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Hackers 8day

Hackers Vocab.08

acquaintance associate, companion" 친구
acquire secure, gain, earn" 얻다
affection attachment, amity, love" 애정
agree assent, accede, concede" 동의하다
alert attentive, vigilant, wary" 경계하는
alliance association, coalition, union" 동맹
amplify enlarge, expand, magnify" 늘리다
ardor eagerness, zeal, passion" 열정
ascribe attribute, impute, refer" ~의 탓으로 돌리다
authorize empower 권한을 부여하다
authorize allow, permit" 허락하다
collect assemble, amass, aggregate" 모으다
compensate atone, offset" 보상하다
confirm assure, verify" 확신하다
effective efficacious, efficient, effectual" 효과적인
embarrass confuse, perplex" 당황하게 하다
empower authorize, warrant, permit, enable" 자격을 주다
gathering assembly, convocation, congregation" 모임
gracious benign, courteous, polite" 상냥한
greedy avaricious, desirous, covetous" 욕심 많은
increase augment, enlarge, escalate" 늘리다
loom emerge, appear, take shape" 어렴풋이 나타나다
painstaking assiduous, diligent" 근면한
passionate zealous, enthusiastic, earnest" 열정적인
perplex confuse, puzzle" 당혹케 하다
pleasing attractive, agreeable" 마음에 드는
primary fundamental, elementary, basic" 근본적인
proper fit, suitable, adapted" 적당한
retaliate avenge, revenge" 복수하다
serve suit, suffice, answer" 도움이 되다
shrewd astute, keen, acute, clever" 예리한
soften soothe, alleviate, ease" 완화하다
stand endure, bear, tolerate" 참다
strive try, endeavor, struggle" 노력하다
supply furnish, provide, replenish" 공급하다
suppose assume, presume" 가정하다
surprise amaze, astound, startle, astonish" 놀라게 하다
treat serve, handle, deal(with)
undertake assume 떠맡다
zenith apex, peak, tip" 정점
Created by: msyang98
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