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El Projimo

El Triangulo Chapter 9

parecerse to look like
me parece I think or it seems to me
perecer to die,perish
dar a luz a to give birth to
parer to give birth
el parto the birth
tener la culpa de to be guilty
echar la culpa to blame
pagar las culpas to pay for someone’s mistake
el esposo the husband
la esposa the wife
las esposas handcuffs
un abrazo a hug
brazo a brazo arm in arm
un duelo a duel
de duelo in mourning
parientes relatives
los abuelos grandparents
los bisabuelos great-grandparents
los tatarabuelos great-great grandparents
los hermanos brothers and sisters
los hijos children
lasz madarastra step mother
la madre mother
el matrimonio marriage
los novios boyfriend and girlfriend, engaged couple
la nuera daughter in law
el padrastro step father
el padre father
los primos cousins
los suegros mother and father in law
el yerno son in law
muestras de amor displays of love, affection
abrazar to hug
tomarle afecto to be fond of
amar to love
declarle el amor to declare your love
amoroso loving
besar to kiss
beso a kiss
darle cariño to show affection
ser cariñoso con to be affectionate with
casarse con to get married to
tener compassion to have compassion
enamorase de to be in love with
llevar una alianza to have a relationship
muestras de respeto displays of respect
admirar to admire
alabanza praise
alabar to praise
apreciar to appreciate
declararle homenaje to declare your allegiance
la Amistad friendship
aceptar to accept
aconsejar to advise
ayudar to help
colaborar to collaborate
compartir to share
comprender to understand
gozar de la intimidad to enjoy intimacy
perdonar to forgive
ponerse de acuerdo toagree
ser cordial con to be cordial with
tener amigos entranables to have close friends
las celebraciones celebrations
el aniversario anniversary
el cóctel cocktail party
el cumpleaños birthday
el día de santo saint day
arraigarse to put down roots
arreciar get stronger
arrepentirse de to regret
atreverse a to dare to
conllevar to get along
malvado evil
propio own
compsaivo compassionate
fiel loyal
flexible flexible duh?
humilde humble
piadoso saintly
sensible sensitive
tolerante tolerant
introvertido introverted, shy
apacible gentle
conforme conformist
dependiente dependent
desordenado disorganized
intenso intense
serio serious
seguro certain, sure
competente competent
decisivo decisive
independiente independent
motivado motivated
valiente brave
mimado spoiled
engañoso cheater, deceitful
feroz ferocious
frívolo frivolous
manipulador manipulative
perezoso lazy
gruñon grumpy
terco stubborn
vanidoso vain
misántropo misfit, misanthropic
desagradable unpleasant
descreído uncredible
insoportable unbearable
rígido rigid
severo severe
El Estado De Ánimo state of being
cansarse to get married
confundirse to get confused
estar interesado to be interested
estar mareado to be dizzy
estar molesto to be annoyed
estar melanccólico to be melancholy, sad
resistir la modorra to resist drowsiness
tener estrés to haved stress, be stressed out
entre enemigos amongst enemies
conflicotos conflicts
desacuerdos disagreements
digustos disgusts, dislikes
disputas disputes
dominar to dominate
engaño cheat
insultos insult
luchas fight
menospreciar despise
peleas rights
rivalidad rivalry
la calma calmness
la confusion confusiion
el contentamiento happiness
la depresión depression
la desespereción desperation
el disgusto disgust
el enoojo anger
la precoupación worry
la tranquilidad tranquility
la tristeza sadness
la verguenza shame
Created by: claudia.laplante
Popular Spanish sets




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