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Structure and Function of hip

what are the 5 parts that make up the osteology of the hip? ilium, ischium, pubis, acetabulum , femur
what is another name for the pelvis? innominate because it is made up of 2 bones
what bone makes up the posterior pelvis? sacrum
what is the name of the joint that makes up the sacrum? SCIJ
where is the iliac crest located? superior edge of illum
where is the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) located? tips located below waistline
where is anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) located? inferior and medial to ASIS
sartorus and inguinal ligament are attachment sites for ? ASIS
what is the proximal attachment site for AIIS? rectus femoris
the posterior end of iliac crest; lower back dimples PSIS
the inferior portion of ilium located posteromedial to ishial spine is? greater sciatic notch
medial surface of ilium ; shaped like a bowl is iliac fossa
this fossa is the attachment site for iliacus muscles. what is it? iliac fossa
lower back of the pelvis; located at ischial spine, lateral sacrum and coccyx. what is this ligament? sacrospinous ligament
a triangular ligament in the lower back part of pelvis. what is this ligament? sacrotuberous ligament
ischial spine is located above the _______? lesser sciatic notch
ischial tuberosity is located at th bottom of the donut inferior to the lesser sciatic notch? obturator foramen
what attaches at the ischial tuberosity? hamstrings
ischial ramus is medial to the _______ __________? ischial tuberosity
superior pubic ramus is located on a lateral view medial above ______ _______? pubic tubercule
on a lateral view the inferior pubic ramus is located medial below the ________ _________? pubic tubercule
pubic crest runs vertically beside the _______ __________ pubic symphysis
the joint between the pubic is _______ ________ pubic symphysis
obturator foramen is located on the ________ pubis
a cup shaped structure enclosing the head of the femur, formed by the combination of all 3 pelvis bones is the_______ acetabulum
acetabulum has a ________ surface lunate
ligamentum teres is in the______ of the femur fovea
osteoporosis can cause the _______ to become weak or fractured femur
the greater trochanter is the attachment site for iliopsoas
the greater trochanter can cause the foot to do 2 motions. what are they? internal/ external rotation
the lesser trochanter is under the ______ of the femur neck
on the posterior side shaped like a "V" at the bottom between the greater trochanter and neck is the_________ _______\ intertrochanteric crest
lateral to the lesser trochanter is the__________ _________ intertrochanteric line
between the neck and greater trochanter is the ________ _________ trochanteric fossa
Linda aspera is a ______ on the side that looks like a vein running the length of femur ridge
pectineal line is under the _______ trochanter lesser
the frontal plane angle created between the femoral neck and the shaft of the femur is called ______ ______ _________ angle of inclination
angle of inclination measures about _______ degrees for optimal hip alignment. 125 degree
coax valga is ______ 125 degrees (knot kneed) greater than
coax vara is _______ 125 degrees (bow legged) less than
_________ ________ ________ directs the shaft of the femur medially ; posturing the knee joint directly under the weight of the body. angle of inclination
femoroacetabular joint and extrovert ligamentous network is part of _______ of ____ __________ arthrology of the hip
name 4 structures of instrinsic hip supporting structures. transverse acetabular ligament, ligamentum teres, acetabular labrum , articular cartilage
name 3 extrinsic hip supporting structures. iliofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, pubofemorial ligament
name the ligament shaped in a "Y" and it is a extrinsic hip supporter structure. iliofemoral ligament
how many degrees of motion are allowed at the femoroacetabular joint? 3
iliofemoral ligament is the ________ ligament in the body and it limits_______ thickest and extension
ischiofemoral ligament limits_________ and _________ extention and internal rotation
pubofemorial ligament limits _________ and __________ abduction and extension
what are the 6 motions of femoroacetabular joint? flexion/ extension, abduction/ adduction, IR/ ER
what type of joint is the femoroacetabular joint? ball n socket
open chain hip motion is ? femur moves on pelvis
kinematic strategies _________ trunk displacement through closed chain hip motion maximize
pelvic -on-femoral movement is long arc
closed chain hip motion is _____ _________. it does _______ , ________ and ______ hike motions. short arc, anterior and posterior tilt, hip
hip flexion is _______ degrees 120 degrees
anterior pelvic tilt is _______ degrees 30 degrees
hip extention is _______ degrees 20 degrees
hip abduction is ______ - _______ degrees (lateral flexion/ hip hike) 0-40 degrees
hip adduction is ______-_________ degrees (hip drop) 0-25 degrees
hip IR is ______ -________ degrees 0-35 degrees
hip ER is ______ -_______ degrees 0-45 degrees
which concave- convex rule occurs with abduction , adduction , IR, ER of the hip?
what affects hip flexors? sitting
joint immobilization is always _______ pack closed
hip flexors (some exceptions) and knee extensors are innervated by ______ nerve? femoral nerve
hip adductors are innervated by _________ nerve obturator nerve
tibial portion; hamstrings (most ) and extensor head of the adductor Magnus is innervated by _________ nerve sciatic nerve
common peroneal position; short head of the biceps femoris is innervated by_________ nerve sciatic nerve
gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, tensor facia lata are innervated by _______ nerve superior gluteal nerve
gluteus Maximus is innervated by ________ nerve inferior gluteal nerve
the largest nerve in the body is? sciatic nerve
femoroacetabular joint open packed position is ______ flexion, _______ abduction, slight ER. 30 degrees, 30 degrees
femoroacetabular joint closed pack position is _________; ________ extention, abduction, IR. bony : _______ flexion , slight ________ , slight ________ ligamentous,; full 90 degrees , abduction, ER
erector spinae and hip flexors work as a _______ ________ force couple
lordosis is an example of ______ _________ _______ anterior pelvic tilt
gluteus maximus in close chain is more knee________ extention
hip flexors increase ___________ lordosis
trendenlenburg sign deals with? hip abductors
hip pointer is common in? sports
name the 4 primary hip flexors. iiliopsoas ( psoas major and iliacus), rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fascia E latae
force couple involving the hip flexors during an _______ ________ _________ anterior pelvic tilt
gluteus Maximus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris (long head), adductor magnus (extensor head) are primary? hip extensors
posterior pelvic tilt is produced by a force-couple created by ? abdominal muscles and hip extensors
gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, and tensor facia latae are primary? hip abductors
pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and gracilis are primary ? hip adductors
gluteus medius (anterior fibers), gluteus minimus, tensor fascia latae are primary? hip IR
gluteal Maximus, sartorius, pisiformis , gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator internus, obturator externus and quadratus femoris are primary? hip ER
a ______ is used to reduce force production requirements of hip abductors, reducing compressive forces that may further injure the joint. cane
by using a cane in the hand ________ the affected hip, the pelvis can be held level which will reduce the compressive forces on the hip joint. opposite hand
what common posture predisposes individuals to have hip flexion contracture ? sitting
what type of pelvic tilt does sitting create? anterior pelvic tilt
what happens to the lumbar spine? increases lordosis
_______ _________ are often employed to reduce large forces crossing a painful or weaken hip. therapeutic measures
severe bruise caused by trauma to the iliac crest is hip pointer
usually due to osteoarthritis ; a surgery is involved . what is the surgery called? total hip replacement
weakness of the hip abductors are a sign of? trendenlenburg
performed in single leg stand, looking for a level pelvis is a sign of? trendenlenburg
tightness of the pisiform thought to cause excessive compression of the sciatic nerve is what kind of syndrome? pisiformis syndrome
femoral head necrosis, usually seen in children 5-10 years of age and may take 2-4 years for head to die , revascularize, and remodel are signs of what diseases? legg- calve'-perthes disease
seen in childhood growth spurts and proximal epiphysis slips from its normal position on the femoral head is ? slipped capital femoral epiphysis
common in elderly falls, occurs in younger adults secondary to trauma (motor vehicle accident) and interochanteric or femoral neck are signs of ? hip fractures
Created by: Shannon10
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