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NCFE review list

Blue Ridge Mountains Hikers and tourists are attracted to this region that is home to Brasstown Bald and the beginning of the Appalachian Trail
Fall Line area that features a rapid drop in elevation and the point where two regions meet
Barrier Islands protect Georgia's mainland from erosion
Chattahoochee River important source of water for the state that forms part of the border between Georgia and Alabama
Okefenokee Swamp fresh water wetlands that are protected wildlife refuges
Paleo Indians the first humans in Georgia; nomadic hunters and gathers who hunted large game such as wooly mammoth and giant bison
Archaic Indians second oldest Native American culture in Georgia; semi-nomadic hunters who hunted smaller game; credited with developing grooved axes, fish hooks, and pottery
Woodland Indians the third prehistoric Native American culture in Georgia; credited for the development of the bow and arrow, pottery for storage, and intensification of horticulture, as well as building small mounds
Mississippian Indians the last major prehistoric Native American culture in Georgia; known for being large scale farmers, developing copper jewelry and tattoos, and mound builders who traded throughout North America
Atlatl a spear throwing device used perhaps as early as the Paleo Indian period; allowed spears to be thrown faster, further, and more accurately
13th Amendment ended slavery throughout the country
14th Amendment granted citizenship to African-Americans and guaranteed them all the rights protected by the Bill of Rights
15th Amendment guaranteed that no citizen could be denied the right to vote by either the federal government or a state because of the color of their skin
bicameral two houses, two legislative chambers
Articles of Confederation first written constitution of the United States with many weaknesses
Compromise A settlement in which each side gives up some of its demands in order to reach an agreement
Mercantilism the English economic policy focused on exporting more than importing
horticulture science of cultivating plants and trees
income the amount of money a person earns during a year
continent one of the great divisions of land (such as North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, or Antarctica) of the Earth
depression A period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment rises
disenfranchisement creative ways to prevent African Americans from voting
Lend-Lease Act (1941) allowed the U.S. government to send billions of dollars in supplies & military equipment to allied countries in exchange for U.S. rights in their military bases
Plessy vs. Ferguson a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal; "separate but equal"
Brown vs. Board of Education A Supreme Court case ruled in 1954. It reversed Plessy V. Ferguson citing that separation is not equal especially in schools.
Jim Crow Laws Laws that separated people of different races in public places in the south
segregation separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences
The New Deal program name given to a series of federal programs spearheaded by President Franklin Roosevelt in order to help the nation recover from the Great Depression; provided aid and support to many poor Georgians
Weak Mayor System a form of city government where the mayor holds some responsibilities, but the city council holds the majority of the power, duties, and responsibilities
Andersonville Confederate prison that was notorious for being overcrowded and unsanitary (many prisoners died of disease and starvation)
Chickamauga Confederate victory in NW Georgia in which neither side pursued the other to drive out forces from the Confederacy
Bourbon Triumvirate Democratic leaders who dominated Georgia politics in the years following Reconstruction. (They wanted to redeem/help Georgia recover from Reconstruction. They wanted to expand GA. economy and keep many old southern traditions, including white supremacy.)
Missouri Compromise Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, Maine joined as a free state, and slavery would not be allowed north of the 36°30' line of latitude (maintaining the balance of power in Congress)
Compromise of 1850 California admitted as a free state, New Mexico and Utah organized as territories, and a Fugitive Slave Act
State's Rights the privileges that states possess to govern themselves without interference from the federal government
Dred Scott Case ruled slaves were property and didn't have the rights of American citizens and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional because it limited people's rights of ownership
Rebecca Latimer Felton First woman to serve in the US Senate who supported educational reform, the temperance (anit-alcohol) movement, and the sufferage (women's right to vote) movement. She challenged the Bourbon Triumvirate along with her husband.
Booker T. Washington believed that African Americans could advance faster through hard work and accepted social separation
Eugene Talmadge four time Georgia governor that fought against Roosevelt's New Deal policies; appealed to Georgia's farmers for his belief in low taxes and limited government
Created by: shanonwhite
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