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med term breakdown

prefixes, roots, suffixes

a, an- no, not, without
ab- away from
ad- toward
ante- before, forward
anti- against
auto- self
dia- complete, through
dys- bad, painful, difficult
eu- good, well, easily
endo- within
epi- above, upon
ex/exo- out, outside, outward
hemo- blood
hyper- above, excessive
hypo- deficient, below
inter- between
intra- within
micro- small
mono- one, single
multi- many
neo- new
nulli- none
per- through
pre- before, infront of
peri- around, surrounding
post- after, behind
poly- many
semi- one half, partly
sub- under, below
super- above
trans- through
bi- two
tri- three
abdomin/o abdomen
adreno adrenal gland
angio vessal (blood)
appendico appendix
arterio artery
arthro joint
audio ear, hearing, sense of hearing
bi/o life
broncho bronchial tube
carcino cancer, cancerous
cardio heart
chol/e bile, gall
colo/colono colon (large intestine)
cranio skull
cyto cell
corono heart
dermo/dermato skin
encephalo brain
entero intestines, usually small
gastro stomach
gonado gonad, sex glands
hemo/hemato blood
hepato liver
lipo fat
litho stone
lympho lymph
mammo breast
masto breast
myo muscle
myelo bone marrow, spinal cord
naso nose
nato birth
decro death
nephro kidney
neuro nerve
neo new
onco tumor
oophoro ovary
ophthalmo eye
oro mouth
orch, orchi, orchido testicle, testis
ortho straight, normal, correct
osteo bone
oto ear
ovario ovary
peso child
phelbo vein
pleuro pleura (membranes surrounding lung)
pneumo, pneumono air, lung
pulmono lung
pyo pus
reno kidney
rhino nose
sclero white of eye (hard)
spleno spleen
tracheo trachea, widpipe
teno, tendo, tendino tendon
thrombo clot
om/o shoulder
tonsillo tonsils
veno vein
-ac, al, an, ar, ary pertaining to
-algia pain
-algesia painful, pain sense
-cyte cell
-cele hernia
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-dynia pain
-ectomy surgical removal of all or part of
-emia blood condition
-gram record
-graph instrument for recording
-graphy process of recording
-ic, ical pertaining to
-itis inflammation
-malacia soft, soft condition
-megaly enlarged
-necrosis tissue death
-oma abnormal tumour
-osis abnormal condition
-otomy cut into, incision
-ostomy new opening
-opsy to view
-ologist a specialist, in the study of
-ology study of
-pathy disease
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasia formation, development
-plasty surgical repair
-ptosis drooping, prolapse, fall, sag
-ptysis spitting
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhage excess flow of blood
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis hardening
-scope instrument to view or visually examine
-scopy process of viewing or visual examination
-stenosis narrowing
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy process of cutting
Created by: missicole
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