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Vocab Workshop E-1

Vocab Workshop Level E Unit 1

to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value adulterate
able to use both hands equally well; very skillful; decietful, hypocritical ambidexterous
to make larger, increase augment
deprived of; made unhappy through a loss bereft
to position or arrange; to utilize, to form up deploy
stern, unyeilding,gloomy, ill-humored dour
courage in facing difficulties fortitiude
to stare with open mouth; to open the mouth wide; to open wide gape
(v)to utter taunting words gibe
(n) an expression of scorn gibe
an external appearance, cover, mask guise
intended to decieve or entrap; sly, treacherous insidious
a hint, indirect suggestion intimation
wealthy, luxurious; ample; grandiose opulent
easily bent, flexible; easily influenced pliable
to say again, repeat reiterate
not easily moved mentally or emotionally;dull, unresponsive stolid
experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant tentative
not combed; untidy;not properly maintained; unpolished, rude unkempt
word for word; exactly as written or spoken verbatim
catiously, with great care warily
syn: contaminate, pollute, sully adulterate
ant: purify, purge, expurgate adulterate
adulterate(pos) verb
syn:versatile, facile ambidexterous
ant:clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit ambidexterous
ambidexterous(pos) adjective
syn:enlarge, supplement, amplify augment
ant: decrease, diminish augment
augment(pos) verb
syn:deprived of; made unhappy through a loss bereft
ant: replete, well provided bereft
bereft(pos) adjective,participle
syn: station, organize deploy
deploy(pos) verb
syn: harsh, bleak, forbidding, saturine dour
ant: cheery, inviting, genial dour
dour(pos) adjective
syn:resolve, steadfastness, mettle fortitude
ant: fearfullness, timidity, faintheartedness fortitude
fortitude(pos) noun
syn: gawk, ogle gape
gape(pos) verb
syn:ridicule ,mock, deride, jeer gibe
ant:compliment, praise gibe
gibe(pos) verb and noun
syn:costume, semblance, pretense guise
guise(pos) noun
syn: cunning, underhanded, perfidious guise
ant: frank, ingenuous, aboveboard guise
intimation(pos) noun
syn: clue, indication, inkling intimation
opulent(pos) adjective
syn: rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant opulent
ant: poverty-stricken, wretched, destitute opulent
pliable(pos) adjective
syn: supple, adaptable, resilient pliable
ant:rigid, inflexible, recalcitrant pliable
reiterate(pos) verb
syn: restate, rehash, recapitulate reiterate
stolid(pos) adjective
syn: impassive, phlegmatic stolid
ant: emotional, oversensitive, high-strung stolid
tentative(pos) adjective
syn: provisional inconclusive tentative
ant: definite, conclusive, confirmed tentative
unkempt(pos) adjective
syn: sloppy, disheveled, disordered, rough unkempt
ant: well-groomed, tidy, neat, natty unkempt
verbatim(pos) adjective, adverb
syn: (adj.) exact: (adv) precisely verbatim
ant: (adj) paraphrased verbatim
warily(pos) adverb
syn: carefully, prudently, gingerly warily
ant: recklessly, heedlessly, incautiously warily
Created by: KLS
Popular Stadlier Oxford Voca sets




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