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Gerst Dev. Child 6

Questions based on Chapter 6 of The Developing Child

A baby should be delivered how soon after the amniotic sac has ruptured? 24 to 48 hours
When is a baby considered to be premature? Born before reaching 37 weeks of development and weighing less than 5 lbs. 8 oz.
What can doctors do to stop a woman's premature labor? Use medication
What happens during the 3rd stage of labor? A woman gets rid of the placenta
What is the type of anesthesia called which is injected into a woman's lower back to numb the lower half of the body? Epidural block
What is bonding? Forming an emotional tie between parents and child which begins as soon as a baby is born
How dan a doctor induce or start labor, if necessary? Medication or puncturing the amniotic sac
What device is used to monitor a baby during labor? Ultrasound
Which stage of labor is usually the longest? First
What is the cervix? The lower part of the uterus
What is the birth canal? The passageway through the pelvis and out of the vagina
If a baby will be breast-fed, when does a mother begin nursing? Right after the baby is born
What is colostrum? High-calorie, high-protein early breast milk which satisfies a baby's appetite and protects against illness
Why do medical professionals monitor the fetus during labor and contractions? To be sure the baby is not under stress
What is a sign of false labor? Irregular or non rhythmic contractions
Why might a doctor induce labor? The baby has been slow to develop, the baby is still in the womb after 42 weeks, or the amniotic sac has broken and labor doesn't begin on its own
What does vernix do? It protects the baby from exposure to amniotic fluid
What is the purpose of the mucus plug that seals the cervix during pregnancy? It keeps bacteria from entering the uterus
What is the typical size of a uterus that is fully dilated? 4 inches
What instrument do doctors sometimes use to grab the baby and guide its movement during birth? A forceps
When a baby is in the uterus, its lungs are what? Collapsed
What are fontanels? Open spaces on the baby's head where the bones are not yet joined so that it is easier for the baby's head to move through the birth canal.
When is the neonatal period? The first month after birth
What is postpartum depression? A condition in which a new mother feels very sad and is either overly anxious about the baby or has little interest in the baby
What likely causes postpartum depression? Physical and emotional changes that a mother goes through after birth
What is cord blood? Blood in the umbilical cord and placenta following birth
What is a cesarean birth? When a baby is delivered through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen
What is the rating system called by which newborns are evaluated? APGAR
What are contractions? TIghtening and releasing of muscles of the uterus
What is jaundice? Baby's skin and eyes look slightly yellow
Why does jaundice occur? The liver cannot remove bilirubin from the blood
What specialist helps a mother learn to breast-feed her baby? Lactation consultant
What is "rooming-in"? The baby remains with the mother during the hospital stay
What things are checked using the Apgar scale? Heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, response to stimulation, skin color
Why might a baby be placed under ultraviolet light? The baby's skin absorbs the ultraviolet light. This helps the baby's skin to change the bilirubin into a form that can be eliminated from the baby's kidneys. This is necessary to eliminate jaundice which, if left untreated, can damage the nervous system.
What signs that indicate false labor? Contractions are not regular or rhythmic, contractions do not get stronger over time, contractions end with light exercise
What are signs of premature labor? It has been 37 weeks or less and there are contractions every 10 minutes or less; there is a constant, dull backache; or there is leaking fluid or blood
What are signs of true labor? Woman has had a few drops of blood stain, they feel a gush of warm fluid, and have contractions which come at regular intervals; they increase in strength, length, and frequency; they last for about 30 seconds and occur up to 20 minutes apart.
When is a woman in "active labor"? Contractions last about 60 seconds and occur 2 to 5 minutes apart
What are some ways parents can bond with their newborn? Hold the baby, place baby on mother's stomach, touch and talk to the baby, look into the baby's eyes, stroke the baby's cheeks, use a baby carrier, sing or read to the baby, let the baby handle you, allow dad time with the baby, play with the baby
What should parents consider when choosing a childbirth class? The teacher, teacher's philosophy agrees with yours, the size of the class, the format of the class, time in class to practice the techniques
Created by: rebeccagerst
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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