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Solitary samotny
Delayed gratification opóźnione zadowolenie
Fruit flies muszki owocówki
Formidable having qualities that discourage approach or attack
Redundancy exceeding what is necessary or normal
Instill instil something (in/into somebody) to gradually make somebody feel, think or behave in a particular way over a period of time
To jolt shock
Omnipresent wszechobecne
Gregarious ongoing, friendly
Velocity speed
Reticent małomówny, reserved
The gift of the gab
Ungainly clumsy
Cerebral connected with brain
To dash off hastily done
Leap-jump to spring free from or as if from the ground
Unabashedly without being ashamed, embarrassed
Exigencies (demand) an urgent need or demand that you must deal with
Reclusive living alone, avoiding people
Turn inward - (Turned/curved inward on oneself) is a theological phrase describing a life lived "inward" for self rather than "outward" for God and other
Reverence - a feeling of great respect or admiration for somebody/something
Mellow soft, mild
Outliers outsiders
To be driven to do sth to be forced
Aping miming
Milieu environment
Noxious poisonous, harmful
A pang of guilt - a sudden strong feeling of physical or emotional pain
Crank up to make a machine work at higher level
Hermit pustelnik
Taking stock To take stock (of something) is to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do
An empty nest is a feeling of grief and loneliness parents or guardians may feel when their children leave home for the first time
To come out of your shell become more interested in other people and more willing to talk and take part in social activities
vestige a small part of sth that still exists after the rest of it has stopped
Larger-than-life personality przejaskrawiony, przerysowany
To be at the helm in charge of an organization, project, etc.
To tackle assignments tackle something to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
Deliberately celowo
Serendipitously happening by chance in an interesting or pleasant way
Unfazed calm, cool, niewzruszony
The thrill of the chase
Lures wabiki
Grandiose great, wonderful
Visceral nervous system
Moral rectitude prawość moralna
To peruse to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner
To hanker to have a strong desire for sth
Peedy marked by want of affection or emotional support
Kudos praise given for achievements
Cohort a group of people
Tech savvy knowing a lot about modern technology
Instant gratification immediate satisfaction
Misgiving a feeling of doubt or worry
Scatterbrained unable to concentrate
Affect feeling
Effect result
Contemptuous feeling or showing that you have no respect for somebody/something (She gave him a contemptuous look.)
Contemptible not deserving any respect at all
Definite having distinct or certain limits
Definitive serving to define or specify precisely
Liniment a liquid, especially one made with oil, that you rub on a painful part of your body to reduce the pain
Lineament a distinctive feature or characteristic, especially of the face.
Libel the act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them
Slander a false spoken statement intended to damage the good opinion people have of somebody; the legal offence of making this kind of statement
Testimony evidence
Testament an act by which a person determines the disposition of his or her property after death
Complaisant ready to accept other people’s actions and opinions and to do what other people want
Complacent too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, so that you do not feel that any change is necessary; showing or feeling complacency
Luxurious luksusowy, drogi
Luxuriant (especially of art or the atmosphere of a place) rich in something that is pleasant or beautiful
Volatile unstable
Voluble talking a lot, and with enthusiasm, about a subject
Regretful feeling or showing sadness or disappointment because of something that has happened or something that you have done or not done
Regrettable that you are sorry about and wish had not happened
Conclusive proving something, and allowing no doubt or confusion
Decisive resolute
Continually in a way that is repeated many times so that it is annoying
Continuously in a way that happens or exists for a period of time without interruption
Intensive involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time
Intense very great; very strong, extreme
Alternate (of two things) happening or following one after the other regularly
Alternative offering or expressing a choice
Distinct clearly different or of a different kind
Distinctive having a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily noticed
Goal aim
Gaol jail
Urban miejski
Urbane (especially of a man) good at knowing what to say and how to behave in social situations; appearing relaxed and confident
Sanguine (of a temperament) cheerful and confident about the future (optimistic)
Sanguinary involving or liking killing and blood
Illusions a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or about a situation
Delusions a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation
Credible convincing
Credulous too ready to believe things and therefore easy to trick (gullible)
Elicit to get information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficulty
Illicit illegal
Implied to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly
Inferred deduce (to reach an opinion or decide that something is true on the basis of information that is available)
Practical connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories
Practicable able to be done; likely to be successful
Appreciative feeling or showing that you are grateful for something
Appreciable large enough to be noticed or thought important
Temperate (of a climate or region) having a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold
Temporal connected with the real physical world, not spiritual matters
Eatable good enough to be eaten
Edible not poisonous
Deficient (in something) not having enough of something, especially something that is essential
Defective faulty (having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete)
Uninterested not interested; not wanting to know about somebody/something
Disinterested not influenced by personal feelings, or by the chance of getting some advantage for yourself
Emotional of or relating to emotion
Emotive causing people to feel strong emotions
Negligent failing to give somebody/something enough care or attention, especially when this has serious results
Negligible of very little importance or size and not worth considering
Official urzędowy, oficjalny
Officious too ready to tell people what to do or to use the power you have to give orders (a nasty officious little man) (urzędas)
Strict surowy
Severe extremely bad or serious
Judicial connected with a court, a judge or legal judgement
Judicious careful and sensible; showing good judgement
Masterful able to control people or situations in a way that shows confidence as a leader
Masterly (masterly performance) showing great skill or understanding
Stimulus something that helps somebody/something to develop better or more quickly
Stimulant - a drug or substance that makes you feel more awake and gives you more energy
Stress kills
Freak sb out scare sb
Impromptu improvised
Unbeknownst without your concern/knowledge
Pounding bang/beat very hard (of a heart)
Break out into a sweat start sweating
Hear rate pulse
Constrict compress, clench
Hype fame
To fine tune regulate
Sth primes you to sth makes you do, prepares
Crave want very badly
Enhance make sth better, repair
Snort inhale rapidly with nostrils
Nudge poke, push you
Bottle sth up hiding sth, hold sth in
Stress-induced caused by stress
Resilience resistance, immunity
Stress: level, situation, dealing with stress, alleviate, control, mental, acute, cope with stress, stress-related illness,
Hectic: lifestyle, trading, schedule,
Premature: conclusion, death, birth
Chronic: pain, fatigue,
Age: gap, prematurely
Knowledge: all-around, rudimentary, first-hand, disseminate knowledge (spread the knowledge)
Prone to: injury, error
Multiple choice
Hellbent - determined
Clamour noisy shouting
Exasperating irritating
Concession accepting something as true
To run aground
Abhorrence hatred
Film a thin layer
Tiff petty quarrel
Rally/demonstration a large public meeting, especially one held to support a particular idea or political party/ demonstracja
Interceptor to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival
To drag one’s feet postpone doing what one should be doing
A storm in a teacup great outrage or excitement about a trivial matter.
A drop in the ocean
To fight a losing battle to try hard to do something when there is no chance that you will succeed
To bite off more than sth To decide or agree to do more than one can finally accomplish.
Common knowledge
To be a law unto oneself to behave in a way that is independent and does not follow the usual rules for a situation:
To make a mountain out of a molehill - to make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem
Outstay one’s welcome to stay as a guest longer than the host expected
To drive a wedge between sth to damage the good relationship that two people or groups of people have
Problematic people
The volcano a person that carries a lot of anger and spews rage all around
The charmer sociopath, they lie with a smile on their face, no remorse, manipulative
The narcissist values himself/herself over everyone else
The drama queen needs to be the center of attention or creates a crisis everywhere he/she goes
The cynic sees the bad in everything, their attitude is hurtful to everyone, full of negativity and pessimism
The complainer blames everyone for what’s going wrong in their life, they keep repeating the same mistakes ad infinitum, accusing those around them of causing their suffering
The boor stops at nothing to have the money, power and status he/she craves. Social interactions are strategic to them, incapable of genuine affection
The wild child rebel, rule-breaker, non-conformist
The dreamer full of grand ideas and plans, but they they don’t think things through which results in financial and social disaster
The lost boy modern-day Peter Pan. Refused to grow up, tries to get their friends and loved ones to take emotional and financial care of him/her.
Marketing and sales:
Inflated elaborated or heightened
Knowledgeable educated
Prompt acting without delay
Abrupt rude
Impulsive quick and violent
Set against compare
Weigh up consider sth carefully
Make up for nadrobić
To settle up with rozliczyć się
Indulgent allow sb to have everything
Gainful useful
Appreciably greatly
Utterly completely
To waste one’s breath say sth that nobody takes any notice of
To excess more than necessary (work to excess)
To go any lengths put a lot of effort
Bounds acceptable limits
Sustain experience sth bad
Undergo provide enough of sth
Afflict to greatly influence
To no avail no success
On one’s behalf
Setback delay
Gush pour, flow quickly
Expedite to speed up
Inundate overwhelm
Shortcoming fault in sb’s character
Dearth lack of sth
Norm a standard used for judging
Yardstick - a standard for making a critical judgment
Par an amount taken as an average or norm
Spurring encourage
Elicit to get info
To try one’s utmost to do one’s best
To fight a losing battle walka z wiatrakami
To be distant with sb
Faint not enthusiastic
Secluded life quiet and private
Spur encourage
To take to life to start anew
Created by: SevenSin
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