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Hackers 15day

Hackers Vocab.15

affluent rich, opulent" 부유한
avenge revenge 복수하다
corrupt rotten, spoiled" 부패한
critic reviewer, judge" 비평가
decent nice, proper, modest" 겸손한
disciple pupil, student, scholar" 제자
disclose reveal, divulge, unveil" (사실 등을) 밝히다
dominant ruling, prevailing, prevalent" 지배적인
effect influence, result, consequence, outcome" 결과
eradicate root up, extirpate, eliminate, remove" 근절하다
expend use, consume, spend" 쓰다, 소비하다"
harsh severe, rigorous, inclement" 가혹한
heritage inheritance 유산
income revenue, gain, earnings" 소득
insolent impudent, impertinent, rude, overbearing, arrogant" 거만한
isolation separation, segregation" 분리
jeopardy risk, danger, peril" 위험
ludicrous ridiculous, comical, funny" 우스꽝스러운
mature ripe, grown, fully-developed" 성장한, 익은"
mock ridicule, deride" 조롱하다
mutiny revolt, rebellion, uprising" 폭동
precious valuable, dear, priceless" 귀중한
regulation rule, order, law" 규칙
reign rule, govern, prevail" 지배하다
revert return, come back, revisit" 되돌아가다
spacious ample, capacious, roomy, extensive" 넓은
revive revitalize 소생(회복)시키다
recommend commend 추천하다
strange unusual, peculiar, odd, weird, foreign" 이상한
strict rigid, rigorous, stringent" 엄격한
swift speedy, fleet, rapid" 빠른
swivel spin, rotate, turn" 회전하다
tense rigid, strained, nervous" 긴장한
traitor betrayer 반역자
undermine ruin, thwart" 약화시키다
upset capsize, overthrow, overturn, defeat" 뒤엎다, 정복하다"
upset disturb, distress, perturb" 당황하게 하다
virtuous righteous, good, chaste" 정숙한
wake rouse, waken, arouse" 깨우다
withdraw retire, retreat" 물러나다
worship revere, respect, venerate" 숭배하다
Created by: msyang98
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