tribe found in the Arctic climate that alternates living in a pithouse and igloo. Mainly hunting marine mammals due to a lack of vegetation.
Irrigation Bringing water to dry land for farming by digging ditches. The Anasazi & Hohokam tribes used this method of farming the dry desert land.
Iroquois A tribe found in the Humid Continental climate of New York that lived in longhouses and farmed corn, beans and squash
Judicial Branch A part of the government that interprets the laws.
Judicial Review The power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws or acts are constitutional.
Latitude A form of measurement that uses an imaginary lines that are equal distance north or south of the equator (equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, arctic circle)
Legislative Branch A part of the government that makes the laws (called Congress)
Longhouse A house made of wood, sticks, and mud used by the Iroquois tribe of New York (Often hold several families)
Longitude A form of measurement for that uses imaginary lines that are east or west that stretches from the North Pole to the South Pole. (Prime Meridian)
Louisiana Purchase Territory purchased from France by President Jefferson for $15 million between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains
Loyalists During the Revolutionary War, these were people who lived in America but wanted to stay part of Britain
Manifest Destiny A belief that it is “God’s Will” that the United States expand its territory west (from coast to coast)
Mayans A Meso American tribe in Mexico that lived in a tropical climate. In order to farm on an island in a lake they used chinampas or floating gardens.
Mercantilism An economic theory that a nation should export more goods than it imports
Middle Passage A trade route that brought slaves from Africa to America. Part of Triangle Trade
Minutemen Members of the colonial militia during the Revolutionary War who were ready at a moment’s notice to fight
Natural Resources These are materials humans take from the environment to survive and satisfy their needs
Natural Rights According to the Declaration of Independence, everyone has natural rights which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Neolithic Revolution A period of time when people got food by hunting for meat and gathering nuts & berries
Northwest Ordinance A law that created a government, and made slavery illegal in the western territories. Created a way for territories to become states
Paleolithic Era A period of time when people got food by hunting for meat and gathering nuts & berries
Patriot People during the American Revolution who wanted to become an independent nation separate from Britain
Primary Source A first person resource from history (newspaper or diary of a person who lived at the time of event)
Quipu A device made of yarn that uses knots to represent an amount of something (used by the Inca)
Religious Freedom The ability to practice your religion without fear of persecution
Religious Tolerance Allowing others to practice their religion even if you do not agree with it
Revolutionary War A 1776-1783 war between the British and American colonists
Saratoga The turning point of the Revolutionary War when the Americans started winning the war against the British
Sectionalism A feeling of loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole (North, Midwest, South)
Senate The upper house of the Congress based on equality so each state gets 2 representatives
Separation of Powers The division of the governments powers between the three branches so that no one branch gets too powerful
Slavery The forcing of a human being to do labor without pay. (Treated as property/ generational)
Smuggling To illegally bring goods into a country (colonists smuggled tea into America to avoid paying a tax)
Stamp Act A law passed by the British to tax the American colonists in order to repay war debt from the French & Indian War (Americans: “No taxation without representation”)
Steppe A climate found in the American Great Plains that is characterized by little precipitation, little vegetation and few natural resources.
Surplus When there is extra food, it can be traded for other goods that are needed.
Terrace Crops grown on a flat step-like field on the side of a mountain (Inca used this)
Total War A type of warfare that uses any means necessary to win. (Burning homes & crops, attacking civilians, destroying railroad & telegraph lines)
Triangle Trade A colonial trade route between the Americas, Africa, and England to exchange goods with the Mother Country.
Tropical Climate A climate found in Florida & Hawaii with lots of precipitation, vegetation and high temperatures. Good for growing foods such as oranges, coconuts & pineapples
Arctic Tundra Climate A climate found at the northern most part of Alaska characterized by extremely cold temperatures all year round which produces glaciers (polar bears live here)
Underground Railroad A network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape north
Union The name of the Northern army during the Civil War that was fighting to end slavery and keep the sections together
Urbanization When people move from farms to cities to work in factories
Yorktown The last battle of the Revolutionary War which convinced the British to surrender
49er's People who migrated to California in 1849 during the gold rush
Created by: krhinehart
Popular American Government sets




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