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500 Manhattan

Clamor Noisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd; a loud noise, continue noise
Coalesce Come together, unite; fuse together
Cogent very convincing, logical
Commensurate the same in size, extent, etc., equivalent; proportional
Complacent self-studied, smug; overly content(and therefore lazy, neglectful, or some other bad quality)
Concede give in, admit, yield; acknowledge reluctantly; grant or give up (such as giving land after losing a war)
Conciliatory reconciling, appeasing, attempting to make the peace
Concur approve, agree
Condone Overlook, tolerate, regard as harmless
Confer consult, compare views; bestow or give
Connoisseur expert, especially in the fine arts; person educated, redefined tastes
Console Lesson the suffering or grief of (v); a control panel, small table or cabinet
Construe interpret or translate
Contentious controversial; prone to causing arguments, especially gratuitous or petty ones
Conundrum a confusing and difficult problem or question
Conversant knowledge about or experienced with
Convoluted twisted; very complicated
Copious plentiful, bountiful
Countenance facial expression or face (n); approve or tolerate
Craven very cowardly, lacking courage
Credulous gullible; prone to believing or trusting too easily or w/out enough evidence
Crescendo steady increase in force, intensity, or the loudness of a musical passage; a climatic moment of peak
Culminate reach to highest point or final stage
Daunt discourage, dishearten, lesson the courage of
Debase degrade, lower in quality, value, rank etc.,; lower in morality
Debunk expose, ridicule, or disprove false or exaggerated claims
Decorous behaving w/propriety and good taste; polite
Deem judge or regard or consider in a specified way.
Deface vandalize, mar the appearance of
Deference respectful submission; yielding to the authority or opinions of another
Deflect cause to curve; turn aside, especially from a straight course; avoid
Denigrate belittle, attack the reputation of
Deleterious harmful, unhealthy
Delineate v. describe or portray (something) precisely: the law should _________ and prohibit behavior that is socially abhorrent. mark the outline of; sketch; describe in details
Deride mock, scoff at laugh at contemptuously
Desiccate throughly dried up, dehydrated
Deterrent something that restrains or discourages
Diatribe bitter, abusive, attack or criticism; rant
Didactic intended to instruct; teaching, or teaching a moral lesson
Digress go off-topic when speaking or writing
Din loud, confused noise, esp. for a long period of time
Disabuse free someone from a mistake in thinking
Discerning having good judgement or insight; able to distinguish mentally
Discrepancy difference or inconsistency
disingenuous insincere, not genuine
Disinterested unbiased, impartial; not interested
Disjoined disconnected, not coherent, jerky; having the joints separated
Disposition a person's general or natural mood; tendency
Disquieting disturbing, causing anxiety
Dispassionate unbiased, not having a self or personal motivation; calm, lacking emotion
Created by: jrbat76$
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