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MWH Exploration

Summerville High School MWH HONORS

Mercantilism economic system built on collection of gold and silver by a government and having a favorable balance of trade
Joint-stock Companies Private individuals pooled their money together to fund trade voyages, in order to make a profit
Amerigo Vespucci Explorer and Map maker that realized that Columbus had discovered a new world in 1501
Capitalism Economic system where individuals own the factors of production and operate businesses for a profit
Ferdinand Magellan credited with being the first to circumnavigate the world (but actually died in the Philippines)
Columbian Exchange Transfer of people, animals, plants, technologies, and diseases between the Old World and the New World
Colonization process where a country takes over an area not connected to it and controls its resources
Tariff tax on imported goods, used to discourage people from buying foreign products
Monopoly the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
middle passage transportation of slaves across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to the Americas
slave coast area from the Gold coast to the mouth of the Niger River
balance of trade amount of exports compared to the amount of imports a nation has
Triangular trade trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas that developed during the 17th and 18th centuries
Christopher Columbus Italian explorer sponsored by Spain to find a western route to India – Discovered Americas but thought it was India
Treaty of Tordesillas Issued by the pope to settle competition between Spain and Portugal over exploration. Established the Line of Demarcation, Spain gets to claim land west of the line, Portugal gets land east of the line.
Samuel de Champlain French explorer – found Quebec (Canada)
Jacques Cartier French explorer – found Montreal (Canada)
Francisco Pizzaro Spanish conquistador, conquered the Inca (Peru) in 1534
Hernan Cortes Spanish conquistador, conquered the Aztecs (Mexico) in 1519
Bartholomew Dias sailed for Portugal, first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) in 1488
Vasco de Gama sailed for Portugal, first to sail south around Africa to India and return in 1498
mestizos people of mixed European and Native American heritage.
peninsulares Spanish-born residents of the New World.
Creoles people of European ancestry born in Spanish New World colonies; dominated local economies; ranked socially below peninsulares.
mulatto people of mixed African and European heritage.
Ferdinand and Isabella King and Queen of Spain, financed Columbus, kicked Muslims out of Spain and united the country
Created by: amygilstrap7
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