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advanced French
Term | Definition |
turbot, m | flat and oval sea fish, large 10-15 kg, (etym. Swedish törnbut, törn thorn + but flatfish, L. turbo: toupie turning top توپ ball) سپرماهی |
le perdreau, m = perdix | partridge, quail-like, πέρδικα, πέρδιξ کبک |
scalp(e), m | scalp, head skin with the hair / (vb) to cut off the scalp / |
escalope, f, (vb ~r), (:escalope) | cutlet (:la côtelette), chop, chipping, slice of meat, scallop, (etym. old fr eschalope: coquille: shell) |
chaloupe, f | canoe (:le canot), (ety fr coquille de noix پوسته گردو) |
coquille, f | shell, peel (:la coque), (~ de noix پوست گردو) / eatable animal, scallop, related to some ports: ~ St-Jacques en Galice, ~ St-Michel en Normandie |
-ille | diminuative noun form, as: coquille, feuille |
coquillage, m | all sea shells: mussel (:moule) oyster (:huître), calm (:clovisse), crayfish (:écrevisse), snail (:escargot or limaçon), etc. of spiral or 2-piece shells / animal or its shell (~s fossiles) |
coque, f | bark, shell (of bird egg or fish), peel, hull (:cosse), (ety Spanish coca) (nb le coq: cock, ruster) |
croquette, f | fishball, meatball, fried breaded roll or ball of mashed potato (cake), minced meat, rice, vegetables, etc |
pâte de pommes de terre | mashed potatoes |
maladroit, m | clumsy, awkward, unskilful, annoying, maladroit; gauche, left handed |
chapelure, f | bread crumbs, small bits of bread, (etym. fr chapeler+ure: tailler/couper into tiny pieces) |
chapeler | (fr tailler, abattre, couper par morceaux en râper la croûte, ~ du pain) خرد کردن به روش تراش نه قطع |
tailler | to cut (into form), (trim, chip, prune, slice) |
chapelle, f | chapel, cut branch of a church, hospital, prison to prey, (etym. L. cappella, little cape, cap head or head cover) |
tremper | to dip, plunge into water, powder, etc / to soak, wet |
après l'avoir trempée dans de farine (une boulette) | example of past participle agreement rule COD after le, la, que, l', qu' |
faire frire | to fry, make, cause fry |
le sort, m | fate, destiny / fortune, luck, chance / charm, spell |
la sorte, f | kind, sort, type, manner, sort |
exaucer un voeu | grant, bestow; fulfill, gratify, (syn réaliser un souhait) برآورده کردن یک آرزو |
police, f | + font, (of text) |
sois raisonnable! | be wise! be sensible! |
tomber d'accord (sur) | to agree with / fall in with |
(exp) se faire à qc | (exp) to get used sth |
(exp) il faut s'y faire | one must get used to it |
je me fais à mon chien | I got used to my dog |
méduse, f | jellyfish |
pronostic, m | forecast, prognosis |
appendice, m [اَن] | appendage; appendix; proboscis; tailpiece |
le carousel [z], m, (:~) | roundabout, merry-go-round, playful tournament of knights in chariots or on horseback / (airport) luggage ~, (etym. carro: chariot) (syn le manège) |
entrée, f, (~s gratuites) | entry, entrance / first course |
la porte d'entrée | front door |
semer | to sow, seed, disseminate / scatter, spread (ideas), expand / (etym. L. seminare, semin: seed, dis- wide, apart, out) تخم کاشتن، منتشرکردن |
écrevisse, f | crawfish (krafĭsh), crayfish (krāfĭsh), resembles a crab, small sea lobster (:petit homard), [corrupted fr. krebs, krebiz, crevis, creves, crevice, écrevisse |
homard, m | lobster, large sea lobster (:grosse écrevisse de mer), with large pincers (nails), 10 legs, 1/2 m خرچنگ دریایی |
stockage, m | woman's stockings / storage, reserve, stored goods / store, boutique / memory (computer) جوراب زنانه ساقه بلند |
écueil, m, (same root: accueil) | reef (causing shipwreck), (sea) obstacle, barrier / pitfall |
donner sur le sable | to run aground, strand |
échouer | to fail, not succeed / run aground (ship or fish stuck on sand, coral reefs) / to get stranded, to strand |
déclencher une bombe | to set off, trigger, launch, start, release |
lisière, f | edge; border, margin, (etym. lisse: smooth) |
pile, (adv) | exactly, indeed, precisely, (ça arrive ~ au bon moment) |
proviseur | principal, headmaster, (directeur d'un lycée) |
lycée, m, (masc. by exception) | grammar school (uk), high school (us) |
toile, f | canvas / cloth, linen / web (internet), net (catching animals) / big screen, movie screen (us) |
parcourir | , read through, look up, look into |
balbutier | stammer, talk with difficulty / mumble, gibber, stutter لکنت داشتن، بالکنت حرف زدن |
arrondir, (ar+rond) | to turn (round), go round, round (off) |
meule, f | millstone, grindstone, whetstone سنگ آسیاب |
fourrer | to push, stick in, shove in, thrust, poke / fill / (syn faire entrer) گیر کردن |
Ne savoir où se fourrer | not knowing where to hide |
être aux abois | to reach poverty, be at the end of resources, near dying state, dog's cry of hunger |
heures creuses, f | off-peak hours |
(gk) scatter, (:se disperser) | (En) σκορπίζω, διασκορπίζω |
rebondissement (m) | rebound (ball), recoil / new development (affair, story) |
adamant, adj | firm, tough, uncompromising, adamant, inflexible |
belliciste, m | warmonger, advocate of war, hawkish (see below) |
(en) hawkish | (en) resembling a hawk; advocating aggressive or warlike political policy |
le tourment | suffering, agony, torment, (eg causer de ~; les ~s des martyrs) |
je suis de votre avis | I agree with your opinion |
Arcadie | Arcadia, Région de la Grèce, au centre du Péloponnèse |
bastide, f | a fortified village or small town in southern Franc on top of a small hill / small country house, (etym. bâtir) / (syn bastille) |
haler | to tow, haul in, move a boat by pulling on a rope connected to an anchor |
contrebas, (adv) | below, at a further point, lower down, downwards, below, at a further point |
contrebasse, f | contrabass, double bass, bass |
rendre | to cause, make |
apparat, m | pageantry: rich and showy display, magnificence, pomp, splendour, grandeur, show |
gisement, m | resource, deposit, tract معدن |
receler, (je recèle) | receive, harbor, hold, keep |
amer | bitter |
sommet, m | (mount) top, summit; height, peak / (cube) apex, vertex |
sensibiliser | to educate, teach / raise awareness, make someone aware or conscience of, put sense into, make sensible, to sensitize |
repère, m | landmark, marking (to locate a place) |
le poisson plat, m | any flatfish (eg sole) سفره ماهی |
geler | to freeze, frost, chill; ice over / (finance) halt, block, set |
somnifère, m | sleeping pill, agent or drug causing sleep |
dextérité, f, (:dexterity) | skill, cleverness, artfulness, readiness / (etym. Gk dexios: right, clever, skillful |
faille, f | break, rupture, interruption, pause |
reprocher à qn qc | to 'blame' sb for sth, put the blame on sb for sth, rebuke, reproach, reprove |
il s'est rendu compte de son erreur | he understood his error |
suite à qc | following sth, with reference to sth, (syn quant à) |
s'ingérer de | to interfere with, intervene, to get mixed up with sth without having the right, ingest, (etym. into+carry) |
même | even |
chevelure, f | hair, hair as a whole, eg une bell ~ |
lot, m | prize (in a lottery) / batch, parcel, lot, potion, part of a whole |
barème, m | scale, dial / marking scheme / (syn échelle) |