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Hesi Vocab

Abrupt Sudden Ex: The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient's level of pain.
Abstain To voluntarily refrain from something Ex: The dental hygienist instructed the patient to abstain from smoking to improve his breath odor.
Access A means to obtain entry or a means of approach Ex: To administer medications into the patients vein, the nurse must access the vein with a special needle.
Accountable Responsible Ex: Paramedics are accountable for maintaining up-to-date knowledge of resuscitation techniques
Adhere To hold fast or stick together Ex: The tape must adhere to the patient's skin to hold the bandage in place.
Adverse Undesired, possible harmful Ex: Vomiting is an adverse effect of many medications
Affect Appearance of observable emotions Ex: The nurse observed that a depressed patient exhibited no obvious emotion and reported that the patient had a flat affect
Annual Occurring every year Ex: The patient told the nurse that she had scheduled her annual mammogram, as she had been instructed.
Apply To place, put on, or spread something Ex: The physical therapist will apply a medication to the wound before covering the wound with a bondage
Audible Able to be heard Ex: The respiratory therapist noticed that the patient was having difficulty breathing, the therapist could hear an audible wheezing sound.
Bilateral Present on two sides Ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel reported to the nurse that the patient had bilateral weakness in the legs when walking.
Cardiac Of or relating to the heart Ex: Smoking increases the risk of cardiac disease
Cast Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals. Ex: The nurse instructed the child that he could not go swimming while the cast was on his broken arm
Cavity An opening or an empty area Ex: The nurse inspected the patient's oral cavity for lesions
Cease Come to an ed or bring to an end Ex: Because the patient's breathing had ceased, the paramedic began resuscitation measures
Compensatory Offsetting or making up for something Ex: When the patient's blood pressure decreased, the paramedic noted that the heart rate increased, which the paramedic recognized as a compensatory action.
Complication An undesired problem that is the result of some other event Ex: The physician told the patient that loss of eyesight is a possible complication of eye surgery.
Comply Do as directed Ex: The nurse asked the patient to comply with the instructions for taking the medication.
Concave Rounded inward Ex: The dietitian noticed that the patient was very thin and that the patient's abdomen appeared concave.
Concise Brief, to the point Ex: When teaching a patient, the nurse tried to be concise, so the instructions would be easy to remember.
Consistency Degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is Ex: The respiratory therapist noticed that the mucus the patient was coughing was of a thin, watery consistency
Constrict To draw together or become smaller Ex: The nurse knows that the small blood vessels of the skin will constrict when ice is applied to the skin.
Contingent Dependent Ex: The hygienist told the patient that a healthy mouth is contingent on careful daily brushing sand flossing.
Contour Shape or outline of a shape Ex: While bathing an overweight patient, the unlicensed assistive personnel noticed that the contour of the patient's abdomen was quite rounded.
Contract To draw together, to reduce in size Ex: The physical therapist exercises the patient's muscles so they contract and expand.
Contraindication A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done. Ex: The patient's excessive bleeding was a contraindication for discharge from the hospital.
Defecate Expel feces Ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel helped the patient to the toilet when he needed to defecate.
Deficit A deficiency or lack of something Ex:The therapist explained that the patient will experience a fluid deficit if the patient continues to perspire heavily during exercise without drinking enough fluids.
Depress Press downward Ex: The nurse will depress the patient's skin to see if any swelling is present.
Depth Downward measurement from a surface Ex: The physician measures the depth of a wound by inserting a cotton swab into the wound.
Deteriorating Worsening Ex: The dental hygienist explains that the condition of the patient's gums is deteriorating and treatment by the dentist is needed right away.
Device Tool or piece of equipment Ex: A thermometer is a device used to measure the patient's body temperature.
Diagnosis Identification of an injury or disease Ex: The patient received a diagnosis of pancreatitis.
Diameter The distance across the center of the object Ex: When measuring a patient's blood pressure, the nurse knows that when the diameter of a blood vessel increases, the pressure in that blood vessel goes down.
Dilate To enlarge or expand Ex: When shining a light in the patient's eye, the nurse looks to see if both pupils dilate in response to the light.
Discrete Distinct, separate Ex: The paramedic observed several discrete bruise marks on the patient's body
Distended Enlarged or expanded from pressure Ex: When a blood vessel is distended, the laboratory technician can easily insert a needle to obtain a blood sample.
Dysfunction Impaired or abnormal functioning Ex: Family dysfunction may increase when a member experiences an acute physical illness.
Elevate To lift up or place in a higher position Ex: The paramedic decided to elevate the head of the stretcher to help the patient breath better.
Endogenous Produced within the body
Exacerbate To make worse or more severe
Excess More than what is needed or usual
Exogenous Produced outside the body
Expand To increase in size or amount
Exposure Contact
External Located outside the body
Fatal Resulting in death
Fatigue Extreme tiredness, exhaustion
Flaccid Limp, lacking tone
Flushed Reddened or ruddy appearance
Gaping Wide open
Gastrointestional Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines
Gender Sex of an individual, as in male or female
Hematologic Of or relating to the blood
Hydration Maintenance of body fluid balance
Hygiene Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health
Impaired Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level
Impending Likely to occur soon
Incidence Occurrence
Infection Contaminating or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisums
Inflamed Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender
Ingest To swallow for digestion
Initiate To begin or put into practice
Insidious So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
Intact In place, unharmed
Internal Located within the body
Invasive Inserting or entering into the body part
Labile Changing rapidly and often
Lacteration Cut;Tear
Latent Present but not active or visible
Lethargic Difficult to arouse
Manifestation An indication or sign of a condition
Musculoskeletal Of or relating to muscle and skeleton
Neurologic Of or relating to the nervous system
Neurovascular Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels
Nutrient Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment
Occluded Closed or obstricted
Ominous Significantly important and dangerous
Ongoing Continuous
Oral Given through or affecting the mouth
Overt Obvious, easily observed
Parameter A characteristic or constant factor, limit
Paroxysmal Beginning suddenly or abruptly; convulsive
Patient Open
Pathogenic Causing or able to cause disease
Pathology Processes, causes, and effects of a disease; abnormality
Posterior Located behind; in the back
Potent Producing a strong effect
Potential Capable of occurring or likely to occur
Precaution Preventive measures
Precipitious Rapid, uncontrolled
Predispose To make more susceptible or more likely to occur
Preexisting Already present
Primary First or most significant
Priority Of great importance
Prognosis The anticipated or expected course or outcome
Rationale The underlying reason
Recur To occur again
Renal Of or relating to the kidneys
Respiration Inhalation and exhalation of air
Restrict To limit
Retain To hold or keep
Site Location
Status Condition
Strict Stringent, exact, complete
Sublingual Under the tongue
Supplement To take in addition to or to complete
Suppress To stop or subdue
Symmetric (symmetrical) Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position
Symptom An indication of a problem
Syndrome Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder.
Therapeutic Of or relating to the treatment of a disease of a disorder
Transdermal Crossing through the skin
Transmission Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another
Tramua Injury, wound
Triage Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient's condition and likelihood of benefit from the treatment
Untoward Adverse or negative
Urinate Excrete or expel urine
Vascular Of or relating to the blood vessels
Verbal Spoken, using words
Virus Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease
Vital Essential
Void Excrete, or expel urine
Volume Amount of space occupied by a fluid
Synonym The author gives the reader another word that means the same or nearly the same as the unknown word
Antonym The author gives a word that means the opposite of the unknown word
Created by: Rdumont
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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