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communication theory


The phrase "one cannot not communicate" is related to D) the intentionality debate
Because communication is viewed as transactional, A) it is an ongoing process B) senders and receivers are mutually responsible for the effectiveness of communication C) communication is influenced by the sender's and receiver's field of experience
Referring to communication as a process emphasizes the fact that communication is an ongoing, dynamic, and unending occurrence
the important of understand communication theory is to help you make sense of your personal experiences
According to the transactional model, meaning is built by both people in an interaction
t is the sole responsibility of the source to communicate effectively. B) False
Definitions of communication are abundant and have changed substantially over the years True
Communication is defined as a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment
Because the communication process is so dynamic, researchers and theorists draw conclusions about communication by looking for patterns over time. true
Symbols are arbitrary. True
The ___________ context of communication pertains to speaking and persuasion public/rhetorical
Which statement most accurately encapsulates the view held by the semiotic tradition? Meaning is achieved when we share a common language.
The environment in which communication takes place is called the context
Communication apprehension is also known as the fear of public speaking before an audience research has been examined across communication contexts can be reduced
Investigating the origins of relationships, the maintenance of relationships, and the dissolution of relationships characterizes the ____________ communication context. interpersonal
Communication with one's self is the definition of which context of communication? intrapersonal
The growth of scholarship and research in the intercultural context can be attributed to A) globalization B) technological change C) population shifts
Intercultural communication is concerned only with the communication between individuals from different countries. False
Most researchers agree that a minimum of three people must be present for a small group to exist. True
Critiquing the social order is at the heart of the critical tradition. True
All of the following have been identified as goals of theory explanation B) understanding D) social change
In the __________ approach, communication behavior is believed to be governed by forces that are predictable and able to be generalized. covering law
When a theory's explanations make sense and do not appear to contradict each other, the theory is said to have logical consistency
The _________ epistemology rejects the notion that truth exists apart from the knower of the truth. Truth can only be understood from the viewpoint of individual experiences. interpretivist
__ addresses questions about the role of values in the research process. axiology
Of the approaches discussed in the book, the _________ approach assumes that individuals have the highest degree of free will. rules
A researcher who has no concern for issues of control or ability to generalize, instead choosing focus on providing rich descriptions would be following the _________ approach interpretive
All of us in daily life think like researchers, using implicit, naïve theories to help us understand behavior. True
Researchers are concerned with the extent to which they are actually measuring the true variable of interest, such as whether the standard I.Q. test is really capturing an individual's intelligence. This concern is about validity
Some critical theorists, such as Stuart Hall, argue that power imbalances are not always the result of intentional strategies on the part of the powerful, but may instead be accidentally reproduced. True
Symbolic Interaction Theory centers on the relationship between symbols and interactions is associated with the work of George Herbert Mead defines mind as the ability to use symbols that have common social meanings
When Angela asks herself the question "Who am I?" the answer relates to her self-concept
While preparing for her driver's exam, Athena reflects on all the experiences that brought her to that time and place. She considers her successful practice sessions and her teacher's positive encouragement, and tells herself that she will be successful. thought
Which two communication contexts are associated with SIT? interpersonal and intrapersonal
the web of social relationships that humans create is known as society
the self-concept is a relatively stable set of perceptions people hold about themselves is a notion critical to Symbolic Interaction Theory develops through interaction with society
Living up to or down to another's expectation of us is known as the Pygmalion effect
Symbolic Interaction Theory argues that humans develop minds through interaction with others. True
One of the assumptions of Symbolic Interaction Theory states that humans act toward others on the basis of the meanings those others have for them. True
The "me" is the part of the self that is an acting subject. False
Cognitive dissonance can be defined as the negative feelings people experience due to contradictory cognitions
Which of the following best illustrates an irrelevant relationship? You purchase an inexpensive car and you believe cats make better pets than dogs
The three factors that influence the magnitude of dissonance a person will feel are the degree of importance, the dissonance ratio, and the dissonance rationale
Which of the following statements underscores the Cognitive Dissonance Theory assumption that human beings desire consistency in their beliefs, attitudes and behaviors? People do not enjoy inconsistencies in their thoughts and beliefs. Cognitions must be psychologically inconsistent with one another to arouse cognitive dissonance. Dissonance is a drive state possessing arousal properties.
Olivia sees herself primarily as an excellent nanny. When the children she cares for refuse to be left in her care, the magnitude of her dissonance is likely to be high
In Cognitive Dissonance Theory, rationale refers to the reasoning process employed to explain an inconsistency
Cognitive Dissonance Theory is rooted in the _________ context of communication intrapersonal
Cognitive Dissonance Theory proponents believe that human beings desire consistency in their cognitions. True
Buyer's remorse refers to the dissonance one feels after making a purchase. True
An individual employing selective retention is likely to remember all the arguments both for and against the position he or she holds. False
Created by: agrimes0831



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