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Bill of Rights and Other Amendments

Bill of Rights the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution
cruel and unusal punishment punishment prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; includes torture or other forms of punishment too severe for the crime committed
double jeopardy the prosecution of a defendant for a criminal offense for which he has already been tried; prohibited in the Fifth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution
due process the right of people accused of crimes to have laws that treat them fairly, so that they cannot lose their life or freedom without having their legal rights protected
eminent domain the right of the government to take private property for public use; the Fifth Amendment requires that people be paid fairly (compensated) for their property if it is taken by the government
equal protection under the law a guarantee under the 14th Amendment that a state must treat a citizen or class of citizens the same as it treats other citizens or classes in like circumstances
First Amendment an amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibiting Congress from establishing a religion, and from interfering with freedom of religious exercise, press, speech, assembly, or petition
pleading the fifth the right of a person to refuse to testify under oath in a court of law on the grounds that the answers could be used as evidence against him to convict him of a criminal offense
right to bear arms the idea in the Second Amendment that people have an individual right to own and carry weapons
right to legal counsel the right of a defendant to be assisted by an attorney, and if he cannot afford his own lawyer, the government must appoint one for him; established in the Sixth Amendment
search and seizure the process by which police or other authorities who suspect that a crime has been committed do a search of a person's property and collect evidence related to the crime; protection from illegal search and seizure is in the Fourth Amendment
suffrage the right to vote; protected in the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments
trial by jury a trial in which the issue is determined by a judge and a jury, usually with 12 members, whose job is to determine facts and make a judgment of guilty or not guilty; protected in the Sixth Amendment
unenumerated rights according to the Ninth Amendment, any right that is not specifically addressed in the Constitution still may be protected (e.g., privacy)
Created by: Ms Plyler
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