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Medical Terminology
Week 1 - Basic Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
ab | away from |
a | without or no |
an | without or no |
ad | toward |
anti | against |
dys | difficult, painful or bad |
eu | good, easy or normal |
endo | within or inside |
ex/exo | without, out of, outside or away from |
endo | within or inside |
ecto | outside |
hyper | elevated, higher or more than normal |
hypo | depressed, lower or less than normal |
inter | between |
intra | within |
poly | many or excessive |
oligo | scant or little |
pre | before |
post | after |
sub | below, under, less or decreased |
super/supra | above, beyond or excessive |
epi | upper |
extra | outside |
infra | below or beneath |
meta | beyond |
per | throughout |
trans | across |
ultra | above, increased or more than normal |
pan | all |
-penia | deficiency or reduction in number |
-tomy | cutting into or incision |
-stomy | surgically created opening |
-ectomy | surgical removal or excision |
-pexy | suture to stabilize |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas |
-gram | record of |
-graph | instrument that records |
-graphy | procedure that records |
-lysis | separation or breakdown |
-scope | instrument to visually examine |
-scopy | procedure to visually examine |
-therapy | treatment |
-rrhagia/-rrahge | bursting forth |
-rrhaphy | to suture |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-rrhea | flow, discharge |
-algia/-dynia | pain |
-itis | inflammation |
-malacia | abnormal softening |
-megaly | enlargement |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-pathy | disease |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening |
-um | structure |
oste(o) | bone |
myo/sarco | muscle |
neur(o) | nerves |
derm- | skin |
angi(o) | blood vessels |
ven(o)/phleb(o) | veins |
cardi(o) | heart |
rhin(o) | nose |
tympan | eardrum |
neph | kidney |
cran(i) | skull |
opthalm/ocul(o) | eye |
oto | ear |
thromb(o) | blood clot |
hepat(o) | liver |
mamm(o) | breast |
colo | large intestine |
gastro | stomach |
ileo | small intestine |
thorac(o) | chest |
pneumo/pleuro | lu |
micro | small |
macro | large |
tachy- | fast or rapid |
brady- | slow or reduced |
chloro- | green |
leuk- | white |
eryth- | red |
cyan- | blue |
echo | using ultrasonic waves |
-emia | blood condition |
-pathy | disease |