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Chumash Test 1/4/16
Question | Answer |
What sins was Bnei Yisrael doing? | עבודה זרה וזרו את בנות מואב |
How many people died? | 24,000 |
How did Pinchas settle the anger of Hashem? | He killed the people that were sinning. |
Why didn't Moshe do this? | Hashem wanted to show that Moshe was mortal. |
How many times in the Torah does Moshe not know what to do? | 5 |
Why was Pinchas the one who did this? | He was a peaceful guy so people would take it seriously. |
Who did Pinchas kill? | זמרי וכזבי |
What reward did Pinchas get? | ברית שלום |
What does רש"י think the ברית שלום is? | Hashem is offering Pinchas the friendship that Pinchas showed Hashem.(BFF) |
What does the חזקוני think the ברית שלום is? | He is giving him peace from the families of Zimri and Kazbi. |
What does the ספורנו think the ברית שלום is? | Hashem is giving Pinchas peace from the angle of death. This means that Pinchas will either die at a old age or that he will never die. |
What does the נציב think the ברית שלום is? | Sometimes when you do something bad, your character changes and becomes worse. Hashem is allowing him to stay peaceful even though he just killed someone. |
Who is commanded in the first 2 pesukim in the 26th perek? | Moshe and Elazar |
What are Moshe and Elazar commanded to do? | They are commanded to count Bnei Yisrael. |
Who commands them? | Hashem |
Why are they commanded to count Bnei Yisrael? | Hashem wants to show that everyone counts and that they are all important. |
What is Rashi's question when it says that there were no men that were still alive from the time of the Miraglim? | What about the women? |
What is Rashi's answer? | The women were not counted in the decree. |
What can we learn from this Rashi? | Love of the Land |