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Ship's 3M


Who has overall responsibility for ensuring maintenance is accomplished following 3M System and quality maintenance procedures and that the 3M system functions effectively within the command? Commanding Officer (CO)
Who is the command's 3M system manager? Executive Officer (XO)
The 3M System Coordinator supervision of all admin facets of the 3M system program. This position will be assigned in writing as the primary duty of an Officer, Chief, or PO1(who has been assigned what secondary NEC)? 9517
The #M System Coordinator ensure all routing review signatures have been applied prior to forwarding #m documents to the designated data processing activity within how many working days of document origination or as operationally feasible? 7
Who is responsible for the final approval of the 3M quarterly schedule? Department Head (air boss)
What shall be submitted requesting a LOEP change for new adds and for equipment removals? PMS FBR
Department LCPO shall be 3M PQS up to what level? Division Officer (DIVO)
Who is responsible to the Division Officer via the LCPO/LPO for the effective operation of the 3M system within their respective work center? work center supervisor
What will the work center supervisor use as a daily working document for the scheduling of any maintenance actions not included on the PMS schedules? current ships maintenance project (CSMP)
What has been developed to provide the commands maintenance team with the tools to plan, schedule, and control planned maintenance effectively? PMS
The maintenance procedures developed in accordance with what principles for planned maintenance are the minimum required to maintain equipment within specifications? PMS master file
Who is the PMS master file maintained by? 3M system coordinator
What reflects that portion of the PMS master file that contains only the planned maintenance requirements applicable to a particular work center? Work center PMS manual
What provides a listing of the MIPs for systems and equipment assigned to each work center, and systems and equipment not requiring PMS or currently being evaluated for PMS? LOEP
What are basic PMS reference documents? MIPs
How many SYSCOM MIP control numbering systems have been developed based on changing PMS philosophy and are currently in use? three
The SYSCOM MRC control number is a how many character alphanumeric code which is assigned in which MRC? 7
What delineates how frequently the maintenance requirement must be performed? periodicity code
What following the periodicity code indicates a safety of ship item? asterisk (*)
What following the periodicity code indicates that the procedure is intended to be scheduled and performed by off-ship maintenance personnel? single plus (+)
What following the periodicity code indicates that this procedure is intended to be scheduled and performed by either ship's force or off-ship maintenance personnel? double plus (++)
What are maintenance requirements that must be accomplished concurrently with another maintenance requirement? mandatory related
What are maintenance requirements that can be accomplished concurrently with another maintenance requirement for saving of time or manpower considerations? convenience related
All of part of the related MRC is performed when specific conditions are present or not met on the referencing MRC is known as what type of maintenance? conditional related
What type of maintenance is corrective in nature used to return system or equipment to operational condition within predetermined tolerances or limitations? unscheduled maintenance (U)
ICMP tasks are not applicable to submarines and what else? carriers
What provide detailed procedures for performing maintenance requirements and describes who, what, how, and with what resources a specific maintenance requirement will be accomplished? MRCs
What defines an even that must occur for an MRC to be scheduled? situational requirement
What type of even is a persistent event that can be tracked over duration of time (in days)? state
What type of event is a single occurrence or action that may have a maintenance action tied to it? trigger
What type of event is an event that is based on the current value of a measurement in relation to the value at the time of the last accomplishment? metered
What is an aid that is used to determine when the MRC is scheduled based on the occurrence of the event? offset information
What specifies the situation that must exist in order for the maintenance to be accomplished and has no effect on scheduling? pre requisite
What maintenance requirements are those documented actions required to restore a system/equipment to an operational condition within predetermined tolerances or limitations? unscheduled
What is used only for General Purpose Electrical and Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE) listed in the Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Index (TMDE-I? Category I
What establishes allowances for GPETE for ships and shore activities under NAVSEA cognizance? SPETERL
What are defined as any items, which are an integral part of the equipment? parts
What block details the sequence of steps to be followed in performing the maintenance action? procedure
What are associated with equipment safety, e.g. failure to accomplish the step could result in damage to equipment? cautions
The three segment code used in cataloging MRCs is located as a footer on what side of each page of each MRC card? right
What documents provide new or changed procedures that have not been given a final engineering validation? preliminary
What are authorizations for and a record of changes to an existing MIP or MRC, or the addition of a new MRC? advance change notices (ACNs)
What represents a new MIP and at least one new MRC? special issue
What changes are authorized revisions to any aspect of existing PMS documentation and are authorized in TFBR responses? pen and ink
Changes of PMS maintenance responsibility require concurrence from whom and may require final approval by the applicable TYCOM? Executive Officer
Who is the only person that can authorize the splitting of a MIP if an MRC requires another Work Center to completely perform the MRC? Executive Officer
Who will develop a split MIP log to manage all slit MIPs for the command? 3-M Coordinator
What type of maintenance events occur when a MR requires another work center's resources to perform that maintenance? collaborative
What are used to report problems and also to request another work center's resources to perform that maintenance? feedback forms
How many types of feedback reports (FBR) are there? two
What type of FBR is non-technical in nature and is intended to meet PMS needs which do not require technical review? CAT A
A TFBR will be considered what when the reason for submission of a PMS TFBR involves safety of personnel, ship, or potential for damage to equipment and relates to the technical requirements of PMS? urgent
NAVSEA has established a goal of providing the answer to a TFBR in what time frame? one day
Technical review activities are required to answer all TFBRs submitted to them within how many working days? 21
Safety-related PMS updates are required to be implemented within how many working days of receipt? 2 to 5
What provides for a day to day, year to year record of changes to a commands preventive maintenance program? CSAL
Each work center shall receive an audit once per quarter by a supervisory individual (what grade or above)? E-7
Who is responsible for the effective assessment of the material condition of the activity? commanding officer
What will emphasize safety, preservation, damage control readiness, material condition and cleanliness? zone inspections
All material condition deficiencies that require corrective maintenance, regardless of significance, shall be entered into the what? Maintenance Data System (MDS)
What classification is given to an equipment which has been analyzed by the designated technical review activity, and the need for PMS requirements established? MRS
What term can be assigned to equipment only if no maintenance other than normal housekeeping actions is required to keep the equipment in good operating condition? NMR
The intentional placement of a piece of equipment/system in a hibernated state for a specific duration with the intention of reactivating at the end of that duration defines what type of equipment? inactive
The intentional placement of a piece of equipment for periods of prolonged idleness, and are usually performed only once at the beginning of the inactive period? lay-up
What maintenance actions are accomplished on a recurring basis during the inactive period to prevent equipment deterioration? periodic
What maintenance actions ensure that equipment is in a condition suitable for operation or to reactivate an equipment or system that has been inactivated for a prolonged period? start-up
Who are responsible for ensuring the proper installation and operation of PMS within the ships under their command? type commanders (TYCOMs)
Prior to the PMS installation, equipment configuration information will be verified by the what?
Created by: Pmulvany



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