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(ACP) Attorney client privilege
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Duty of loyalty
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bus law


(ACP) Attorney client privilege cant give out information which was give by the client
Duty of loyalty An obligation imposed by law that requires, depending on the circumstances, a current employee to put the interested of an employer ahead of his or her own interest
confidentiality agreement A provision in an employment contrast requiring that the employee not discole information that is deemed confidential
trade secrets created under state law, a secret with independent value that is subject to reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy
white collar crime stealing money, guile, deceptive or wrongful conduct , such as price fixing or inside trading
Act and Intent A crime is a combination of act and intent
conspiracy two or more people plan a crime .
internment police set up person
fourth amd -validity of searcher incident to an arrest without a warrant. -the validity of search warrants the presence of probable cause -
fifth amd is your right to remain silent right self incriminate
six amd -Once the procedural have an year to trial get more evident -have right to attorney
eight amd the death penalty. -prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishments
tort wrong commented to a person
strict liability you liable fro you your action or put out.
nuisance to unreasonable wrongful use of property, causing material discomfort, hurt, and damage to the person or property of another
joint liable both people are both punish
slander lies false statement that injures the reputation of another
due care failure to exercise
proximate cause negligent action that is close to the resulting injury or damage
res ipsa loqutior the thing speak for itself, rebut table presumption that a defendant was negligent
Negligence per se negligence shown through the violation of a statue or ordnance
proximate cause the negligent action that is close to the resulting injury or damage
Assumption of risk Agree to harmful risk
design defect product liability
defect in instrumental and Waring product liability use instruction
degree negligence the greater the risk, the higher the duty owed to others.
Created by: stcalhoun2163
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