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What is Erikson's psychosocial conflict of late adulthood?
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what is the major task to overcome Erikson's psychosocial conflict of late adulthood?
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Dev. Psych Final

What is Erikson's psychosocial conflict of late adulthood? ego integrity vs despair
what is the major task to overcome Erikson's psychosocial conflict of late adulthood? coming to terms with ones life
What are the three tasks of ego integrity? 1) ego differentiation vs. work-role preoccupation 2) body transcendence vs body preoccupation 3) ego transcendence vs ego precoccupation
In this task of ego integrity, one must learn to be content with their self-worth without relying on affirmation from their work ego differentiation vs work-role preoccupation
in this task of ego integrity, one must not be preoccupied with all the pains in their body, but learn to live and not be preoccupied by their physical limitations body transcendence vs body preoccupation
In this task of ego integrity, the elderly must learn to accept death rather than fearing it ego transcendence vs. ego preoccupation
telling stories about people, events, thoughts and feelings from the past. reminiscence
This type of reminiscence can often deepen despair. It happens when elderly focus too much on painful experiences from the past self-focused
This type of reminiscence solidifies relationships and is directed with social goals. other-focused
This type of reminiscence helps solve problems and helps to teach younger people. knowledge-based
This type of reminiscence is the consideration of the meaning of past experiences for greater understanding. life review
What are the shifting characteristics of personality in late adulthood? more agreeable, less sociable, greater acceptance of change
In this stage of faith development, there is a fantasy period about stories, kids learn right from wrong intuitive-projective
in this stage of faith development, kids internalize stories from their faith and take everything literally mythic-literal
In this stage of faith development, the adolescent finds a values basis for their identity synthetic-conventional
In this stage of faith development, the adult reflects on beliefs and values and sees that they only see through one worldview individuative-reflective
In this stage of faith development, people realize that faith encompasses all mankind conjunctive
What are the factors in psychological well-being in late adulthood? control vs dependency, health, negative life changes, social support, social interaction
what group is the highest suicide risk? white males over 40
In this script, aides attend immediately to help the person do what they can't do alone dependency-support script
in this script, the aides do everything, even what the person can do themselves, due to time constraints. independence-ignore script
These two scripts work together to reinforce dependency in patients. dependency-support script and independence ignore script
What are the three social theories of aging? disengagement theory, activity theory, and socioemotional selectivity theory
Over __% people in late adulthood in the U.S. say religion is "very important" and over __% attend services 75%, 50%
Created by: TaterTot



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