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Anthropology 468 L3
Sexual Selection and Sex Differences
Question | Answer |
Strategy | term used by biologists to describe the behavior of animals. ie folivory is characterized as a foraging strategy, and monogamy is described as a mating strategy. |
Primiparous | refers to a female who has given birth for the first time. |
Dominance | The ability of one individual to intimidate or defeat another individual in a pairwise (dyadic)encounter. Assessed from the outcome of aggressive encounters; in other cases, from the outcome of competitive encounters. |
Dominance matrix | a square table constructed to keep track of dominance interactions among a group of individuals. Winners down the left, losers listed across the top, used to construct the dominance hierarchy. |
Transitive | describing a property of triadic relationships in which the relationships between the first and second elements and the second and third elements automatically determine the relationship between the first and third elements. |
IntrAsexual selection | a form of sexual selection in which males compete with other males for access to females. The result is that traits making males more successful in such competition, like large body size or large canines, are selected for. Male-male competition. |
IntrEsexual selection | a form of sexual selection in which females choose who they mate with. The result is that traits making males more attractive to females are selected for. Female-choice. |
Bachelor males | a male that has not been able to establish residence in a bisexual group. Bachelor males may live alone or reside in all-male groups. |
Handicap theory | hypothesis originally proposed by Amotz Zahavi to explain how evolution may lead to "honest" or reliable signaling between animals which have an obvious motivation to bluff or deceive each other. Energetically expensive to make, and make life harder. |