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La familia
family vocabulary
Question | Answer |
Mi madre se llama Ángela. | My mom's name is Ángela. |
Mis hermanas se llaman Anita y Marisol. | My sisters' names are Anita and Marisol. |
el, la, los, las | "the" (singular, plural + gender) |
un, una, unos, unas | "a" or "some" (singular, plural + gender) |
mi, mis | "my" (singular, plural) |
de | "of"/"from |
mi abuelo | my grandfather |
mi abuela | my grandmother |
mi bisabuelo | my great-grandfather |
mi bisabuela | my great-grandmother |
el esposo/la esposa de... | the husband/wife of... |
mi novio | my boyfriend |
mi novia | my girlfriend |
mi padre/mi papá | my father/dad |
mi madre/mi mamá | my mother/mom |
mi padrastro | my stepfather |
mi madrastra | my stepmother |
mi hermano | my brother |
mi hermana | my sister |
mi hermano mayor | my older brother |
mi hermana mayor | my older sister |
mi hermano menor | my younger brother |
mi hermana menor | my younger sister |
mi hermanastro | my stepbrother |
mi hermanastra | my stepsister |
mi medio hermano | my half-brother |
mi media hermana | my half-sister |
el hijo/la hija de... | the son/daughter of... |
el hijo único | the only son |
la hija única | the only daughter |
el nieto/la nieta de... | the grandson/granddaughter of... |
mi cuñado | my brother-in-law |
mi cuñada | my sister-in-law |
mi sobrino | my nephew |
mi sobrina | my niece |
mi tío | my uncle |
mi tía | my aunt |
mi primo | my cousin (boy) |
mi prima | my cousin (girl) |
mi familia | my family |
el/la pariente | the relative |
los padres, mis padres | the parents, my parents |
los hermanos, mis hermanos | the siblings (or just brothers), my siblings (or just brothers) |
los nietos | the grandchildren |
la nuera | the daughter-in-law (not on family vocab quiz) |
el yerno | the son-in-law (not on family vocab quiz) |
el suegro de... | the father-in-law (not on family vocab quiz) of... |
la suegra de... | the mother-in-law (not on family vocab quiz) of... |
mi padrino | my godfather (not on family vocab quiz) |
mi madrina | my godmother (not on family vocab quiz) |