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Individual herbs

Herbs that release the exterior

Properties of Ma Huang Acrid, slightly bitter & warm
Properties of Gui Zhi Acrid, sweet & warm
Properties of Zi Su Ye Acrid, aromatic & warm
Properties of Jing Jie Acrid & slightly warm
Properties of Fang Feng Acrid, sweet & slightly warm
Properties of Qiang Huo Acrid, bitter, aromatic & warm
Properties of Gua Ben Acrid & warm
Properties of Bai Zhi Acrid & warm
Properties of Xi Xin Acrid & warm
Properties of Sheng Jiang Acrid & slightly warm
Properties of Ma Cong Bai Acrid & warm
Properties of Xiang Ru Acrid, aromatic & slightly warm
Properties of Cang Er Zi Sweet, bitter, warm & toxic
Properties of Xin Yi Acrid & warm
Actions & Indications of Ma Huang 1. Induces sweating & release the Exterior, wind cold excess 2. Disseminates Lung qi & calms wheezing (asthma) 3. Promotes urination & reduces edema
Actions & Indications of Gui Zhi Release exterior wind cold def, Assist heart yang & unblocks yang qi, short of breath chest pain, warms the channel, directs turbid qi downward, adjust ying & wei qi
Actions & Indications of Zi su ye Release exterior & disperse cold, promotes the movement of qi, calms the restless fetus, resolves sea food poisoning
Actions & Indications of Jing Je Releases the exterior & expels wind cold & wind heat, vents rash alleviates itching for initial stage, stops bleeding mild
Actions & Indications of Fang Feng Releases the exterior wind cold, expelts wind dampness & alleviates pain, Expels internal wind & relieves spasms
Actions & Indications of Qiang Huo Release the exterior Tia yang pattern, unblock painful obstruction
Actions & Indications of Gao Ben Discharges exterior conditions wind cold, Dispels wind, overcomes damp & alleviates pain, headache, acute lower back pain
Actions & Indications of Bai Zhi Expels wind, eliminates dampness, unblocks nasal congestion & alleviates pain, reduces swelling & expels pus,
Actions & Indications of XI XIN Release the exterior wind cold, dispels wind relieves pain, warms the lung transforms mucus, unblocking & facilitating the orifices
Actions & Indications of Sheng Jiang Release the exterior wind cold, warms middle burner & alleviates vomiting, warms the lung & stops coughing, resolves toxicity
Actions & Indications of Cong Bai Release the exterior wind cold, induce sweating early stage
Actions & Indications of Xiang Ru Release the exterior wind cold, during summer & accomanied by dampness, promotes urination & reduces swelling
Actions & Indications of CANG ER ZI Disperses wind & dampness, opens nasal passages, allergies
Actions & Indications of XIN YI Expels wind cold & unblocks the Nasal passages
Actions & Indications of Bo He Disperses wind heat, benefits the head eyes & throat, vents rash early stage, Allows liver qi to flow freely, expels turbid filth
Actions * Indications of Niu bang zi Disperses wind heat & benefits the throat, resolves toxicity & vents rashes, moistens the intestine
Actions & Indications of chan tui Disperses wind & clears heat, vents rashes early stages, clears the eyes, stops spasms & extiguishes wind
Actions & Indications of sang ye Disperses & scatter wind heat, calms the liver & clears the eyes, clears the lung & moisten dryness, cool blood & stops bleeding
Actions & Indications of Ju Hua Disperses wind & clears heat, calms the liver & clears the eyes & wind used for HBP, resolves the toxicity
Actions & Indications of Man Jing zi Disperses wind & clears heat, clears & benefits the head & eyes, drains dampness & dispels wind
Actions & Indications of Dan dou chi Release the exterior both hot & cold, eliminates irritability
Actions & Indications of Mu zei Disperses wind heat, clears the eyes, clears heat & stops bleeding
Actions & Indications of Ge gen Discharge exterior conditions & releases the muscles, relieves thirst & generates fluids, vents & discharges measles, Raises the yang & stops diarrhea, treats symptoms of hypertension
Actions & Indications of Chai Hu Relieves lesser yang (shao yang) disorder, spread liver qi & releives constraint, raises & lifts the yang qi
Actions & Indications of Sheng Ma Discharges exterior conditions and vents measles, Clears heat & resolves toxicity, raises yang & lifts what has sunken
Created by: mishkasch
Popular Acupuncture sets




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