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Triángulo 9

El prójimo

perecer to die
parecerse to seem like
dar a luz to give birth
nena baby
parir to give birth
el parto the birth
tener la culpa de to be to blame
echar la culpa to blame someone else
pagar las culpas to pay for your mistakes
mellizo fraternal twin
trillizos triplets
gemelos identical twin
cuatrillizos cuadruplets
el esposo spouse
esposas handcuffs
familiar familiar
familiares family members
un abrazo hug
brazo a brazo hand to hand combat
el duelo duel
de duelo in mourning
parientes relatives
los abuelos grandparents
los bisabuelos great grandparents
los tatarabuelos great great grandparents
los hermanos brothers
los hijos children
la madrastra stepmother
la madre mother
el matrimonio marriage
los novios lovers
la nuera daughter in law
el padrastro stepfather
el padre father
los primos cousins
los suegros parents in law
el yerno son in law
sobrino niece/ nephew
cuñado sibling in law
abrazar to hug
tomarle afecto to show affection
amar to love
declararle el amor to declare love
amoroso/a loving
besar to kiss
beso kiss
darle cariño to give affection
ser cariñoso con to be affectionate with
casarse con to marry
tener compasión por to have compassion for
llevar una alianza to have a close relationship
admirar to admire
alabanza praise
alabar to praise
apreciar to appreciate
declararle homenaje to give homage to
el homenaje homage
odiar to hate
aceptar to accept
aconsejar to counsel
ayudar to help
colaborar to collaborate
compartir to share
comprender to understand
gozar de la intimidad to enjoy close friendship
perdonar to pardon/forgive
ponerse de acuerdo to come to an agreement
ser cordial con to be cordial with
tener amigos entrañables to have close friends
arraigarse to put down roots/ establish yourself
arreciar to get stronger
arrepentirse to repent
atreverse a to dare to
conllevar to get along with
malvado/a evil
propio (your) own
divorciarse to divorce
comprometerse to get engaged
soltero single
casado married
romper con to break up with
divorciado divorced
viudo widow/ widower
fiel faithful
flexible flexible
humilde humble
piadoso/a pious
sensible sensitive
tolerante tolerant
seguro secure/being sure of yourself
competente competent/ capable
decisivo/a decisive
independiente independent
motivado motivated
valiente brave
introvertido introverted
apacible peaceful
conforme conforming
dependiente dependant
desordenado disorganized
intenso intense
serio/a serious
misántropo/a misanthropist
chismoso/a gossipy
desagradable unpleasant
descreído/a unbelieving
insoportable unbearable
rígido rigid
severo severe
cansarse to get tired
Created by: jerussum
Popular Spanish sets




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