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Semester 1 Review-Va

Semester 1 Review-Vasseur

le poulet chicken
une poubelle trash can
veut wants
regarde looks
dit says
tombe falls
vole flies
marche walks
un canard en plastique a rubber ducky
un canard a duck
court runs
nage swims
une vache a cow
un magasin a store
je suis desole I'm sorry
je ne sais pas I don't know
un magasin de jouets a toy store
il y a there is
sur on
non no
oui yes
riche rich
un chat a cat
un singe a monkey
l'homme the man
beaucoup d'argent a lot of money
arrete stop
fache angry
ecoute listens
ferme closed
ouvert open
un banc a bench
un parc a park
ici here
Il s'appelle his name is
Noel Christmas
madame ma'am
Elle s'appelle Her name is
monsieur sir
s'il vous plait please
bonjour hello
dans in
saute jumps
merci Thank you
pleure cries
met puts
danse dances
baguette a popular French bread
galette des rois (King cake) eaten on January 6th (Kings' Day)
at least 32 countries French speaking countries
The Eiffel Tower Built in 1889 for the World's Fair
Le Louvre a popular museum in Paris. Mona Lisa is here.
Musee d'Orsay a popular museum in Paris where Monet's Waterlilies can be seen.
Created by: faystonfrench
Popular French sets




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