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tobacco/alcohol 8th
Term | Definition |
nicotine | highly addictive drug found in all tobacco products |
carbon monoxide | a gas that makes it hard for the blood to carry oxygen |
tar | a sticky substance that can coat the airways and can cause cancer |
types of tobacco | cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, clove cigarettes, bidis, snuff |
chronic effects | consequences that remain with a person for a long time |
effects of smoking | bad breath, yellow teeth, dulled taste buds, shortness of breath |
environmental tobacco smoke | secondhand smoke, the mix of exhaled smoke and smoke from the end of a lit cigarette |
legal age for smoking | 18 |
cancer | a disease in which damaged cells grow out of control and destroy healthy tissue |
chronic bronchitis | a disease in which the lining of the airways becomes very swollen and irritated |
emphysema | a disease in which the tiny air sacs and walls of the lungs are destroyed |
cardiovascular diseases | diseases of the circulatory system, includes heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke |
smoking related cardiovascular disease deaths per year | 150,000 |
non smoker deaths per year exposed to ETS | 30,000 per year |
tolerance | the process of the body getting used to a drug, need more of something to feel the effects |
physical dependence | a state in which the body needs a drug to function normally |
drug addiction | the inability to control one's use of a drug |
psychological dependence | a state in which you think you need a drug in order to function |
withdrawal | the way in which the body responds when a dependent person stops using a drug |
symptoms of withdrawal | anxiety, irritability, nauseated, headaches, poor concentration |
relapse | to begin using a drug again after stopping for a while |
nicotine replacement therapy | a form of medicine that contains safe amounts of nicotine |
peer pressure | strong influence from a friend or classmates |
central nervous system | consists of the brain and spinal cord, controls speech, thinking, breathing, senses, and motion |
depressant | a drug that slows body functioning |
blood alcohol concentration | amount of alcohol in the bloodstream |
factors that contribute to individual reactions to alcohol | body weight, gender, food in the stomach, alcohol tolerance, |
intoxication | the physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol |
alcohol poisoning | the damage to physical health caused by drinking too much alcohol |
hangover | the uncomfortable physical effects caused by alcohol use |
cirrhosis | a deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with useless scar tissue |
fetal alcohol syndrome | the group of birth defects that affect an unborn baby that has been exposed to alcohol |
inhibition | a mental or psychological process that restrains your actions, emotions, and thoughts |
internal pressure to drink | curiosity, to be accepted into a group, to fit in, low self-esteem |
external pressure to drink | advertisements, family, targeted marketing |
alcoholism | a disease in which a person is physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol |
recovery | learning to live without alcohol |