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UNA FR 202 Ch 24

UNA, FR 202, The Ultimate French, Chapter 24

aimer mieux que to prefer that
attendre que to wait for/until
avoir besoin que to need that/for
demander que to request/ask that
désirer que to desire/want/wish that
empêcher que to prevent/keep that/from
exiger que to demand that
ordonner que to order that
permettre que to allow/permit that
préférer que to prefer that
recommander que to recommend that
souhaiter que to wish that
suggérer que to suggest that
vouloir que to want that
il est nécessaire que it is necessary that
il est essentiel que it is essential that
il est important que it is important that
il est urgent que it is urgent that
il est indespensable que it is indispensable that
il est utile que it is useful that
il faut que it is necessary that
avoir peur que to be afraid that
craindre que to fear that
s'étonner que to be surprised that
cela m'étonne que I'm surprised that, "It surprises me that..."
il est étonnant que it is surprising that
il est bizarre que it is bizarre/strange that
il est curieux que it is curious/strange that
il est extraordinaire que it is extraordinary that
être content(e) que to be happy that
être heureux(-se) que to be happy that
être triste que to be sad that
être ravi(e) que to be delighted that
être satisfait(e) que to be satisfied that
être désolé(e) que to be sorry that
regretter que to regret/be sorry that
se réjouir que to rejoice/be glad that
cela m'ennuie que it annoys me that
cela m'agace que it annoys me that
cela m'énerve que it annoys me that
se plaindre que to complain that
se fâcher que to get angry that/because
être fâché(e) que to be angry that
être furieux(-se) que to be furious that
avoir honte que to be ashamed that
il est ennuyeux que it is annoying that
il est agaçant que it is annoying that
accepter que to accept that
approuver que to approve that
désapprouver que to disapprove that
il convient que it's suitable/advisable that
il importe que it matters that
peu importe que it matters little that
il suffit que it suffices/is enough that
il vaut mieux que it is better that
il est logique que it is logical that
il est normal que it is normal that
il est naturel que it is natural that
il est juste que it is just that
c'est une chance que it is lucky that
ce n'est pas la peine que it is not worth it that
il est rare que it is rare/not often that
il se peut que it is possible/may be that
il est possible que it is possible that
il est impossible que it is impossible that
il n'y a aucune chance que there is no chance that
il n'y a pas de danger que there is no danger that
nier que to deny that
douter que to doubt that
il est douteux que it is doubtful that
il est exclu que it is excluded/out of the question that
il n'est pas certain que it is not certain that
il n'est pas sûr que it is not sure that
il n'est pas évident que it is not evident that
il n'est pas clair que it is not clear that
il n'est pas exact que it is not correct/accurate that
il n'est pas vrai que it is not true that
il est peu probable que it is not probable that
il ne paraît pas que it doesn't appear/seem that
je ne suis pas sûr(e) que I am not sure that
je ne dis pas que I am not saying that
ça ne veut pas dire que it does not mean that
ce n'est pas que it is not that
je ne crois pas que I do not believe that (subjunctive if you're not sure, indicative if you are)
je ne pense pas que I do not think that (subjunctive if you're not sure, indicative if you are)
je n'espére pas que I do not hope that
penser que to think that (indicative)
croire que to believe that (indicative)
espérer que to hope that (indicative)
je ne nie pas que I do not deny that (indicative)
je ne doute pas que I do not doubt that (indicative)
il est certain que it is certain that (indicative)
il est sûr que it is sure that (indicative)
il est évident que it is evident that (indicative)
il est clair que it is clear that (indicative)
il est exact que it is correct/accurate that (indicative)
il est vrai que it is true that (indicative)
il est probable que it is probable that (indicative)
il paraît que it appears/seems that (indicative)
je suis sûr(e) que I am sure that (indicative)
dire que to say that (indicative)
ça veut dire que it means to say that (indicative)
c'est que it is that (indicative)
Created by: Rinson Drei
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