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plateau a large, level area that rises above the surrounding land;has at least one side with a steep slope.
elevation the height of land above or below sea level.
rift a deep crack in the Earth's surface.
tributary a river or stream that flows into a larger river.
fertile rich in the substances plants need to grow well.
Sahara world's largest desert.
sahel shore of the desert; suffers from loss of plant life and top soil.
savanna tropical grasslands with scattered trees and vegetation;found on both sides of the equator.
Nile longest river in the world.
Kilimanjaro Highest peak in Africa.
irrigate to supply with water through a ditch, pipe, channel or sprinkler.
drought a long period of little or no rain.
oasis a fertile place in a desert where there is water and vegetation.
nomad a person who has no permanent, settled home and who instead moves from place to place.
escarpment steep cliffs found near the coast.
desertification huge areas of land that lose all vegetation.
cataract rock-filled barriers or rapids found in the rivers of Africa.
transportation barrier physical features that make it difficult to travel or transport goods from one region to another.
silt bits of rock and dirt on river bottoms.
subsistence farming growing enough food for a family, village or for survival.
diversify adding variety to an economy.
village chief male head of clan.
lineage a group of families with a common ancestor.
nuclear family a family that consists of parents and children.
clan a group of lineages that trace their descent back to a common ancestor.
kinship a family relationship.
extended family a family that includes relatives other than parents and children.
griot an African storyteller who passes on oral traditions.
delta triangular shaped landform found at the mouth of a river.
polytheism belief in many gods.
ancestor worship the practice of honoring spirits of relatives so they could influence the gods in their favor.
oral tradition stories, legends, or songs passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.
Created by: sstutzman
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