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Small Business One that is independently owned and operated for profit and is not dominant in its field
Advantages to Small Business Personal relations, ability to adapt to change, Independence
Disadvantages to Small Business Risk of failure, limited potential, limited ability to raise capital
Contributions small business makes to the economy Providing technical innovation, providing employment, providing competition, filling needs
Money that is invested in small (and sometimes struggling) firms that have potential to become successful Venture Capital
What is SBA Small Business Administration, Government agency that assists, counsels, and protects the interests of small business in the United States
What are the two types of mergers Horizontal: similar products/ similar markets Vertical: operate at different but related production
SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives: group of business people who volunteer their services to small businesses through SBA
When management and board of directors of a firm targeted for acquisition disapprove of a merger Hostile Takeover
A study of right and wrong in the choices individuals make? (acceptable and ethical behavior) Code of Ethics
What is the law of protecting employees who report corporate misconduct Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Guide to acceptable and ethical behavior as defined by the organization Code of Ethics
Informing the press or government officials about unethical practices within one's organization Whistle Blowing
What is social responsibility Recognition that business activities have an impact on society and the consideration of that impact in business decision making
3 examples of social responsibility Clean Energy, donate to the community, donate to charity
A market economy is referred to as Free Market
Capitalism Individuals own and operate the majority of business that provide goods and services (USA)
Communism gov. owns everything (North Korea)
Socialist Collective governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods (Ireland)
What are the four factors of production Land,Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship
Person who risks time and effort Entrepreneur
What is the contamination of land, water, and air Pollution
Business owned and operated by one person Sole proprietorship
Gov. agency that provides ownership for minority own business SBA
License to operate an individually owned business as though it were part of a chain of outlets or stores Franchise
What is the Federal Reserve and who is in charge Janet Yellen, central banking of the United States, Regulate interest rates
3 rights a franchise has use of trademarks, use of brand image, use of secret methods
3 obligations a franchise has observe minimum operating house, pay franchise fee, follow the accounting system
University based groups that provide individual counseling and practical training to owners of small business SBDC's, Small Business Development Centers
Created by: sjohnson32



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